Hi ladies,
I saw my oncologist today to discuss the results of my axillary clearance. I had 2 out of 9 nodes affected in what was taken during the mastectomy and then had axillary clearance last week. Thankfully no more nodes were affected. The onc asked when I want to start my chemo so hopefully I’ll be starting it next week.
I will be having 6 courses and then Herceptin after that. The chemo I will have is Docetaxol (Taxotere) and Cyclophosphomide. The regime usually includes Adromycin (doxorubicin) but I had a lot of that when I had bone cancer as a teenager and I’m at my limit as any more would be dangerous for my heart and obviously we want that working as well as poss before starting the Herceptin.
Has anyone else had this regimen, either altered like mine or the usual way?