Starting chemo in March 2014

Hello everyone. It is day 12 after chemo for me. My rash it getting worse and I have strange aches and pains; my scalp is itchy and mouth feeling a bit strange. I spoke to a nurse who said this is nothing to worry about, that my skin will be more sensitive and aches are to be expected. I went to a meeting at work and kept seing my stray hairs every where, on the paper, my jumper, the floor. It’s not nice waiting to see what happens with the hair. Obviously concerned as these are the low immune days, sorry to moan. I must say that it has really not been that bad, not in proportion to how anxious and scared we get before hand. Donna I drink almond milk and also coconut milk (not the one for cooking) one called koko, oat, hazel nut and hemp milks also sold in the super market. Why have they advices against soya? Best wishes x oh I’m 41.

Hi debs, I got my wig a week after I started.
kirstykat I have aches all day today all kind of in my left hip and all down the left leg. They said something was showing on my pelvis from my bone scan, hoping it’s nothing to do with that :frowning:
Newbies, don’t be afraid, the actual process of chemo is fine, for me the sickness was the worst but I suffered with really bad morning sickness so they said I would probably suffer now, it seems once that had passed that most of us haven’t been too bad.
Gosh, we are all pretty young aren’t we. Xxxx

As others have said, fear of first chemo worse than actually having it - good luck new ladies. I’d been nervous about having a line put in, but they seem to be fine just doing it in a vein and taking cannula out each time, which is brilliant. It’s been 13 days since my first one (Docetaxel) and the hair has now started to go. Not noticeable yet, just an obvious increase in hair in bath and on clothes, booooo. I got my wig just after my first chemo so had it ready, glad I did. Shame it’s not the leg hair that goes first!

Hi I am due to start next week!

Hi I’m now on day 7 post FEC1 and today has been the toughest day. I noticed an ulcer last night and this morning woken up with a sore throat - well, I say sore, but it’s more like I’ve swallowed something and it’s stuck - has anyone else had this? I called my chemo nurse and she referred me to my GP who had a look and said it’s all fine. I’ve swilled with some mouthwash and the ulcers have gone today, I’ve been tired today, but there’s going to be highs and lows and today is defo a duvet day!! The chemo is do-able for all the newbies, but it’s just a matter of seeing how your body copes with it and making sure you report it all back to your onc before the next round. Good luck

I have recently been diagnosed with IDS. Grade 3 - tumour 23 mm and 8mm. I have had mastectomy. I am HER positive. I had no node involvement but positive for LVI. Does all this give me a bad prognosis. The oncologist didn’t speak about prognosis. Having a heart scan today and start chemo next Friday.
If anyone has been in the same boat can you please let give some advice. Have two teenagers and trying to be sting in front if them.
They also wouldn’t give me a ct scan before chemo as no lymph node spread - is this the norm? I asked the breast care nurse and she said the same. But if I’m LVI positive surely they would have.
Sorry for rambling so terrified.

Hi ladies, hope you’ve had a good week.

Lorna - I’m also feeling pretty normal, day 15 for me. Taste coming back more now, though milky tea and milk chocolate still tasting grim. Tiredness snuck up on me today though - had an all day event at work yesterday that normally wouldn’t trouble me at all, but utterly pooped last night and today. Hair seriously coming out now, moulting everywhere like a shaggy retriever! Seeing how long I can cope before getting my boyfriend to get his clippers on it.

Mel - glad your ulcers have calmed down. My gums went pretty sore at around day 7 so bought a soft toothbrush. Fine again now though so back using the electric toothbrush. My dentist recommended a mouthwash called Peroxil if chemo causes gums to become sore or inflamed.

Good luck rosie14, pansy50 and ali24 for your first one. As kerolene says, take a mate or partner with you and think of a nice treat to have afterwards. It honestly wasn’t as bad as expected, take something trashy to read to try and relax. A work colleague said to imagine the chemo is Pacman going in to gobble up all the nasty cells, which I thought was quite apt.

Hi missy12. No, I didn’t go for the cold cap - was given the option, but decided against it. My oncologist starts with Docetaxel first and then FEC, so may be having different speed of hair loss and side effects to others as think everyone else here is on FEC first.

Has anyone had a mastectomy with implant? I’m having chemo before surgery, so have this to come. My lump feels really prominent at the moment, so hoping I’ll get to feel it shrinking with the chemo soon.

Evening all.  Had been doing good but feeling a bit emotional and tired today. All the #no makeupselfies are making me sob. I have a cold too which isn’t good is it? I rang my helpline and they said to just watch out for a temperature.

Hair is hanging on although comes out when I run my hands through it so is probably just a matter of time now. I’m back in for my second session on Tues. 

Hope everyone is good. Good luck to all newbies xxx

Kereleene it is tough with my little ones and I don’t get much rest but at the same time they are the reason I get out of bed each day and why I will fight this. My 5 yr old has type one diabetes which is a huge job in itself and only really have myself and husband that can take proper care of her needs. 

Yours are only babies too :( 

When I went to look at wig it was one of the best things I ever did. I managed to get a pretty close match to my hair colour and style. I feel like I would need to be comfy wearing a wig in public first, before trying out a wacky style. However, I did try a variety on in the shop which was a giggle. It was such a relief when I got it sorted. I haven’t bought it yet, but I know the exactness I need to order if/when the time comes!

Good luck

I am now hoping to start on Thursday after a weeks delay due to an infection following biopsy. I live in Cyprus so I don’t understand your codes for chemo drugs! Not sure how to find out which cocktail it is! I am going to the hairdresser on Monday to get a good all over cut without having it graded! It’s bad enough with the dog molting I don’t want to start! I am praying I don’t have sickness or diarrhea I can cope with anything else!

Thanks Wildpurl - great to hear you had a good result with your implant.

Had a low day today. Hair coming out in handfuls now, and made mistake of trying on a dress in a changing room with lots of mirrors. Seeing how thin the hair was at the back and seeing lots of scalp along my hairline turned what was supposed to be a nice pop around the shops into an upsetting experience. Had a bit of a sob on my boyfriend in the middle of the shop - even though I knew it was coming, still utterly crap. Bought a material alice band to try and cover the worst for a couple of days before I admit reality and get the clippers out. Just bought two pretty headscarves online to make me feel a bit better, and going to book on the HeadStrong session next week.

I am on day 18 and starting to loose more and more hair everyday and I wore cold cap. I have thick hair so it’s not noticeable but I am dreading it going. I’m back in for #2 on Tues and will wear cold cap again but probably the last time. I have my wig already and I didn’t need a voucher or exemption certificate.
No one has mentioned exemption to me, how do go about sorting that?? I have maternity exemption at the mo but need to sort it for when that runs out.

Hi Eitaki - my hair started going on day 13 (last Tues). It’s now very thin and can see a lot of scalp so can’t now go out without covering it. I wore my wig out last night to a club - it actually looked great and my friends brought some bubbly to toast my wig’s first outing :slight_smile:

My hospital gave me a voucher for a free wig - they give them to everyone regardless of personal circumstances. Wore a baker boy style cap out to the shops today, and just ordered two headscarves from website called Annabandana that look great. Going to book on the HeadStrong session at the hospital to be shown how to tie the scarves properly.

Hi I am 20 eitika is falling out badly, did have the cold cap too. Have second cycle on.thursday. I cried a little today over hair falling out

Dh I think me having.our second cycle of fec this coming.week. How is your hair? Mine is falling out all the time its.upsetting .especially if.someone says are you okay? Of course I am.not but.nothing I about it, heartbreaking. Im going ti a headstrong group session tmrw morning so will let u know how it was.

Hi all, I’ve set up a FB group this morning, search -

Breast Cancer Care - Peer Support

I thought this would be useful along side this forum, I hope some you agree. Lisa L (Project Kylie) xx

Hi All, 

This is my first post on the forum so it may be quite a lengthy one! 

I’m 34 and was diagnosed with BC early Feb. I started my FEC treatment on the 7th March (I’ll be having 3x FEC & 3x T), so I’m now on Day 18 and due back to the clinic for bloods tomorrow (Tuesday) with Round 2 of Chemo on Friday. 


My first chemo was very traumatic for me. I ended up in A&E with what the Doctor diagnosed as a Panic Attack. It came on about 3hrs after the treatment when I was back in the house and was the most scariest thing I have ever been through. Although I was sent home the same evening, my anxiety and heart palpitations didn’t subside until Day 7. I spoke with one of my nurses and she has suggested that I may have had a bad reaction to the steroids and reading the side effects of these it seems my symptoms are text book!


I have thought long & hard about posting this as the last thing I want to do is frighten someone who is due to have their first chemo this week, but I wanted to know if anyone else had these feelings after their chemo as I can’t find any other posts relating to this? 

I am looking forward to meeting with my Oncologist tomorrow to hear her views and whether anything can be done/changed for Chemo 2. 


Other side effects I have experienced are extremely dry mouth during the first week (I was consuming approx 3 liters of water a day) and tiredness up until Day 7/8 (Day 1 through to 5 were a complete blur). Also had ulcers in my throat and on my tongue but using Corsadyl mouthwash to keep these under control. Had no sickness what so ever, however, I was prescribed Emend which seems to be a wonder drug! 

My emotions have been a bit all over the place as well, crying at a drop of a hat! Even reading the forums set me off. 


So today will be Day 18 for me and although I wore the cold cap, my hair is falling out. It started last Thurs/Fri with a pins & needles type feeling on my scalp. I have quite thick strong hair so I am surprised how quickly I am loosing it, however, thinking positively, maybe this is just a thinning process?? 

I got my wig sorted out before I started chemo so ‘Whitney’ is on her stand ready for an appearance if I need her.


Anyway, I think that’s a long enough first post. Please let me know if anyone has experienced the same side effects, especially the anxiety. Not looking forward to Chemo 2 at present! 



Welcome buttercup 01 so sorry you had such a bad time.
Project kylie great idea but I’ve tried searching and it’s not coming up? Would be much easier for me to use on my phone.
Missy12 yes I am in for round 2 tomorrow and get results from further tests, nervous!!
My hair is coming out in quite big handfuls when u run my hands through it. I haven’t hardly touched it today as don’t want to loose anymore. It’s not noticeable though as I have thick hair. I don’t want to waste my time with cold cap again though fir it to all be gone in a few days. I’m going to see what they suggest and if they think im loosing it or just thinning :frowning:
I will cry my eyes out if/when it goes so you are not alone there xxx