Spread to the brain

Hi,really glad that you are getting lots of help we are too and makes a world of difference.
Thinking of you .
Love Debsxxx

Thanks for the update Psyche, I hope Mum is comfortable in herself and you are looking after each other as well - this awful disease takes it’s toll on everyone’s loved ones just as much as the patient.
Nicky x

Hello Psyche
just wanted to reiterate what Debs and Nicky have said and send you love. When it works, the NHS is beyond price isn’t it - so glad you as a family are getting the support you need - and you and your family Debs.
love Monica


I am so glad you are getting help. I am sure your Mum is so much happier in her own home, with her own things and family around. I know it is a big strain on all of you, but you have to console yourself with the fact that you are doing everything that you can for your Mum.

Very best wishes to you all.

Love Ann x