Hi again. Well its all changed again, the surgeon now reckons that some of the graft DID take, so no further ops, but as it was a small take up it will still take weeks to heal. The plastics nurse suggested I try to dress it myself to get away from the trips to the nurse every other day.
I tried today and it went quite well, first time I had actually seen the wound too. She said to shower and direct the spray onto the wound, then pat dry gently. Then dress it using Jelonet and gauze, she also gave me Steroid cream for the sore skin. Now I have to be patient and look forward to the time when its healed and I can buy a bra!
Keep us informed of your progress too Julie


Hi Jackie
That is good news then.At least no more ops. Do you have to do exercises. I have the ones i came out of hospital with and feel i could progress on to something else but nothing about. I just don’t want to overdo it. Even if we are told what we cant do.
I tried to mop floor yesterday it was a slow job and couldn’t put much pressure into the cleaning. I feel so daft. Wait for it don’t laugh… I went to local shop for a walk as it was nice and it was busy and someone let me in… i did what i had to do and then came out. well i opened the door, well tried to with my good arm and got a shock it pulled across my back and hurt… i did it again and went home in pain. Next time i will hover around and follow someone else out. I hadn’t realised how heavy some of these doors are. poor old people…
Anyway my wound is supposed to be on the mend… although i have my doubts… When i air it it does seem to dry up and goes dark red etc and looks as if time it would scab over. It does ooze still a little. Yesterday i spent ages airing it . then put this foam heel dressing on overnight and i wake up and it looks back to sq one. Where it had gone dark is all white. Apparently this is dead skin that needs to come off… so i still dont know where i stand. I have today cut the dressing down in size so have some of wound not covered and will see what they think tomorrow . I have to see consultant again tomorrow morning to see his opinion. I have stopped the nurses coming to me over weekend and done it myself. I booked them for wed … I am surprised you have to go to them, y is this. they say actiform cool stuff which i s new will bring all dead skin off also the fibre tissue nurse i saw last week agreed. she said do what consultant says and she would see me again with him last wed .well she was not there so everything has been left as it is. sorry to go on but feel nothing much is happening and i want to see improvement. take care keep in touch.

Hi Jackie.
I just got back from hospital visit… Help no improvement now. I was airing as mentioned previously but am sure dressing made it sweat as very moist overnight. Consultant wasn’t pleased wants to reassess Fri but looks as though a skin graft is on the cards. Please can you tell me what is involved where do they take it from… how long op… did you have to stay in hosp etc in fact everything i need to know please as i am now worried. The nurse scraped some dead skin off then redressed and has now said keep the area that’s not improved covered till Fri. The dressing she has put on has covered the lot. Now i have just looked and the bit that was improving is moist as dressing over it so not scabby now if you understand. I cant be bothered anymore and if they think i need a skin graft lets get on with it. Yes i am getting fed up … the district nurse will be in Thursday and then Fri back to hosp. Sorry to go on but i need help…i also have had fluid drained today now seem stiff everywhere. Please reply if you have time.

Hi Julie, Oh dear, you sound so fed up and I dont blame you. The skin graft is a very short op under general as they have to really clean the breast wound. I stayed overnight in hospital and went home in the morning. The skin was taken from the front of my thigh and its about 6" x 3" now and looks a bit like sunburn.
I was going to ask what your wound looks like, is it an open wound or is it like the skin has just disappeared and all there is is raw flesh?
You say you are stiff everywhere, thats odd becuase last week I woke up with really bad pain in my knee, hip and knuckle joints. I still have it in knuckles too, I wondered if its all related.
I hope your graft if you have it works well and you see an end to all this trouble. I have just dressed mine and it is quite weird seeing it for what it is, lots of raw flesh! Not a pretty sight lol.

HI Jackie
Fed up isn’t the word… This morning it looks worse. The nurse is coming today but she not allowed to try anything got to leave it as it is, but will give it a clean. The wound is prob about 6 x 2 3 at most. The consultant did say he wasn’t worried about the end bits just the middle bit and he could do it under local as he knows i get panicky about hospitals… But i think now perhaps its best to get the whole lot done and may save future…Also if i am under they will give it a good clean etc… the pain i had seems a little better today. It was only in breast arm etc. Could it be because they drained fluid…Also find it painful to get up in morning when i have been laying down, but once in upright position again no prbs. So perhaps it take time to resettle daily… So many questions and all seem so trivial that’s where this site is helpful as you need to know but don’t want to pester the powers to be. Any way i go back Fri and have my first apt with oncologist. are you having further treatment etc. Also what type of cancer was yours. Have a good day. i know i am going to have a good cry if anyone comes today. hope postman don’t knock. I started this morning and now for some reason will be like it all day on and off. i mustn’t feel sorry for myself…
take care

Hi Julie, I had chemo , radio etc 5 years ago so all done. I had BC in both breasts hence the double mastectomy and delayed reconstruction.
I was very nervous about chemo in particular but it was ok really, just tiring towards the end. No wonder you are feeling down if you have that to contend with as well.
As to the type of cancer, I actually had 4 types believe it or not.

Invasive Lobular
Invasive ductal
Mucinous carcinoma
and Ductal Carcinoma in situ
I had one lymph affected and am fine 5 years later.

Pick n Mix I called it Lol