Thank you Lulu,yor message has really helped me and actually put a smile back on my face. I had a major meltdown yesterday, so thank you again. Yes my grade was 3 1.6cm but clear margins and s n clear so without the tn excellent news. I see onc 17th Dec ,looks like I will be “starting chemo in Jan” girl. MANY MANY thanks once again, it means so much to me x

Glad your feeling a bit more positive about things… It is hard getting your head around it all and there is so much duff informstion out there too… But with your pathology im sure your consultants will be very optomositic.

good luck with the chemo in january xx

Hi tomorrow will be
I am another TNBC girl. I also was only told I was ER and HER2 negative. I discovered this meant TN after googling and scaring myself silly. When I spoke to my surgeon he confirmed that all it meant for me was that hormone therapy and herceptin would not benefit me and that TN does respond very well to chemo. He also explained that the chance of recurrence drops significantly after 3 years and is very rare after 5 years. In fact my mum, who also had TNBC has just reached her 3 years mark and is doing fine.
I finished chemo in July and radiotherapy in September. Chemo was not easy but it was doable and I managed to work most of the way through treatment. The support on this site has also been fabulous and has helped me through it.
Good luck with your treatment and try to keep that smile!


Hi thanks lulu for your comment…I too am tn, in fact I put the thread up about tn survivors…only because like so many of us I goggled and could find any positive about tn. I also asked to be buddied up with someone in a similar situation to me…but they said it wouldn’t be possible…this terrified me I went into meltdown thinking no one survived tn. Fortunately some of the responses to that thread and others has helped me calm down a bit. As lulu said we do have some positives to turn to…nose from hormone treatment, 5 years reoccurrence rates go down then 8 years pretty rare.
i have just finished my rads yesterday, I have been told that as far as they are concerned I am now cancer free. I celebrated end of treatment with a bottle of champers and a big box of chocs…
i am now going to concentrate on enjoying life to the full. Before cancer I worked, mums at my daughters school didn’t know I was my daughters mother as I was never there to drop off or pick up. Cancer has made me realise life is too short, I’m giving up work, enjoying my children and we are going to have fun…so F**K Cancer.

chattykatty I LOVE YOU !!! wow you areso right.Thisi is the attitude im going to takefromnow on. Thank you.

carabel Ihad a majormeltdown too. Thanks to all the lovelyladies on here like yourself im smiling again .

Goodluck to all of you wonderful ladies.

Hi everyone, 1st appointment with onc tomorrow, nervous and forgotten everything I was going to ask !!! How long do you think before I start chemotherapy ?
Everyone, big big thank you for the support you all gave me when I found out I was t n . xxx

Hi Tomorrow will b…

I’m TN but I only really found out the details from reading the Forum, though I confess I did a bit of Googling but would have been best avoided.

I had my onc appointment on the Thursday. I had to have an ECG to check my heart before starting treatment. I was anxious to start chemo asap as my cancer was quite aggressive. As they did ECGs on Thursdays the nurse booked me in for that afternoon and I started chemo the following Monday. I only know my own experience. I don’t know if they have standard timescales other than the NICE guidelines recommend starting chemo within 31 days of surgery. My panic was that I had to have 2 lots of surgery which meant I had to wait double the recommended time but I was told that delay wasn’t an issue (though it was mentally for me).

Good luck for tomorrow. Let us know how you get on. We can offer lots more support and advice and there’ll be threads for those who are at the same stage as you and you can share experiences and support each other.


Hi everyone, saw onc who was very nice. He explained everything to me, he was so thorough I hardly had to ask any questions. He didn’t overload me. BUT NOT GOT A DATE YET. Had op 1st November!!! Having FECX6, didn’t have to mention cold cap, he started to explain as soon as he had explained about chemotherapy, don’t know why but I thought I’d have fight for it!!! Had ECG weighed (lost a stone) measured and blood test. Feeling really good now.Just want start date. Will be in touch everyone xxx

That’s my girl xx

Well done TWB.
Loving the new outlook!


Aw thanks Maggie.
Funkilala … the new outlook is all thanks to everyone on here who has given me hope. Especially Maggie 1964, she put me on tbe positive path again.Thank you all xx

Hi everyone, just wanted to chip in that I’m another TN girl. I finished all my treatment a month ago and have been really struggling emotionally, even though my pathology and response to treatment was good.

Reading the replies above reminding that “online comminities may not be a representative sample of the population and possibly more likely to be people with issues seeking support than jo bloggs who is just getting on with life” was a real help. It’s easy to get swept up in all the negative horror stories, which many times have resulted in me being a panic stricken emotional wreck. I’ve read some positive stories on here too and they have helped to calm me down a bit. Googling is definitely never a good idea. I am trying to learn to remember the good points about TN and focus on the fact I beat it once, with good results and there is a lot in my favour too. I’m also trying to remember to contact BCN or other medical professional when I’m worried, instead of always turning to the internet - your medical team knows YOUR case and are in the best position to advise.

As for chemo, everyone reacts differently in terms of side effects. I suffered quite badly, but knowing it was doing its job got me through it and looking back now (5 months on) I’d say it was manageable. Rather than freaking out over the fact they’re giving it to you even though you’re cancer free, try to think of it as a positive - it’s a preventative measure and better than not having it in the long run. If there were any odd cells left, the chemo will annihilate them.

Lots of love to you all x


I’ve just found out I am TN - this site has been great at helping me understand what it means. Like many others, doc didn’t mention it!! I’ve had 2 ops now, 2/13 nodes positive and just waiting on ONC appointment and getting things started.

thanks for posting and helping me understand xx