so scared please read and reply

Hi there,
I will echo what most people here have said. I know it is easy to say try not to worry, but I know that when I was diagnosed in Nov 2010, waiting for the results of the the bone scan and chest x-ray
to check for spread was far worse than the subsequent treatment. I imagined cancer running everywhere through my body right through to my toes. Of course it wasn’t, and luckily there was no spread at all, lymph nodes also clear.

My tumour was grade 3 aggressive HER2+ and grew from 3.5 to 4.5cm in the 2 weeks of tests before treatment started.

I am now at the end almost of the major treatment (chemo, WLE and 20 sessions of rads) - 3 more out of 18 Herceptin to go, am back at work full time and whilst I still get tired and have ongoing issues with /tamoxifen etc, most of time its ok. And whilst it is still in the back of my mind about recurrence etc, it doesn’t rule my life as much.

The treatment isn’t nice, especially the chemo, but it isn’t as bad as you think and not as bad as it used to be, there are great drugs for the side effects so you don’t have to suffer and once you get started mentally it isn’t as bad as waiting for the test results.

Take care and pm me if you feel you need to.
Virtual hugs.

Debh - We’re in the same boat and I’m having my surgery on the same day as you. I know my tumour is grade 3 and I have definately got some cancer in the lymph nodes but, like you, I get worried that it has spread. Saying that, Herbidacious1, it was great to hear that even though you had 23 out of 29 nodes effected your scans came back clear.

Hugs, Tina.

Hi Deb
I’m at exactly the same stage as you, mx on Thursday 12th, then chemo,rads and probably antibody treatment as I’m ER negative. My scans etc were clear which was terrific news. As someone said to me recently, there’s this alien thing in me, it has to go and whatever it takes to keep it away. I’m not sleeping properly, but it’s in the subconscience, as I don’t feel anxious. I’m trying to carry on as normal. Been to Bravissimo today to get a sports bra and the lady was lovely who fitted me. Everyone on here has been so supportive (look at the different threads, Deb, so see other people’s comments). There are ladies on here who are through the tunnel and very successfully out the other end of it!
Virtual hugs, let me know how you get on - pm me
Di (Newc43)

Hi Deb
I think everybody has said everything but I do send you my best wishes and will be thinking about you. Once the active treatment gets going things do get better. Waiting is so horrible and the very word Cancer so negative. However it is very controllable and can be cured, it is hard to see this in the begining. Your thoughts can run away with you - we have all experienced it and understand how you feel. Do you have a Breast Care Nurse you can talk to? You migjt want to give her a ring. Another great help when worried is the Helpline. So if you have any queries or would just like to talk to somebody it is there for you. Mon - Fri 9 am- 5pm and Sat 9am-2pm. They can send you information booklets or set up a Peer Supporter for you or your partner if you have one. The Telephone number is 0808 800 6000.
I had a bilateral mastectomy in July which was so much less discomfort than I thought it would be. I have since had Chemotherapy which was do- able and again not as bad as I thought it would be. I am now halfway through the Radiotherapy.and again it is fine.
A big Hug

I was going through exactly the same fears and emotions 5 years ago - as my radiologists said to me at the time 'it’s a shitty time but you’re going to get through it - it will be a shitty time but you will get through it" - and she was right.

Best of luck with the treatment - get as much information about the treatment as you feel able to cope with - some days you won’t want to face the information overload but others you will feel more in control by understanding what is going to happen.
Best of luck and use the forums to get support. Will be thinking of you & keeping my fingers crossed x

Hi Deb, best of luck with op will be thinking of you. I was diagnosed with grade 3 invasive tumour on 28th Nov. Had WLE and Sentinel Node Biopsy on 14th Dec. About to start 6 chemo sessions and then radiotherapy sessions, scared but know I have got to have them. My strategy has been to see the different stages of treatments as hurdles, I get over one and make my way to the next one, it has helped to keep me focused and positive. I am sure there is lots of experience and support on this discussion forum but like you I am new to it and only just finding my way around it. Best of luck with the op. Xxx


haven’t been on here for a while but as the sleep fairy has moved out I am reading through the posts.

I can really understand how you feel and can say that in all honesty where you are at the moment is quite normal in relation to the situation you have found yourself in.

I was diagnosed last August with grade 3 tumour in my right breast. I can honestly say that from being an independent and strong woman I turned into a gibbering wreck. 5 months on and I have had my op, and started my treatment and am now in a completely different place in my head.

All the ladies have said everything else but I offer you all my support and best wishes on your journey. M