Skin mets

Sorry meant to ask, is it safe to swim with skin mets??


It might be worth you giving the helpline a ring or discussing swimming with your medical team.

The helpline number is 0808 800 6000 and the opening times are:

Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm
Saturday, 9am - 2pm

Hope this helps.

Kind regards


Hi Dozz,

sorry to hear of your latest dx.

I’m on oral chemo for mine too. I’m actually on a trial at the London Marsden and have been since April. I’m taking xeloda along with tykerb for the trial.
I had a very good initial response, this has slowed somewwhat now.

Side effects from the chemo are upset tum, heartburn, nausea and I’ve developed hives on my bad arm for the second time. I’m currently on cycle 6.
All side effects are easily controlled and I have worked throughout.

Good luck
Jackie x

Hi mabel

Thanks for this info. I am just about calming down now after a day full of tears and fears,

I know my last chemo, taxol and gem. did work to clear skin mets, finished Nov 07. I only wish I had gone straight to onc. when I found new rash. I maybe would have been started oral chemo by now. Although I was told another 3 weeks before treatment starting would not make any difference.Told to go and have a good holiday and face it when I get back.

Hey ho just another setback. Yet another struggle to keep sane in all of this. Sorry for sounding negative, but it helps to sound off.

How many cycles are you having or is it indefinate?

Hey Dozz,

Yes it’s indefinite. Hoping when/if gone they stay gone!!
My local onc assures me they will go eventually. Ah well, patience is a virtue!!

Take Care
Jackie x

I have had Navelbine and am now on Capecitabine to control the skin mets.

Navelbine was very effective - knocked them back strongly - but I did have tiresome neuropathy which took six months to get over. Capecitabine seems to be working, but the dose has been reduced to 1500 mg as hand and foot syndrome became so bad. I am hoping that this will be the stable dose. I have no idea at present how long I will be on it.

Having read through this thread, I am now scared.
I was dx beg of June with aggressive stage III IDC. It was found when a small operation was performed to remove ducts which weren’t thought to be cancerous.
I started tax on 13 June and Herceptin on 8 August, so far have had 4/8 tax. A mastectomy will follow at end of chemo.
My concern is that for the last 3 weeks I have been fighting an “infection” in the cancerous breast, have been on AB for 10 days which were changed when the infection seemed to be getting worse, instead of better. There was fluid oozing from this small scar, which had managed to open up after all that time, and alarmingly, other open sores appeared, like ulcers, which have also been oozing.The skin of the breast is still red, although nowhere near as red and inflamed as it was 2 weeks ago.
I am seeing a breast specialist tomorrow, along with an Onc and surgeon - I think I should ask if this could be skin mets rather than an infection. Am I being paranoid?

Maybe, and maybe not. You were seeing a breast specialist with the oncologist and surgeon - I hope they were able to clear up your doubts. What answer did they have to the question?

Just thought I’d post back, I was admitted to hospital last week because of an abscess in the breast and during the operation to drain the abscess they took a skin biopsy too. The results came back clear I’m pleased to say.
