Starting chemo 8th July anyone else?

Hi all,
I’m starting chemo (6x Taxotere) on Tuesday & am dreading it, just wondering if anyone else is starting around the same time?
Lisa x

Hi Lisa

I am at the other end of it from you - just one more to go

Just wanted to say that athough you read a lot of bad stuff about TAX some people of us arent too bad on it at all so GOOD LUCK

The couple of days before the first drip were definitely the worst for me … the most scary … after that it’s “do-able” - this probably won’t make much sense until youve actually had it!

good luck anyway and hope you have some new friends soon …

by the way - the thread “newly diagosed movers” or something like that is very recent - so if you were to join them you wouldn’t be far behind …

big hug love FB xxx

Hello Lisa
I’m glad you started this thread as I was going to start one, like who is having their 2nd chemo this week?

I am due my second taxotere tomorrow afternoon, just look at it as with each one down, one less to go to the end. It wasn’t so bad, at least for a couple of days and no doubt you have read up on side effects and what might happen. For the last week and a half I have felt pretty normal really. Will you be having chemo every other week or 3 weekly? Mine is 3 weekly so I get a good time between courses.

Good luck on Tuesday, we’ll no doubt catch up later in the week.

Hi Lisa

I have TAX #2 on Tuesday after also having 3 FEC. As FizBix says it is do-able and I was rough for a period of 36 hours starting the Fri after the first dose. The body pains were manageable with pain killers but I did suffer quite badly with indigestion. I am going to sort some medication out to cope with it when I see my onc.

My index finger and thumb nails hurt for a few days after too - just felt as if I had ‘knocked’ the nail up. This also passed. On day 8 after the dose I felt back to normal.

I hope everything goes ok for you on Tuesday and let us know how you get on

Anita xxx

Good luck for all having chemo this week!

Hi Lisa,

I’m a little ahead of you. Had first of 4 FEC last thurs (3rd July) and will be having 4 x taxotere after those.

Everyone is so different but it was not as bad as I expected. I Felt a bit light headed on thurs eve, and also friday. Felt really sick (everytime I moved) yesterday and seem to have perked up today…I took all the anti-sickness tablets I was given and drank gallons of water so I hope that is it…we shall see, still early days.

All the very best of luck and love on tuesday - keep us informed on how you are

Love Hayley xx

Hi Lisa

I had my first FEC last Monday (30 June). It wasn’t so bad. I think the worst bit was the fear of the unknown. I had decided not to worry about it but got a bit upset whilst I was waiting. We waited half an hour to see the doctor and then had to wait for the drugs to be ready and were told to go for a walk for half an hour but still had to wait another half an hour before starting the treatment. We were told that the first time always takes longest as they have paperwork and stuff to complete to go with the drugs. Everyone was sitting around waiting for their treatment and they were all talking and chatting like old timers and it just got a bit much for me, but the nurse moved me to a private room and we talked it all through and then got back on with everything. Now I know what to expect I don’t think it’ll be half as bad next time (21 July). The treatment itself was very straightfoward - my arm went cold from the drugs but I was given a heated wheat-bag thingy, and I had a funny feeling in my nose from one lot of drugs but it soon disappeared. I’ve been very lucky and haven’t really suffered - have been a bit more tired than usual, had a hot flush the following day and had minor heartburn on another, but no sickness and still managed to carry on much as normal. I’m back working this week (albeit from home) and hoping the other 5 are the same as the first.

I got home and immediately crossed 1 off the calendar - can’t wait to cross 2 off! It’s such a good feeling to cross the first one off - that’s one step closer to the end.

Anyway, good luck for tomorrow - hope all goes well.

Nel x

Hi Lisa,
Like Nel I am just 1 ahead of you and I am also on 3xFEC then 3xDoc. It is the fear of the unknown but as you can see most people haven’t found it too bad.
Yes some of us are sick and a person or 2 have had really bad reactions but please just take it as it comes as you will be different to everyone else, that’s the thing we all react differently.
Nel felt cold with her FEC, I didn’t really feel anything until the one that makes your nose fizzy.

The first 1 is the longest as you do have a lot of waiting around. The hospital I go to has books, portable DVD players, magazines, tea & coffe & biscuits and internet access for when you are waiting. I brought my ipod but my OH was with me and my chemo nurse is a friends mum so we all just sat and chatted while they administered the drugs.

Good luck with it hunny, stay calm and I am sure you will be fine. Tis do-able as people say on here.

Love and hugs

PS I started a wee thread called newly diagnosed movers on here if anyone is interested, it is just those ladies moving from ops to chemo

Hi all…
I am starting 6 x FEC tomorrow and am terrified…praying I will be well as I have to travel to Scotland on Friday for my Grandads funeral.

Good luck all with your respective treatments.

I am at Bristol by the way x



Today I have just had 2nd FEC. Dont know how I am yet! But typing on here! Not too bad on lst. Was sick once that night. Hot sweats. Then ok until Friday just gone when most of hair fell out despite cold cap.
After FEC I too am having 4 TAX. Asked nurse about it today and she said taxotere is generally better tolerated than FEC.
But everyone is different. The nurses are brilliant and really kind and gentle. I understand taxotere is administered via a drip for about 1 and half hours.
Hope this helps and good luck!

Just seen the oncologist today. Chemo next week. Not sure which regime as going on TACT2. But terrified. Just getting over surgery and now this. Feel as tho’ my life is on ‘pause’. Nothing to look forward to…

Let me know how you go on.


Hi Lisa

I’m due to start chemo (6xFEC) next Wednesday and feel very anxious just like you. Definitely the fear of the unknown. But I’m hoping that once I’ve been through one lot it won’t feel so daunting.

If it’s today that you’re going in I do hope it all goes ok for you. Good luck and let us know how you are afterwards.

Take Care
Sarah x

ps I’m in Newbury and having mine in Reading

Hello Lisa and Anita as you had your treatments today, hope you are both feeling good, or at least not bad?

My taxotere went ok yesterday and today I have been good, done a lot of paperwork and sorting out so not too bad at all, in fact I would say better than the 1st one but I’ll see how the next few days go.

Anyway, hi to everyone else and hope everyone is doing good