Sore breast

Just wanted to sound off really as haven’t told anyone this yet apart from my husband - don’t see much point scaremongering until I know some thing !

I’ve had a very sore left breast on the side and bottom for 3 weeks now - aches generally, hurts like hell to press it. I’s different from cycle related pain. I went to see our Nurse practitioner yesterday who had a good prod and has referred me to a breast clinic as a matter of procedure. She doesn’t think it’s anything "sinister " (her words) but it does feel different to the other one according to her. No lumps though, or puckering or discharge. No sign of infection either.

I just wanted some general feedback - is the referrral standard if she thinks I’ m OK ? Is pain but no other signs a good thing ? There is no history of BC in my family. Am I paranoid and stressing for no reason ? What else could it be ? Sorry - 20 questions. Should have asked her really but was being all practical and calm at the time and didn’t think. Wasn’t really expecting anything other than a Rx for antibiotics or painkillers, a bit thrown now !

Thanks in advance for any replies,


Forgot to say, am 38 !

Hi Nicky

Firstly, welcome to our discussion forums, I am sure you will find them supportive and informative.

I know this is a worrying time for you and waiting is always the most difficult time. I am sure you will receive some feedback from our users to your questions, but in the meantime, I have given here a link to our factsheet which covers what to expect from your referral to breast clinic:

I do hope you find this helpful.

Kind regards



Not sure if my post can be seen or if I’ve just asked some questions that have been answered before elsewhere - have had a look around the site (never used a forum before) but can’t find what I want to know. Please can someone let me know if there is a link that helps with my initial post as am stressing a bit!

Thanks again,


Hi Nicky,

Yes, your post is definitely “seen” on this board. I’m so glad you found this site. I had a bit of a scare myself over the past couple of weeks. Had a mysterious dark bruise show up overnight on my right breast, no pain, just this strange bruise. I’m 45 YO, never had BC, no immediate family history of BC, but I do have fibrocystic breast disease (lots of normal lumps and bumps).

I visited my doctor’s physicians assistant to show her the bruise, and she scheduled a mammo and ultrasound. When she examined both breasts she thought there were more “lumps” just next to the bruise. Had the mammo last Monday and everything was normal. No need for an ultrasound. I was cleared for another year.

You are smart to be concerned about any kind of breast change that’s not normal for you (i.e. normal like regular monthly cycle soreness).

I think whenever there’s anything that’s out of the ordinary with our breasts, everything can look suspicious upon an exam (as it should!). Being referred to the breast clinic is what they should have done for you. Ignoring anything concerning our breasts is never, ever a good thing!

Hopefully, you’ll be checked out at the breast clinic and all will turn out well. But you must know for sure! At this point, try not to worry too much as worrying can’t be productive for you right now. Inform yourself, like you’re doing. And post any questions or thoughts to these boards. The support here is wonderful!

Sending good thoughts and blessings your way,
Madison, Alabama USA

Hi Nicky

Well done for not waiting and seeing and actually doing something about it! Hang in there and wait for the experts to do their bit. You’ve done yours by going to the Dr’s. Waiting is soooooooooooo hard, but keep your chin up and think positive.

Sadly my Mum had BC at 40 (I am 39) , but, because of that I have not OCD, but OBCD - obsessive breast checking disorder and found my lump superfast! HA HA

I had my lump removed last Thursday and feel ok. I am now waiting for results too!

Cheer up sweetpea

Love Daisy xxxxxx

Thanks ladies - I really appreciate your replies. Am trying to be calm and positive - the odds are very low ! Just don’t want to talk to anyone about it as don’t want to worry anyone in case it’s all for nothing ! Shelley glad all ok your end, and Daisy have everything crossed your results are all ok !


Hi Nicky - how are you doing? Still living ‘in a bubble’? When is your appointment? Keep me posted and let all your anger and frustration out in a message!

I am recovering well, sore, but having had 10lb babies without drugs, this is a walk in the park!

Keep smiling, nearly there.

Daisy xxxx

Hi Daisy,

Glad you’re not too sore - 10lb babies wow ! Both mine were the sunroof method ! Any news on your results ?

No appointment for me yet, am doing ok though - can’t talk to anyone about it apart from Hubby, and don’t really want to worry him ! Everyone else has a lot going on - my mum’s best friend has just had her life support switched off following a brain bleed, and out of my 4 closest friends there is one leaving husband, one made redundant husband, one with a dad with a brain tumour and one has just got engaged so don’t think anyone really needs to be worried unnecessarily at the moment ! So yup, am in that bubble, but am very positive taht it’s all ok.

How are you feeling ? Rant at me too if you need to.

Nicky x

Hi Nicky - great to hear from you. Do you know which clinic you are being referred to? Get their number and give them a ring, waiting for the appointment must be driving you mad. Waiting is the hardest part. I get my results on Monday, so I have everything crossed.

Underarm is very sore today, I rang the breast nurse and she said that’s to be expected.

Going back to bed now! What a lush…I am making the most of having hubby waiting on me!

Keep me informed!!!

Daisy xxxxx