Starting Chemo, June 2010


had a heavenly back massage, very gentle because I’m on treatment then had make up done. I aske her to show me how to do my eyes. she showed me a trick to do with a brush and eyelinerpowder to make it look like you have eyelashes if you lose them-don’t know if I will or not. It was done at a shop that only sell organic products and all their treatments are organic. all were free today for BC patients

Carol x

Oh Nem, how horrible, really do hope you start to feel better from now on and the next lot of treatment isn’t so bad.

Today’s my last day at work as I’m not planning on trying to work through treatment so I will be on a mix of left over annual leave and sick leave. Feels quite weird!

We did a music quiz last night at our library and won, so we got the chance to donate the quiz proceeds to a local charity - chose the cancer centre where I’m going tomorrow! Seemed like a good idea… (Also donated the wine we won to our team mates as neither of us drink!).

Starting to get a few doubts over all this, but I’m sure having the chat tomorrow with the team will remind me why I’m going to put myself through this!

Morning Ladies,
Carol, oh the back massage must have been lovely, feel as though l could do with one of those, those injections certainly give you pain in the back, might have to take some pain killers today! the mouth is still a bit wooly! but not too bad, sickness seems to have gone! although i find if l don’t eat for a couple of hours then l do feel a little sick, so little and often!
Ordered some hats and towel turbans the other day, and they came yesterday, really pleased l ordered bright colours, hopefully they will cheer me up! only for in doors though, wig when out!
MrsSloth, not long now…2 days and counting, enjoy your last day at work!

Gill, hope the spots are fading fast, how does the hair feel? still tingling? a friend said she couldn’t put her head on the pillow her head was so sore! Going to buy some hair clippers today, good old argos! as soon as l see the fall, off with the hair! l think! so very afraid of the hair going! just emotions l know!
I can see the leaves blowing in the wind today, l will be worried about going out in the wind, until l get used to it. Never realised you should NOT wear a hat with your wig, seems it leaves a mark around the hair, and it wont come out! glad she told me that as l might have worn a sun hat to protect the wig! oh and she said keep out of the rain as much as possible as it takes up to 8 hours to dry the wig!
Hope everyone has a good day
Sandra xxx

Wore a new hat to cycle the children to school this morning. Too windy! Had a tricky trip home holding the hat with one hand. Have now put buff on underneath and hope it’ll stay put… Certainly can’t risk wig on bike and I’d find my life much worse if I had to walk/get in car rather than wizz around on my bike. Going to a friend’s for lunch today and might make a swift hat-to-wig swap on the doorstep!
My 11 year old is having his French exchange partner to stay for 4 nights today. Hope he’s not freaked out by bald host!
Hope SEs are phasing out for all today.


Morning All - Nem, how are you?? Really hope you’re feeling a bit brighter. I keep thinking about your bath and how scary that must have been. Maybe you’re a bit more your old self today?

Gill, I know what you mean about chocolate, but am still determined to eat some! I managed a glass of wine last night with a very old friend. Tasted wrong, but felt right if you see what I mean.

Mrs Sloth, not long now. You’ll feel better once you’re through the first am sure. I like your list of favourites. Get yourself a good dvd for Friday night to distract yourself. I felt strangely hyper after my first session. Might have been the steroids…

Carol, that massage sounds mighty good. There are some complimentary therapy days coming up near me soon, so I should book myself in and follow your lead. It’s an outreach day run by one of the hospitals, so you’ve inspired me to dig out the leaflets.

Sandra, buying clippers is brave!! We have some in the cupboard and my other half has said he’ll help me when I’m ready. Am wondering when hair goes…? I’m on day 13 now. I know I used the cold cap, but for some reason am not expecting it to work. Some of the scarves I ordered came yesterday so I had a practice tie yesterday. Didn’t look too terrible, but obviously I’d rather not!

Scoobs, do you like your wig then?? I’m not sure whether to go get one or not. Made me smile the idea of you scooting along with one hand on your head. Do they really come off that easily?!

Hope everyone’s good today and not too spotty/ sick/ or similarly challenged xxj

Not brave enough for wind&rain with wig either! Wear my buff instead, eyelashes all gone now, odd, still disappointed that cc did not work for me! Sue, sure your student will be ok, still planning on coming to Swindon next week? Loading doses of dex&antihistamines today ready for tax/c tomorrow, will get lots of spots again I am sure, Gill, I never had this many spots when I was a teenager! Sandra, hope the se’s are managable! Big hugs to all! Tina

Hi all,
I’m smiling from the whole bike, wig/hat flying off scenario. Also smiling at the idea it might be possible to ride a bike while going through this. Theres hope.
Thank you so much for the kind messages. Its so lovely to feel supported even when being negative! Still feeling rubbish- a bit less sick which is a huge relief but the stomach cramps and aching bones are terrible- just looked in the mirror and the whole of the inside of my mouth is scarlet with fetching white blobs on. lovely.
Kids, husband and mum all being totally fab. There is something deeply comforting about being fed chicken soup by my mummy even if I am nearly 38!
Gill, I thoroughly reccommend getting a hair cut. I had mine done a few weeks ago, I went from very long to very short. everyone loved it and we are all used to it now. I can’t imagine dealing with either long hair or cutting it at all at the moment. I have a friend lined up with the clippers as soon as it starts to come out- I might even do it before- but theres always this little bit of hope that it wont happen isnt there?
Top tip for tar mouth- ginger cordial and fizzy water with loads of ice.
Good luck tommorow Tina.
It sounds like youve coped brilliantly Sandra- lets enjoy the next couple of weeks until next time.

Hi, ladies

went for my blood test this morning. Hope my WBC is OK. The nurse gave me the phial of my blood to give a little shake for luck. She said she does that with all her ladies. Hope it works!

Went into work for a couple of hours but couldn’t get my head round the spread sheets my son has created to make things easier. I’d rather do it the long way. So I gave up and went to the allotment instead-I don’t have to think there. It was too hot really and new I shouldn’t be out in the sun too long even though I had factor 30 on and several layers of clothes.

I couldn’t wait to get the wig off! I will have to put the thing back on as I am going for a curry with some friends this evening.

Second Chemo tomorow-yipee!!!

Hope everyone is feeling not too bad


Hi Carol,
Oh gosh second one already! hope it goes well for you, they soon come round! or do they? hopefully your bloods will be perfect, full steam ahead!
Good Luck
Sandra xxx

I start 3x FEC & 3xTaxotere on Friday 18th June. I am thinking about an Hickman line as I can see on this website a few ladies who have encountered problems with their veins when IV - any thoughts ladies??

I asked a friend who’s a consultant anaethetist (can never spell that) about having a line put in. She said that all procedures carry their own risk (especially general for a portcath) and advised me not to have one. Obviously, if my veins give up in a future treatment, I may well end up with one, but she said not to pre-emp that scenario. So I took that advice. Veins ok on 2 chemos so far, so fingers crossed. She did say though for people with a real needle fear, some sort of line takes away that stress.
Good luck tomorroe Tina - hope you had a tasty supper tonight before taste buds go down the tubes - or maybe that’s not the case with Tax.
Sounds as if you’re on the mend for the moment Nem - you really got unlucky this time. But then again, I’ve got it into my head that SEs shoe the poison is working on those little cancer buggers, so bring it on! I almost want to lose all hair, to prove it’s working on all fast-growing cells. Probably a very un=scientific viewpoint I know!


Tina, hugs back to you for tomorrow. Hope it’s an easy-ish one. Why do you take loads of antihistamines?? Am curious.

Carol you too - happy second chemo! Strange to put it like that, but at least it’s another one nearly through. Good to go for a curry to take your mind off it. Might think about doing that next week when it’s my turn. Am in awe at your allotment digging in the wig on such a warm day.

  • Nem, glad to hear you’re sounding a teeny bit better, though still sounds horrible. Your poor mouth. Have they given you something for it?? Good you’ve got your mum on hand.

satp, hope you don’t mind me asking, but why do you want a line in from the start? I think it’s great if your veins are gone, or if you hate needles, but I’m sure it carries a risk of infection too, so I’d guess you have to weigh it up according to what your Oncology team can tell you. Welcome to June thread though. Sorry you’ve found yourself here with us, but we’re a friendly bunch!

Hi satp
I started the first of my 3FEC last friday, before l started l spoke to the onc about the line,l had heard of so many with problems with their veins! didn’t want any more problems than l already have!
We decided l would see how the first FEC went and go from there, Well the first was perfect, not a bruise! l think they take so much care now, l remember 10 years ago, going with a friend, poor girls hand was black and blue all the time. Now they put a heated blanket on to ‘pump’ up the veins, and left it on while they did the E as it seems that is the worst one for causing a problem with the vein.
Good Luck with whatever you decide
Sandra x

Have the antihistamines due to being very allergy prone, have had anaphylaxis before and since the epi allergy they just dose me up. Thank you Juile and scoobs, treated myself to Danish pastry today, taste will be off for next week! satp, I have a portacath only because my veins didn’t cope, it’s a day case here with a GA, with a hickmann you have to go in for a flush every week and you might find them restrictive especially as it is summer! Hope everyone else recovers quickly from their sessions! Hugs! Tinax

Tina, antihistimines sound mighty sensible then! Hope today goes well. Shame it’s such a lovely day to be stuck inside. Is it quicker to do Tax - that’s next for me after FEC? Am guessing as you still have cc it’s the same amount of time stuck there though. Hope you’re home and warding off SE soon. x

HI everyone,
Carol, I hope you are ok after your second chemo. Its all such an unknown it will be interesting to hear how it compares to the first. I do so hope noone is suffering too badly out there.
I’m in heaven with a cinnamon bun at the moment. Its amazing to not feel sick. I started having slices off the second cinnamon bun and keep going back for more so I should just put the whole damn thing on a plate. I’m going to get so fat on chemo, eating at regular intervals is the only thing that helps. It starts at 5am when darling husband gets me the first bowl of weetabix.
I went to the doctor yesterday, I think I actually managed to impress her with my ulcerated mouth. She took one look and rang the onclogist. I ended up with 7 (yes 7!) different prescriptions, thank god they’re free, blessing the wondrous nhs again.
She phoned this morning to say my white count was so low I wasnt to leave the house or admit visitors, I promised to be at sports day this afternoon so granny has gone instead. That made me sad.
I didnt tell the doc my sewage pump has broken so we did have to have a visit from- of all people- the sewage pump man, who proceeded to spray raw sewage all over our car and the drive. Ususally I’d have to deal with it all so I just stayed upstairs chuckling to myself at the irony while DH got the hose out.
Sandra (if you’ve got this far!) I read on another thread you were being sick- whats that all about- how awful at this late sage.
sorry to go on a bit, just so pleased not to be feeling sick yay! just got to get rid of the belly ache and all will be good. Does anyone else have that bye the way? A constant gripey pain in the belly?

Hi Ladies, Yes Naomi, took me by surprise as well, for those ladies that wonder what l am talking about, woke this morning to a cup of green tea and a plain biscuit, before l could have either the room spun round and l grabbed the sick bowl (first time sick) and one week today since chemo. Sooooooooooo l really do think it had nothing to do with the chemo! l only felt sick for the first 3 days, so to have been sick today…Just one of those things. Just had some nice ‘toast’ feel really hungry but taking it slowly!
Other than that mouth still feels a bit woolly, but still tasting food, so can’t be that bad.
Hope you are all feeling good for the weekend, looks like it might rain here, very soon!
Sandra xxx

Hope all 7 different potions sort our your mouth Naomi! Did they offer any advice about avoiding the problem next time around? You really have been hit hard but sounds as if you’re on the mend and sensibly avoiding infections. Love the timing of the sewage van! Pity you missed sports day, but at least you avoided any potential mothers’ race disasters…

Went strawberry picking today - so delicious and SO healthy! Plan to eat very well all weekend before the dreaded visit to chemo suite on Tues. Really NOT looking forward to that. Do you lot go it alone or take someone to drive you home? I have my onc appointment at 9.40 followed by treatment, which was really delayed last time, so I don’t really want to ask a friend to take me in (OH came first time and mother in law (!) last time). Is it silly to drive myself home? Felt bit odd but not bad for a day or so after sessions 1 and 2.
Hope sickness subsiding, Sandra.
Have a good weekend all


I had my last of 6 FEC yesterday. You will get there. I just wanted to tell you all about a drug called Emend or Aprepitant. It is usually only given in the private sector for BC but my Onc got it for me on chemo 5 as I has sufferred with sickness and nausea. She had a fight on her hands but got it and it did work. There are side effects though such as headaches but if you are really sick it is worth asking for. I would also recommend lots of water but know that is difficult when you are nauseous and it tastes of metal. Hang on in there and good luck.

I had my last of 6 FEC yesterday. You will get there. I just wanted to tell you all about a drug called Emend or Aprepitant. It is usually only given in the private sector for BC but my Onc got it for me on chemo 5 as I has sufferred with sickness and nausea. She had a fight on her hands but got it and it did work. There are side effects though such as headaches but if you are really sick it is worth asking for. I would also recommend lots of water but know that is difficult when you are nauseous and it tastes of metal. Hang on in there and good luck.