I had bilateral skin sparing mx and recon (expander implants) 2 months ago and am finding by breasts and chest in general is plagued with spots. One of the doctors had said the blood supply to the skin is not so good after this type of recon and infections are a risk. I’m trying to eat and exercise well. I’ve tried anti-bacterial soap but as soon as one batch clear the next arrive.
Anyone had similar - any solutions?
SNAP - I had exactly the same thing - my whole chest area is covered in spots - the spots were bright red, very inflamed and terribly itchy. I had a mast with immed recon (expander implant) two months ago. Five weeks after surgey, I ended up with a nasty infection and was put on a course of strong antibiotics and initially thought that the spots were just a reaction to that medication. I don’t know if it is just a coincidence, but since I have stopped taking the antibiotics (just over a week or so ago) the spots now seem to be regressing (thank god) as they looked so awful. I have been slathering myself with Double Base (a highly moisturing cream) - your GP should be able to prescribe it for you - to buy it over the counter costs about £10. I found that it is easier to wash myself in the bath using this cream and believe it has certainly helped to stop the itch, inflammation and to gradually get rid of these awful spots. Whilst in the bath, I have also been massaging my breast and arm with the cream to try to help prevent lymphodema. Another bonus of using the cream is that you end up with the softest skin, feet and hands. I saw my surgeon yesterday and he confirmed that the spots were definitely receding, but wouldn’t confirm exactly what caused them.
It does seem weird that the spots were mainly confined to the chest area, so it does make me think that it was something to do with the recon. If it was just a skin reaction, then surely it would be all over the body. I think the reason that one of your Drs gave sounds a lot more plausible - that the blood supply to the skin is not so good after this type of recon and thus the spots appeared. I was never told that this was a possible side-effect of this type of surgery - it certainly makes you wonder how much the medical team don’t tell you re. side effects etc. Jacqui
Misha and Jacqui,
I had bilat skin sparing mx and recon w expanders last May.
After op, left breast was swollen and hard with fluid and a purple patch apeared around the scar 12 days later. The scar healed very well though…
Went to hospital for antibiotics for 10 days because of the infection… Left hospital after massive doses of antibiotics and with the purple patch…
Was then told that it was “probably” an allergic reaction… nothing to do with infection. Was given a cream to use twice a day for 7 days. Nothing changed. Was given a second cream - very strong anti allergic, nothing changed. Chemo, was delayed for more than 2 months because of the infection/allergy.
3 months after, I still have the purple patch, doing chemo and no one knows what is the patch about.
I love my life…
I have not had a recon just a mastectomy in March but the area around the scar is spotty. It took ages for the wound to heal and I was worried that there was a mass of bacteria there before I started chemo. This has proved to be correct. Between days 5-7 the spots break out without careful management. I am using tea tree everything. Showering, washing and using wipes as well. Also I have bought soft flannels which I dry the area with after a shower. It is presently under control.