Hi Whirlwind - I replied on the Oncologist and rads thread. But I would expect you should be having an exemption certificate. You see your GP for the signature (and your NHS number if you don’t know it).
Sounds like your GP people are a bit hard of understanding on non-adhesive! Hope your fight to get them sorting out dressings that don’t remove your skin from your body produces positive results soon. Fingers crossed etc.
I’m hoping now that the skin under the boob is going to be okay now.
I just found it amazing going to my Practice Nurse and them not knowing what I should use. They keep telling us that 1 out of 7 persons has breast cancer. So I can’t be the first person to go their for their help.
She had to apologise when she first gave me the Mepore dressings. (Adhesive ones again). She did prescribe Cavilon which is a “No sting Barrier Film” like tiny lollipops, with a foam bit with the solution in and you wipe it over the sore bits and this dries into the barrier bit.
I wonder if the Chemist put up the wrong prescription, I can’t remember what was on there, I thought I was going to be very relieved when I picked them up. !! HA HA Think again.
I saw her on Monday and she sort of signed me off saying, that when I was next there (next week, fortnightly for bloods for Rheumatoid Arthritis)I could call in and see her, she blamed the Radio Therapy nurses for not giving me any advice. Well, the advice that they gave me was the intrasite gel, but that didn’t help in the form of my prescription. Has anyone just been given the intrasite gel in a tube because I had it in a dressing and it gave me the fungal infection.
Good luck to all.
Reading everyone else’s threads, everyone seems to have a different experience of it all, inc. RT, Drugs, Prescriptions etc.
I suppose it gives us something to moan about !!!
Perhaps we should all state on a different thread where we are/have had our treatment at.