sports, running and tamoxifen

Like roadrunner Im glad this thread is here too, its given me inspiration and motivation to keep going, you feel better when you know youre not the only mad one! To be honest though I feel so much better on days I run, as if it actually gives me more energy. I didnt get in the GNR so am a bit fed up about that but am hoping to do it via a charity place. I know everyone says theres too many people and its a bit of a rip/off moneywise but I first ran it about 5 years ago and fancy proving to myself that I can do it again, as well as raise some cash.

Hey Roadrunner,
That is fantastic, I cant imagine being able to ski every day for a week! I only ever skied once about 20 years ago and I found it so hard, Im sure it has been great for your fitness, its just a shame youve hurt your knee. Like you say swimming will be good and is really something I need to do as I still dont have full movement of my arm, Im not sure either if running makes it go stiffer.

Keep going everyone,
Polly x

Hi there

Just want to say even though I have just finished my chemo I have the full intention of going back to my full exercise regime soon, Swimming, Netball and i’m hoping this helps with my arm movements too etc… Also the added bonus of making me feel good about myself again!!! I cant wait to be exercising again!!!
Take care
Mel x x

Swimming really helped with my arm movement & cording. The exercises from the physios helped to begin with, but then the cording progressively got worse during chemo. It was only when I re-started swimming that it got a lot better.

Polly, hope you’re successful in getting a place on the GNR.

By the way, on my way home from skiing, on the airport bus going from the terminal to the plane, I found myself standing next to a lady in a headscarf. I had my hat on, so I took it off to show my very short hair, we looked at each other, and started talking. She was two months behind me (I finished chemo in Sept, and her in Nov) and so hadn’t skied (she was with her family who had) but had spent the week walking. It was a bit surreal, having a chemo conversation on a bus in Geneva airport, but lovely all the same.

Also - in Geneva airport we saw Trinny. She was standing right beside us. My 18 year old daughter was beside herself with excitement!

Just a quick question for all you exercisers out there!

I had a mastectomy plus lymph node clearance, Im only small breasted about 34 to 36b. What do you all wear to go running in bra wise? I find that lots of stuff rubs and that the most comfortable thing is going out with nothing in at all, not even a cumfy! Only problem is that I look lop sided. Part of me thinks sod it but I would rather look okay and be comfortable!

Polly x

Hi Polly,

I’m very small breasted (think Keira Knightly or Darcy Bussell) so I use a swimming prosthesis (the sponge one) in a crop top. One of the few advantages of having very small boobs (or should I say boob).

Happy running

Hi Roadrunner,

Is the swimming prosthesis the one sometimes called a comfy? I do similar to you at the moment, just stick a comfy in a crop top but do worry about my other boob not having any support (although its not very big!) I dont like the silicone prosthesis at all but thought this was the one I would have to use for swimming, do you use something else?, I was actually measured for a sports bra but it leaves a big red mark right across the scar under my arm so I dont like wearing it since I cant feel anything under there and worry that I will break the skin. Sometimes I think it would be easier to get the other one removed just so theyre equal, mind you I have my first annual review coming up since being diagnosed so I had better touch wood quickly!

Polly x

i am a 34DD/E, had a single mastectomy back in Nov… wear my pre surgery sports bra for running & leave one side empty. Feels fine & doesnt rub, at the mo I wear a light waterproof top which is a bit baggy, I dont think people notice i’m lopsided…i don’t think I really care if they do to be honest! Havent been able to run for 10 days due to radiotherapy burn, blisters, peeling etc, hope to be back to it next week…
anyone tried Pilates? Will it help my tamoxifen-belly??

Cheers all

Hi Polly,

the foam prothsesis I have came from the Nicola Jane catalogue. If you go on their website and look at prothseses, it is there under both swimming & foam. I am thinking of getting a silicone one now, but at the time I bought this one I wanted to try a cheap one first. I use it for both swimming & running. I have a D cup friend who also uses the foam one for swimming. My only reservation about it is that it may not stand up to chlorine in the long run & may disintegrate. So I think a silicone one may be better for the long term.

Hi Mand and Roadrunner,

Sometimes I do like you, Mand, and just go out with nothing, I dont really care but once heard about some women who made a really insensitive comments about a woman “with one breast”. Dont fancy that kind of attention so Ive been a bit of a wimp most of the time and put it in even though it annoyed me! Im going to get fitted for another mast bra tomorrow and also buy a proper costume, then Im going go for it and start swimming again! Will have to use my silicone prosthesis though by the sound of it and i hate it! Although I could try and buy a foam one and try that instead.

I used to do Pilates which was brilliant for my back, my problem is I find it boring and I just want to go out and do proper exercise! However, it is really good if you can get into it! The farting was also very funny in the pilates classes!

Polly x

Hi Polly… now I really do have to try Pilates just to see if it is really true about the farting!!
Ladie, I am getting v stiff ankles & i think its the tamoxifen… I am just ignoring it and running anyway cos there doesnt seem much else to do… what do others do? Is anyone else getting achey bits on Tamoxifen…? I never had a problem before.Glad to be back to running this week after enforced break due to rads burns, but keep thiking about this time last year when I was stuck in to my marathon training, feeling so good and no hint of what was to come…makes me feel a bit sad. Amyway off to a dancercise class tonight… a bit of ungainly leaping around to Kylie is bound to cheer me up (wow wow WOW!)
Chers all
Mand x


I feel generally stiff these days, when I get up from my desk at work I hobble across the office. I don’t know whether it’s the tamoxifen or the herceptin. I hope it’s the herceptin as that is only for a year! There again, maybe it’s just my age. Had my one year check with my surgeon last week, I told him how I never sleep through the night anymore & he said lots of people start complaining of that from about 45 onwards. Well, I am 45.

I am coming up 45 so praps i should be blaming my age then, not the tamoxifen!!! Saw your comments about not sleeping on the other thread, I am the same. Happy days!!!

Hi All

finished tax 3 weeks ago and started tamoxifen 10 days ago. i used to run and fell walk but have just spent a few days in the Lakes. Find i can manage walking on the flat if somewhat slowly but the legs ache if going uphill and i have to stop frequently. Is it just that I’m out of condition or is it the drugs and the retained fluid (all 5 kilos of it)

I went back to the gym and pilates around a year after my initial diagnosis and started skiing again. We used to go twice a year (summer skiing as well) and I loved it even though it’s tiring but I didn’t find my treatment affected me that much after the initial time.

I used to go to the gym early in the morning before going to work however I’m not able to do any of that now as it’s in my spine and my consultant looked at me when I said could I still go skiing - I think she lost the plot with me! Having said that and I do miss it especially when I see Ski Sunday and just want to be in that peace and quiet and well being - I’ve done it and experienced it rather than wishing that I’d tried it.

I also found Pilates really good for strengthening your back (not that it did mine a lot of good) but the control is excelllent and with your muscles.


Hi Crispy,

Tax takes it out of you. It was somewhile after I finished that my legs stopped feeling like lead when I ran. I’m OK now, but I’m nearly six months on from finishing tax.

Hi everyone,
really enjoy coming on here and reading about all those other girls out there, who are in the same boat as me. Its good to hear about the tamoxifen hips and belly, I’ve never been overweight in my life, perhaps even slightly under weight. I’m now a good stone heavier than 18 months ago!!! but everyone keeps teeling me i look really healthy, and my marathon training is going well, so i’m not worrying too much!

In fact I ran a 20 mile race 2 weeks ago. Ran with my breast cancer vest on, and it was amazing the amount of support I got. The 20 miler went as planned, and I even did it 4 minutes faster than I have previously. Now I know I’m in the right frame of mind for the London Marathon, and am actually looking forward to it. I know that must sound strange, but its kind of in my head type of thing. This is my psychological last piece of the return to “normal” jigsaw for me. I know I will never be the same as I was pre B.C, but overall that is for the better.

Sorry to hear of some ladies suffering from aches and pains in their joints whilst on tamoxifen. I must say I’m fortunate and do not suffer from them. The night sweats are really hardwork, and quite unbearable sometimes, but hey, its better than being dead… funny how I think this now 15 months on from my DX. when i was initially diagnosed i thought my world had ended. when in fact once i’d got my head round everything, I’ve actually come out of it with a lot of a better attitude on life, family, work, opportunities etc,.

well thats enough of the lecturing… keep up the running ladies. I’ve just enrolled for 2 trial races in the lake district later this year, and my other half wants to go and do the amsterdam marathon in october!! so I’m gonna do the half!!!
Keep smiling girls
fozzie xx :slight_smile:


What a great message! Thanks very much, you give me hope that one day I might be running “normally” again, whatever that is. At the moment Im still struggling to run for 30 minutes without stopping! I dont seem to be moving past this point at all but must admit to not getting out often enough. Its really great that your times are getting faster, and like you say the psychological benefits of that are fantastic, even coming as far as I have, which isnt far, feels like an achievement now. I cant believe how I used to stress about times!

Im hoping to run Great North Run for breast cancer care in October, I think Ive got a place as BCC have cashed my cheque! I ran the London Marathon 3 years ago, it seems unbelievable now, like that was a different person in a different time, I ran for a childrens cancer charity as my friends daughter had a brain tumour. Are you running for a charity this year, if you are give me a link so I can sponsor you!

Take care and enjoy your running,

Polly xxx

hi all
i’ve enjoyed this thread a lot. i am in a different league to all you (think Barnet (me!) as opposed to Chelsea for instance) but am just getting back to the gym after about nine months of treatment. reading all this has been inspirational. i’ve walked and done yoga all the way through treatment and it feels good to be doing something more now.
pinkdove, is yoga an option for you? i was completely indulgent through treatment and hired someone to come in once a week for an hour and a half and do a session with me. it was wonderful and sometimes was the only thing that really lifted my spirits.

Hi Guys
I have just stumbled on this thread and would love some advice about running/sports. I am a treatmenrt newbie only diagnosed end of jan and currently recovering from mastecomy/DIEP recon 3 weeks ago. I am a really active person running regularly and climbing. The thought of giving all this up has been nearly as upsetting as the diagnosis!. I am having a portacath put in on Wed and am starting 3FEC/3TAX then Herceptin. I accept that I may not have the energy or the inclination to run during the chemo but woud love to hear inspiring stories from anyone who did manage it. Also is it realistic to think I could be running regularly once I am on Herceptin? Is it ok to run with a portacath? what about all these cardiac side effects (especially with Herceptin) that I am reading about?
All these questions - soory! but I get the impression you guys are all monts ahead of me in treatment and would love your advice
Many tanks
PS: am in the process of booking a ski trip next xmas because I am bloody minded and stubborn and this is not going to rule my life! - am I being irresponsible?

Hi Pip

I’m nearly at the same point as you, had mast/axillary clearance and immediate DIEP recon four weeks ago. I used to run, not competitively or very seriously though, swim a bit, and ride most days. At the moment it’s all I can do to walk the dog out for 40 minutes, it’s hard to imagine running again! I too am having a portacath inserted on Wednesday and start 4 x Epi then 4 months CMF on 11 April, followed by radiotherapy and tamoxifen (I’m not having Herceptin). Told not to go abroad during chemo and no swimming but I haven’t asked about other activities, see physio on Tues about what seems to be cording in my left arm and will get some more advice. All the best, Lyn x