
I’ve found all your comments on soya/oestrogen very interesting. Since my first BC ten years ago I have had two recurrencies. This time it is positioned in my armpit where they cannot operate. A recent course of tax (chemo) had little effect, but now that I am on exemestane( hormone) I’m really finding huge improvements.
My problem now is my weight. I put on five stones while on chemo and the hormone treatment is aggravating my osteo arthritis. I know I must try and shed some of this weight, but as I am still very tired and heavy after the treatment- I am finding this a slow, tiresome process.
I have previously lost weight on a food substitute diet of four packs/bars a day which I found quick and easy and effective. My worry is that these packs are soya based.
I know thay shifting this weight would improve my quality of life enormously, but would a diet so rich in soya be dangerous for me?


I had hysterectomy/oophorectomy (benign cysts on both ovaries, + a fibroid) 6 years before dx with a strongly ER+ tumour (disease had already spread to bones). Was very overweight, which I believe significantly increased my risk. Used to eat Linda Kearns’ HRT Cake (contains soya flour and soya milk) every day, thinking it was helping me…! Now I eat low-fat dairy but avoid soya.