
Hi, this is embarrassing, but i wanted to know if others have had similar problems because at the moment it is driving me crackers.

Last March I had my mastectomy, then in the July my ovaries removed. Then my Father was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer and we have seen him through chemo and radio. I am now on Arimadex.

The hot flushes are less now, but urticuria or hives have taken their place, aching joints/hip and tiredness and weight gain. I have started being sick alot and im afraid when that feeling of fullness or nausea hits me I do help myself be sick and feel better for it.

I have had blood tests and nothing seems to be amiss. The Doctor wants me to talk to someone saying it is not ‘normal’.

Am I now becoming bulimic too? Hope i’m not as I plan to have reconstruction in September using the tummy muscle/fat.

Has anyone else had similar problems or do I need to pull my socks up!!!

Dear AnnieMarie

I think it is very honest and brave of you to admit you think you may have a problem. Perhaps what you are doing makes you feel you have some control about what happens to you, when everything else seems to be out of your control? If your doctor can put you in touch with someone sympathetic and understanding, maybe it would be helpful to talk and say exactly how you are feeling. It seems evident you don’t want to make yourself ill - the fact you are looking forward to your reconstruction is a positive one, so hang on to that thought.

Very best wishes

Whatever is making you sick, whether it is physical or psychological needs to be addressed. Don’t leave it unless of course the being sick stops, if it is the start of bulimia you really don’t want that on top of all the crap you have had to contend with.
You have been though a very trumatic time and maybe it is catching up with you. Your GPs ssuggestion that you see someone is a good idea x

Thank you for your replies. The anti sickness tablets seem to have helped and although I still feel sick at times I am overcoming it. Plus I have started walking and cycling and taking back control of my body. Small steps… xxxx