Stage 4, 10 year survival rate in the UK

Wondering if the mods could set up a topic where it was made clear that it was only to be read by those that really want to know or something like that so that those of us who want to know the ins and outs of everything can post and read and those that dont want to know can stay away from it. Just a thought.

I agree this post should return to discussin suvival rates for those who want them. The upset has been caused by the title, which has thankfully now been changed. My grim prognosis is not something I wish to focus on but others I’m sure will feel differently. Each to their own :slight_smile:
this thread only became heated when the poster adamantly refused to amend a potentially very upsetting title. The issues raised are undoubtedly worthwhile discussion points- we shouldn’t have to accept a poorer standard of care + ultimately a worse prognosis. I have jst felt that awareness can be made without causing distress to those already living the stage 4 nightmare. I apologize if my strong feeling abut protecting other vulneable members have caused any offense to those Reading this thread.
I won’t be posting on here again as it is nt my intention to get into an argument. I just felt it important to stand up for the majority of us who wanted the title changing. It was a simple+ reasonable request or so we thought…

Hatty I appreciate your suggestion, but I think these issues are too important to be restricted.

Thank you for your apology Gingerbud, I understand things are sometimes said in the heat of the moment because I’m guilty of that myself. Please continue to post about the topic, because it is an important issue, and one we can resolve if we work together.

I would like to say thanks to Lemongrove for the campaign and for highlighting a very important issue for all of us.

wasnt saying for it to be restricted i think its freedom of choice!

Do a majority of those reading this think that it’s unreasonable, though? We cannot know. A few will post to say so, a few will post to say they find it reasonable, many will not post at all but may hold either view.

Me, since I have an aggressive form of cancer, I like to know where other centres may be making better progress so that I can campaign and also fight my own ‘corner’. I can appreciate that it is distressing for some people, though. Could the site be adapted so that there is a safe zone for support only, and another zone where stats and controversy can go? Is the knack to only tag thread areas which feel safe rather than going to ‘latest threads’? No idea, just suggestions.

But personally I’m glad of the info because it helps me plan ahead.

Very good points Amber - I didn’t object so didn’t comment, although I do understand why some did. I would also heartily support a separate section for factual discussion - like you I want as much information as possible, however unpalatable. Even when threads are introduced as factual discussion people still object - for instance the alcohol thread that someone referred to - which I find bizarre. The support threads are absolutely fantastic for those that use them, and I appreciate they are by far the majority, but I come here for information.

There is also a very difficult issue for the newly diagnosed with Stage 4. I can understand wanting to protect people from their prognosis, but decisions will be taken in the first few weeks of a diagnosis that need to be well informed. Sometimes it’s a one-off chance to stop the cancer in it’s tracks. So however well intentioned, I think it is a disservice to these people to hide information from them.


Thank you Finty and Amber. Surely, the whole purpose of BCC is to provide BC sufferers with information to help them deal with problems, so on an information site, there will always be something someone doesn’t like, or feel comfortable with.
Obviously, someone with stage 1 cancer might not like to discover that people frequently die with BC, but equally, I could complain when a stage 1 person posts to say how pleased they are to have received the all clear - because that will never happen for me. But if we all start complaining about this and that, nothing will ever get posted.

Hi Ladies,
I was just wondering if we realy need 3 threads on this topic? only it does seem a bit excessive to me , or maybe thats just me?.
Also as the upset caused to some members by the inital title has now been resolved by BCC im not sure what the problem is anymore or why people keep gong on about it.

Also some posters here keep saying " you want as much information as possible ,however unpalatable,But you must surely respect the fact that “others” may NOT.

In my endless research of this desease since first being DX ,ive found the infromation on “Statistics” very easy to find ,as im sure others have, so i think if people “want” to know the “Stats” re their own particular DX they can choose to read it,or NOT whatever the case may be.

Finty, im not sure why you found the “Alcohol” comment that i mentioned earlier “bizarre” i found the particular comment about “primaries” greatly under estimating their risk or secondries (complete with figures) unessessary and potencialy scare mongering ,“my opinion” and we all have a right to one of those!
The Alcohol thread wasnt asking for “links” or "facts"it was asking for “Alternatives to Alcohol” theres a difference dont you think?

Anyway, as it seems that some of these threads have become somewhat unpsetting and unpleasant to some members on here,maybe it would be possible for BCC to sort the Topic out to “One” thread so as not to take up too much space on the forum?.

Lemongrove ,as i said before i think its great that you work hard for BC patients in campaging the issues, but i feel that the “tone” in the threads is now coming accross as a bit patronising and people are deliberately ignoring other members views and feeling.

By the way ,I too would support a separate section for more factual discussions on BC Topics ,Maybe thats the point?their should be serarate catorgories for controversial topics then people wouldnt have to read them and get frightened if they didnt want to!

Gingerbud ,just wanted to send you and the other ladies a huge hug.

Linda x