Mary, I hope that all goes well with your Tax and that your sons op goes ok.
At the last meet lunch was suggested for the next meet. What does everyone think of that and are there any suggestions for a venue. Is it worth putting it back a week if you’ll be feeling better then Mary?
Hope eveyone is ok.
Nicky x
sorry nicky - missed his post…dohhhh…lunch sounds good…mary x
Has anyone thought of where to go? I know I’m not going to want much in the way of lunch, so somewhere where we can just have a coffee would be appreciated. The reason I suggested the garden centre before was that being near the ring-road it’s easy for everyone to get to from both sides of town, and also there’s no parking issues. There’s also Baileys garden centre, which does a good spread, and is even more convenient (now they’ve put the traffic lights on the roundabout!) Any other suggestions?
Where is Baileys? I can find it if someone lets me know. What time and will you be ok for 31st May Mary? Hope everyone is OK.
Nicky x
It’s not called Bailey’s anymore - I’m showing my age. It’s the one on the very big roundabout on the A5 by-pass, south from the Meole Brace retail park. It has it’s own entrance off the roundabout, and there’s a Little Chef there as well as the garden centre. If people want to have lunch there, what about 1 o/clock?
I know the one you mean - Dobbies. I know exactly where it is.
I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make it now though. Chemo unit is shutting at PRH and although my next chemo is due next Weds they didn’t have an appt available at RSH so it’s been put back until Friday, so don’t know how I’ll be feeling by Sunday. If I can make it 1pm sounds good. In the cafe in the garden centre or the little chef?
Nicky x
The nicer cafe’s in the garden centre - sort of towards the back and to the right. Hope you can make it.
So they are closing the unit at PRH? Never mind, the one at RSH is nice - a big room with eight(?) chairs, nice and sunny, and the nurses and backroom staff are all really nice. Mind you, I had to wait an hour last time because they were running late - but I never go anywhere without a good book!
I’m not sure either for then - chemo due next thurs so will be day 4?? mary x
ps I’m sure rosie womble said she’d come but I think the weekend after that was better for her - will check my messages later…
I couldn’t make it the following weekend, as that will be my chemo week, and judging by the first two rounds I’m still in Swamp Monster mode on the Sunday. Of course that’s always going to be our problem, as we are all out of synch with each other. Never mind, let’s just as many of us as possible make it this time. We can do another one at the end of June, and maybe that will fit more people’s schedule.
I know thats tha trouble eh…I’ll be coming if ok and will be on here anyway to say either way, mary x
Just heard about this from Mary-I can make it and know Dobbies well-just back from holiday so a bit late in replying.Valx
I’ll be there if I can as my chemo has been moved from tomorrow to Friday. I’ll see how I feel on Sunday am and let you know if I’m not up to it(providing I can get on line as I’ll be at the caravan and mobile broadband can be a little tempermental there).
Where exactly are we meeting?I think I’ll know Nicky and Mary but not sure of how to identify the group.Is it the cafe at the back of Dobbies?1pm Sunday-yes?
Looking forward to it,love Valx
That’s right, Val. Look forward to seeing you. I think we may recognise each other by the baldy heads! (OK, scarves and stuff!) If any of us get there sharp on one o/clock we could hand around by the piano (I think it’s still there?) and once we have a bit of a mob we should look fairly identifiable!
Last time I went the piano had gone so maybe the bottom of the ramp?I liked that piano too.
Hi Shropshire people
Although I’m not too far away, just over the Staffs border, this Sunday falls within my peak risk days, so won’t be able to make it on this occasion. Looking forward to a future meet tho!
Those of you in the Radio Shropshire area might like to tune in to Jim Hawkins’ show this coming Monday morning: he is doing an interview with a friend of mine, who is doing a sponsored head shave to raise funds for Breast Cancer Care next week. I’ve been asked to be on the end of a phone line, to put my ten pennorth in at some point, so I’ll try and say hi, (if he gives me the chance!)
Rosie x
ooohhh Rosie - I’ll be tuned in!! A celeb in our midst no doubt - would be good to see you but know what you mean - it’ll be day 4 for me, after last one I was shattered then and slept most of the day but if I feel up to it I’ll be there - I’ll wear my bright orange and pink scarf - no rose between buttocks as I’m still tender!! Haha, mary x
well, see you there then girls…I’m ok for a jaunt and a nose and a bit of something tasty…maryx
nicky, val, linda & sue - great to meet up with you all and had a lovely time…take care all, mary x
Lovely to meet you all - and they do do nice cakes there!