start taxotere

well i start on 23rd october, i am so nervous got a leaflet on combination chemotherpy AC regime ne on eelse had this. the name of it is taxotere

Hi Madgal,

Just wanted to say Hi and hope your doing ok considering.

My operation has been put back to a week on monday (boo) been a bit ill latley.

Keep thinking of you, hope your ok.

Heidi xx

well i got a stinking cold but im ok. the good news is im cancer free and teh chemo is just an insurance, im even being allowed to have a break over christmas and new year so im well for the kids, hope u get on ok with surgery

I bet your feeling a bit rubbish lately eh?

I had appendicitis 3 wks ago, my bloods obviously showed infection, and because I was under general anaestetic only 3 wks ago, I think they want to give it more time. I go nxt wednesday about that but I’m sure I great now as far as thats concenred, just delayed things with my breast!!

Take care and keep in touch !
