Some help with pathology report please?

I had my biopsy in August, and WLE and axillary clearance planned for this Wednesday. Yesterday I received my pathology report, and even though I have googled the things in it there are bits that don’t make sense to me. In particular I know they were looking to see if the lump was the primary cancer or not.

The report says:

Oestrogen, progesterone, E-cadherin - Positive

Her2, CK7, Mammaglobin, TTF1 - Negative

Extensive perineural invasion

No lymphovascular invasion


Does anyone know about these things and could give me some more info? I would really appreciate it, thank you.



Hi Em

Here’s a link to the BCC ‘Understanding your pathology report’ which may help out with some of your queries, please also feel free to call our helpliners on 0808 800 6000, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi Em


The oestrogen and progesterone positivity is good, it means that your cancer will respond to hormone treatment. I am not familiar with the other remarks. You should get in touch with your bcn or phone the helpline here they are really helpful and are fully qualified to explain this sort of stuff. I have always found them to be able to answer my questions.


Take care and I hope the op goes smoothly.

