Can anyone give me any information I finished my rads 12 days ago. The area is getting redder and more itchy by the hour. How long does this go on for. My gp prescribed eumovate to be used twice a day but it seems to be getting worse not bette. Help!!!
Just letting you know about our fact sheet on radiotherapy. You may find it useful as there is information on what to expect after radiotherapy is finished and how to deal with any problems. You can read it by accessing the following link:-
Snap! I finished rads on 17 December with no problem at the time but I am glowing red and itching now! Can’t help you about when it stops but I think it is normal. They told me to keep using the acqueous cream.
I was told that it usually starts to improve after two weeks - so hopefully not long now! My skin became quite raw but once I started to heal up, after exactly 2 weeks, the process was really quick so I hope you will both find it the same. My GP gave me antibiotics as she thought it looked infected, so if it goes on much longer, it might be worth seeking more advice from your doctor.
Good luck
Thanks for your comments, in desperation today I rang my radiotherapy dept. They asked me to come in, which I did, they have dressed it for me using aqua gel and jelonet and soft pink foam covering which is kept in place with my crop top the relief was almost instant, they sent me home with a bag of the various bits and pieces and told me to change it twice a day, and if I needed anymore just give them a ring, they also told me that it would probably be another month before it felt as if it was really improving. They also gave me some gel pads to keep in the fridge and to put on if it was still irritating before I was due to change the dressing, these are reusable. I apologised and said I hope they did not mind me ringing and they said they would far rather that I came back to them as gps are apt to prescribe the wrong sort of creams. She also said and please don’t laugh coz a lot of people told her that it does work, to use a savoy cabbage leaf over the worst part as it alleviates the itching.
Hope this may help some of you who are suffering the same problem.
Savoy cabbage leaves were recommended for mastitis when I breast fed both my children - thankfully I didn’t need them then - and I hope I won’t need them now!
I keep my microwave hot bottle pad in the fridge for the hot itchy moments.
Love Maddy xxx
Hi Sweetheart, glad you got some help. I finished rads 3rd Dec, had some splitting under the breast and soreness to nipple that lasted about 10 days. I received treatment from the nurse at the rad centre and my GP. I then had a red angry looking patch appear from the last 3 booster sessions, this lasted about 2wks. I continued to use the aqueous cream and a month on my skin is pretty much back to normal. I hope things continue to improve for you and everyone going through this.
Caz x
Thanks for all your comments, I must say that the stuff I’m using now seems to be working, although when I went to bed last night I took the dressing of, by 3am I was wishing I had’nt so I had to creep round and try and put one on by myself, didn’t want to wake other half, must say it was not the easist of tasks but it did stay till morning. Hopefully this will finally get it sorted.
hello when i had rads i had very red sore skin by the end of treatments, although they give you aqeuos cream slaver it on all the time. i found aloe vera gel a godsend it worked straight away for me, dont forget we continue to cook for a few weeks after treatments!! love lynn xx
Interesting to read all yr comments about the rad side effects…I am worried about them …I start next Tues on 15th Jan…I use Aloe Vera a lot so I will keep some by…but hope I dont get too sore…unfortunately am still getting over a divorce after a long marriage and my adult kids are seemingly unable to deal with this…have lost my parents so my best support is my sister who lives miles away and some close friends nearby…its a lonely time so I"m glad to have found this site…thanks everyone…
Luv Thialoz xx
Hi Thialoz , I start my rads on 14th Jan… how long you having them for? I finish 1st Feb.Already had chemo & mastectomy/ lymph nodes out. I am also feeling a bit daunted by the prospect of side effetcs… I am very fair skinned. Sounds like you are having a tough time…Let me know how you get on, & I will do like wise!
Take care
Mand x
Just trying to reassure you really. I am very fair skinned too. During 15 rads though I didn’t burn at all. They insisted I only use acqueous cream, and nothing else. It seemed to work. Once rads finished on 17th December I did come up with a streak of red burny bits, but honestly it is no worse than sunburn and is now going down again. They also told me to avoid all smellies etc until the effects subside. Honestly if can get through mastectomy, chemo etc you will tap dance your way through rads!
I have just had my 10th of 15 rads, following mastectomy/axillary clearance and chemo. I have no burns, skin breakdown or discomfort at all so far. In fact the radiotherapy nurse who checks me over every week at Guy’s in London, remarked on how good my skin still was. I am fair skinned, aged 58, and burn easily in the sun! I use acqueous cream morning and night, I shower (not bath), and use a non-perfumed (Simple) body wash and pat the area dry (no rubbing).
(After the mastectomy I used Bio-oil, which kept the scar and surrounding skin supple. The different radiotherapists and nurses who have seen my scar always remark on how neat and pale it is).
Day 2…so far so good!!! I am using the aqueous cream etc & taken note of all the good advice here…have got some bio oil which I will go back to using after rads. I was also given some french cream, sent by a freind who lives there, which is specifically for radiotherapy treatment & sunburn, it is called BIAFINE. The hosp checked it out & gave it the Ok. My friend said it worked wonders on her daughters severe sunburn,so it might be useful for rads burns if they appear.
Thialoz, is it going ok for you?
Dilys, I have my shoes on.tappity tappity tap!
Love to all
I am now three weeks post rads and am still very burnt and sore still unable to wear a bra or crop top, I am beginning to think that they over cooked me. Still gp been very good and signed me off until Feb, and I shall have seen the onc by then and perhaps I can find out why I reacted so badly to rads. I am a bit down this a.m. as my mum has just phoned and is really upset as she has to have tests for bowel cancer. Havn’t got the car today so can’t get to see her. It would involve three buses to get there and she has told me not to come over until I have the car, so don’t really know what to do.
Oh Heather I am so sorry. Not surprised you are feeling down. I am sending you a big hug. When does your mum have her tests? May be you can go with her to the hospital?
How many rads did you have and are you using the cream etc.?
I had all sorts of problems and found the radiologists very helpful even after I had finished on 10 December. The GP nurses were very good too. Still prefer not wearing a bra ’ but the redness has completely gone ( except for a small patch underneath the breast) and the rash too.
My advice is to phone the radiotherapy dept.and hear what they say.