side effects of chemo E-CMF

Just been sent this from a friend thought it would give you all a smile

This is a specially formulated diet designed to help WOMEN cope with the
stress that builds during the day.

1 Grapefruit
1 slice whole-wheat toast
1 cup skim milk
1 small portion lean, steamed chicken with a cup of spinach
1 cup herbal tea
1 Penguin Biscuit
The rest of the Penguins from the packet
1 tub of Gino Ginelli ice cream with chocolate topping
4 bottles of wine (red or white)
2 loaves garlic bread
1 family size Supreme pizza
3 snickers bars
1 whole cheesecake (eaten directly from the freezer)
“Stressed” spelled backwards is “desserts”
Here’s some advice for you:
Dr. Neil proclaimed the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started.
So I looked around my house to see things I started and hadn’t finished; and, before leaving
this house morning, I finished off a bottle of Pinot, a bottle of Cardonay , a bole of Baileys, a
butle of Kehuha, a pockage of Pinqeuns, tha mainder of bot Prozic and Valum scriptins, the
res of the Chesescke, some kackers an a bax a cholates.

Yu haf no idr who gud I fel.
Luv M xx

Hi everyone

I’ve completed one full cycle of CMF, and am in the wonderful 2-week, treatment-free period - so thought I’d let you know how it’s going.

First dose (Day 1): I had no noticeable side-effects, but about 3 days in I felt tired and lethargic for a couple of days (no way near as bad as on epi, though) but I did find it a struggle to get in for the bloods and assessment prior to the second dose.

Second dose (Day 8): again, no noticeable side-effects until a week later (Wednesday this week) when my face started to get blotchy – and in fact it is now seriously red and blotchy – like all over!!! I’m resembling a dot-dot!!! Aghhhh! I’ve started taking anti-histamines and also using some hydrocortisone and hope that will get rid of it, as I’m going out for a curry on Sat night and really don’t want to go as a walking blotch!!!

I’m getting progressively more tired – feel a bit tired all the time now and start yawning like mad mid-afternoon and struggle to stay awake after 8pm. Hope I don’t fall asleep face-down in my curry!!!

I saw my Onc yesterday, and she said my funny face was “odd” (!), so don’t presume this will happen to you too. She also confirmed that CMF is far less toxic than the epi and that E-CMF is the easiest chemo out there for early stage bc. So aren’t we lucky??!!! FEC is usually given and apparently it’s tougher. The only reason FEC is more widely used is because it’s easier to administer (6 sessions, 3 weekly), rather than the 12 visits we have to make on E-CMF (plus all those additional bloods and assessments).

My centre usually gives FEC and I’m only on E-CMF as I’m on a clinical trial and I got the control arm, which uses E-CMF. If I had the choice, I’m not sure which I’d choose… the faster, nastier FEC versus all those additional needles on E-CMF… hmmmmmm… answers on a postcard, please….

Btw, I’d try that stress-busting diet, if it wasn’t for the chicken and spinach – now how did that sneak in?!

Hope everyone is hanging on in there OK.

Nicola xxx


That was HILARIOUS!!!


Sally xx

btw, forgot to mention that I’m already getting some fine hair growth after only one CMF. Hooray!! Here’s to that scarf/hat bonfire!!!

My wife was totally zonked by the E, but is really getting her life (and hair) back after even the first cycle of CMF …
She is back into reading, is now a Sudoko expert and is even a little argumentative - so that can’t be bad!!!
Only 2 more cycles to go…

The only problem with CMF is - BEWARE THE DREADED CONSTIPATION AND PILES - see earlier ‘Piles’ threads.
Seems to be a common problem and it hit my wife badly but this forum helped enormously - thank you girls

*** lactulose, sennakot and movicol - the combo does the trick - keeping things moving ***

BTW mandally - my wife gave up grapefruit after recently reading that it increased her risk of BC :-((

  • why is it always the things you enjoy that are bad for you?

I have been reading all your entries for a while now but this is my first post, I was diagnosed in July with early BC, I had a lumpectimy and sentinel node biopsy, they thought the margins were not large enough so I had a second op to remove a little skin which turned out all clear anyway.

I am on arm2 of the Tact 2 trial-thats 4 cycles of Epi every 2 weeks with a GSCF (white cell stimulator) and then 4 cycles of normal CMF,

I guess by reading here I am a litle lucky, I flew through the Epi with few side effects, no sickness, no nausea at all, just tired for 4 or 5 days after the treatment, I even stopped taking the steroids after the second day, I lost 90% of my hair after the second Epi, my husband put a witches broom in the Tesco trolley when we went shopping just before Halloween, just as well I have a GSOH!!

I am now on the 1st cycle of the CMF bit and hoping my hair will start to grow again, I am a little tired but again no sickness, just no sleep the night after the treatment. I guess it goes to prove that everyone’s symptoms are different.

Mandally’s diet sounds a lot better than the one my husband keeps making for me! He keeps throwing all kinds of vegatables and fruits through a juicer which I then sip throughout the day, wonder if he would notice if I slipped a little vodka in with them?


I am an Epi- CMF lady too, and had 4 Epis with no problems at all apart from being tired (anbd lost all my hair in week 1) but pretty much carried on walking and horse-riding as usual. What a breeze, I thought what’s all the fuss about? …spoke too soon, just had my first CMF three days ago and it has knocked me for six, felt nauseous all day Saturday and could barely get up out of bed and I am just up today because lying in bed has given me backache, so I guess the lesson is it is different for everyone.

Frozen fresh pineapple juice has been good for my sore mouth, also just sipping water all day from a bottle has helped keep my mouth moist.

Hi Nicola

I have finished my 4epi treatments and am waiting to start my first CMF next Tuesday, with a second dose the following week. I suffered whilst on Epi, with 2 infections through my hickman line,and a clot in my left arm, with a ten day stay in hospital. I have finally had my line removed as it seemed more trouble than it was worth, and I am now on warfarin until the endof my cancer treatment, as if I didnt have enough to cope with!! Anyway, I am a little nervous about the CMF and could certainly do with an easier time for the next few months. It did seem whilst I was in hospital that I hit my lowest point, but I am keeping my fingerscrossed ‘things can only get better’.

I dont tend to suffer with constipation too badly,even when on steroids, (famous last words) but I shall take note of Freddies notes about what to take if it strikes. I like to try bags of nuts and raisins, liquorice and the odd curry to move things on, before taking any tablets.

I had 2 cold cap treatments but stopped for the 3rd and 4th due to my infection and had had enough of prolonging my visit to the onc unit. My hair has gone very thin, but I amhanging on until my hair follicles hopefully close and manage with hats and scarves in the house as I cant get along with my wig.

I will let you know how I get on next week - fingers crossed! Thanks for all your tips girls.

Annabelle xx

My wife persevered with the cold cap throughout the E but only held on to a very narrow ‘Friar’s fringe’ of hair.

Now, 12 weeks after the end of E and waiting for her 3rd session* of CMF her head looks like a coconut - a lot of long whisps of very fine hair and the beginnings of a pigtail at the back!

* The figures don’t add up because like some of you she had time out with infections - see the discussion: Infections anyone else

Is the E bit epirubicin? I was going to have doxorubucin but now will have epi whatsits plus CMF. Which is worst? I will start on Friday next week. Will I need someone with me? do people feel ill straight away? The chemo nurse on the phone said it was unlikely. ALso, will it be an injection? The nurse said it takes about 20 minutes once the prescription has gone through.


Hi everyone, I’ve not been on as I haven’t had the energy. Didn’t get my last chemo as bloods too low and I was exhausted. I was quite relieved not to get it and it has given me last week to recover. I have felt something like normal for the last three days so I am ready to face another lot. A bit like presenting yourself for a good hiding eh! I have got my supplies in - Ginger ale, ginger biscuits, ginger jam, ginger cake - If the EPI doesn’t make me sick the cure might Ha ha. Good news is that next cycle after this is due on Xmas day and they don’t do it on that day so at least I might feel okay to enjoy the fun.

Kentishlass - hope your CMF is going ok and I was thrilled to hear that EPI-CMF was easier - God help those on harder stuff!! I am hoping CMF will be easier but who knows. Let us know how it is going for you. Have you had a look at the insensitive thread great for LOL.

Ruth - If you read the threads you will find that everyone is affected differently and it is a case of wait and see. I get my EPI through a drip in my arm through which the nurse manually and very slowly injects two lots of liquid. It is painless and I didn’t feel anything while getting it. My friend takes me fro my treatment which is good for the company as you may have to wait around for a while, also we live 25 miles from hosp so I don’t feel I could drive there and back on my own although I know some who do. I don’t feel any effects until the next day and the nurses are very good at trying to find the right drugs to help with the effects. I hope it goes well for you.

X to everyone M

Hi there,

I have also encountered the Epi - CMF regime. The Epi bit was awful as experienced a lot of sickness, so much so I was admitted to hospital for one night when each dose was given. They put me on a drip to keep fluids up and gave me a 48 hour sickness injection which helped a bit.

The CMF regime was far easier except it gave me diarrhoea (sorry could not think of a delicate way of putting this). Tried taking imodium but it didn’t work after the second cylcle but found a Kaolin and Morphine mixture worked well. Also a mixture called “J Collis and Browne” was recommneded but I didn’t need to try this one. Thought I’d mention this as being tied to a bathroom can be very annoying.

Best wishes, Pauline

Hello to everyone

Not been on for a while as I’ve started working again and been busy trying to do as much as I can in my two “good” weeks in case of a sudden health crisis… I get really paronoid during my low immune-week and basically hide-away from EVERYONE apart from my partner! It’s awful not knowing what is going to happen, isn’t it? I have the first dose of my second cycle of CMF this Wednesday.

Annabelle - what a terrible time you had with the epi - you must be so glad it’s over. Hope things go well with your first CMF tomorrow. Fingers crossed that you find it loads easier.

Flyright and Sheila - hope you’re both doing OK now?

Ruth - I don’t go on my own to chemo as I always think I feel a bit “funny” directly afterwards. I feel a bit “out of body” and worry that I won’t be safe to drive. It’s probably all in my mind, because I don’t have any real physical symptons directly afterwards… I guess I still feel that this is all so surreal…

Freddie - how did you wife’s 3rd CMF go - as good as the previous 2 (minus the constipation, I hope)? Wish I looked like a coconut - I’m more of a soft cactus-head!

Mandally - WOW! Don’t be our first ginger overdose! Best of luck with the next one… hoping it will be easier for you.

Nicola xxx

Hi to everyone

Had last Epi last week and just starting to come round. My BN tried one vein and it ballooned so she tried another, hand and arm very sore this time. Is that normal?

Hope CMF is easier.


Hi Diane

I don’t think sore arms are unsual. I’ve got a really sore arm too - on the inside of the arm where the arm bends at elbow. I don’t know if it is because of the epi, or because to start with this is where all attempts were made to take my bloods and I got some really bad bruising there. I say attempts… as it’s always taken 2 or 3 attempts to get hold of a vein. I now ask the the phlebotomists to go straight for the hand, as I’m trying to save my arm for the chemo!

Oh well… just another 6 CMFs and 5 more blood-lettings to go!

Let us know how it goes on the CMF.


Hi Nicola. Glad you’ve been able to do some work. Epi ruined the veins in my wife’s arm but she has been getting her life back together again after coming off it and has done a bit of work too. She hasn’t started the 3rd CMF yet as she went neutroneic and had to spend 5 days in hospital so that has set her back a bit. While she was in, the hospital went on black alert (no more admissions) and they had 10 ambulances queued up outside - maybe you saw it on national news? Looks like her low immunity is going to be over Christmas - bit of a bugger isn’t it!


It is helpful reading this thread. I’m off to get my bloods done tomorrow then first Epirubicin on Fri. I must confess I am a bit nervous. I have a very sore arm from my elbow to wrist on inside. Nurse thinks it is cording but doctor worried lymphodema had started. I think it might be a sore vein though after reading this thread as they sruggled to put in the anaesthetic when I had my mastectomy 6 weeks ago. If it is a vein problem, will it get better and is there anything I can do to improve it?

Heres hoping Friday passes with no trouble!

All the best

Had my first CMF yesterday, didnt go too bad, but not looking forward to the second dose next week,then I have to have an injection the next day from the district nurse to boost my bone marrow and to try to produce more whiteblood cells, and reduce the chance of another infection, this is called Neulasta. I had it last month and seemed to do the trick, my down days were less, just 2 or 3, so I recovered quicker, - anything that can help is good in my book. Well no sickness so far, although its early days yet, hoping the diarrhoea doesnt kick in too soon, with me having to go back for a 2nd dose next week, I could do without it, just glad I did most of my Christmas shopping on my good week last week.

Hope everyone has a better week, thats one week close to finishing!!!

Annabelle x

Hi Ruth

Hope first Epi goes ok, I had my last Epi last week.


Hi everyone. had new drug on Tuesday for sickness which seems to be working but relly tired and go indigestion today. Was interested to hear that kentishlass still feels that situation is sureal. I too feel like this is not really happening to me or that I am somehow living in a paralell universe. very strange. I also have difficulty with the wig and looking in the mirror as if the person I see there is not me. Am I losing it or is this just a phase? I wonder if I will be the same person when it is over - not sure. Certainly thinking I will be less committed to my work after the way they have failed to support me. Maybe just being tough about that just now, not sure if we can change our intrinsic personality at the end of the day. Maybe I will just find another way of using it. Sorry I am waffling.
Hope everyone is well - good luck to those who are starting out - and congrats to those who are coming to an end of treatment. Lots of hugs to all
M xx