starting chemo on 17th feb - half term week

i’m back - will be having 3 x fec and 3 x tax once I am assesed for a picc line…so its all becoming very real…gulp…mary x

Hi Mary, You are on same as me except i am not using picc line. My veins are apparently pretty good and as the chemo nurses are so experienced in jabbing the right spot, i am sticking with that. First one hurt for a second or two but was fine. He, my chemo nurse, said there were lots of nice veins for me. As to how i am feeling, still not to bad, a bit tired and nauseous but nothing i cant live with. I know what you mean about feeling real. It really hit me when the pink stuff was going in. Oh well, its going to make us better

All the best

hi Linda - hope its still going ok…waiting for the assessment for picc line but sort of hope they try one and see - not sure how they do it or decide though…take care, mary x