It is good to come in here and find so many people who are in the same place-I am sorry we are all in here but it’s good to have people who understand, isn’t it.
Maggie -that burned tongue feeling, yeah, that comes and goes, almost makes me like that mouth numbing mouth rinse. And thanks for the Vogue pattern tip off.
I’ll be twins with Lulu until January, when I will become twins with Maggie for the last day (cross fingers if all goes well etc etc)as my last appointment has to be delayed. Snap with Lulu re the nasal hairs- never appreciated them before. Sob the eyelashes, and sob sob the patchy eyebrows. I hope you find the Emend makes life better, everyone who has written here about it has praised it. I have been given Aloxi which is given IV before the chemo and it has been brilliant, does cause ace constipation but they have given me liquid dynamite to fix that. And yes the pounds are going up, but it’s better for us than the weight falling off, they tell us.

Maggienic- those steroid nights- maybe we should make a song about them! After last cycle when I had a 23 and a half hours awake on day 2, have had the steroids reduced for this cycle, will report back.

Bells, good guess, I am a Scot living in the south of England, and when I was registering on here, had a glorious Lavender Lassie rose blooming in the garden, tempting me out for some fresh air and smell-the-roses time, and liked the Scottish touch. The Western used to be my local a loooong time ago, hope they are looking after you well.

By spending the weekend before going out and doing nice things like seeing the friends and the grownup family and saying “yeah, I’m fine, just a bit lazy some times” I can usually put off cringing about chemo until the day before when the practice nurse misses my vein for the bloods and I start twitching that the chemo nurses will do the same. So far they have been brilliant, thank goodness. And so I can untwitch for another two and a bit weeks.
Happy days to everyone and no bad ones

Oops got Jo90 and Maggie mixed up there-blame kemo brane, and accept my apologies please-and especially if I have got anyone else mis=xed up -you cannot believe how long it took me to typo that and this!

Well, chemo 4 has been and gone. Day after, today, I’m up and about. I EVEN went out with my partner to Asda. I thank Emend. Without it, I was throwing up for 3 days and out of action for 5/6.

I feel SO much better this time even than after 3. I also give thanks to the male nurse, Garner, that I had. He is fast, efficient and despite the speed he works at, kind. He EVEN found a vein on my right hand which saved having a canula in my foot. I’m requesting him next time. I did throw up as I was leaving hopspital but still, a small price to pay I think.

(Pic is of me in one of my favourite hats!)

Hi jo
Are you from the northeast, my male nurse is garner to?

Love the hat!
And so pleased you are feeling human on Emend. Getting the anti sickness treatment makes such a difference-except perhaps to the brain-I should not post the day of chemo-I wrote such rubbish, mixing everyone up, apologies again.
How amazing that you and Kimmie are maybe being looked after by the same guy!

Hi Kimmie,

Yes, I’m in Newcastle. Unusual name, there can’t be two of him I’m sure!

I do feel a bit flaky mentally Lavender Lassie. I can’t read at the moment, which is what I usually do when I’m ill which is a pain but not a huge price to pay.

I’m seeing the oncologist Monday. Last time I saw him I wasn’t well, glad I’ll be better this time!

Can I just say, it has made SO much difference finding this forum to how I feel. Finally I feel as if I’m not the only one going through this, which has made me feel so much better :slight_smile:



Hey Jo
you should come aboard the North east thread then as you are from Newcastle! Kimmie and myself post on there as well.Loads of lovely, supportive ladies all living in and around the area. We have started meeting for coffee/lunch regularly, which is a right laugh. New people are welcome to join. It would be lovely if you could come too since you are from the same neck of the wood. Next meeting will be Monday 13th December.
Lulu XX

Hi all
Had restless night last night woke up with nose bleed, anyone else had nose bleed?
Do feel more tired after Mondays 3rd FEC, but think that’s about par for the course for 3rd. Next chemo will be Doxitaxol believe it’s not as aggressive as FEC.
It’s snowing and cold so dont mind staying cozy in bed.
Had to have heart scan in nuclear medicine yesterday could have done without lying still in machine for almost an hour. Will need to have this scan every 3months over the year of IV Herceptin.
There will be light at the end of the tunnel!!!
Jo Would love jersey hat making find wig gets hot in doors. Please PM details and I’ll send cost details etc.
Love Maggie

How small the world is that was defo the same garner then cos im from newcastle to. I called him a legend when i was there for getting my vein first time ha ha. I hate the dayroom type area you have to sit in! Theres a northeast forum if you want to chat with those from the north. They meet up regularly to.

Can someone send me a link to the north east thread because I’ve got chemo brain and can’t find it!

Thanks girls. You’re life savers!

Its on the first page it says anyone from the northeast about?
Im on ipod so cant paste the link x

Fab, found it. Thank you! See you over there too! :slight_smile: XX

I’m sitting here with a big smile on my face, thinking of you northeasterners getting together-soft or what?!

Aah bless ya, thats nice x
How are you x

yeah nice! Although I’m not a northerner. Moved here last year. Just in time for cancer. Nice eh?!

How come you moved to newcastle?

To be with my partner but also because I got a new job up here. Unfortunate, seeing as how I won’t be back at work until March! Hope there are no redundancies.

I think the hospital here is better, so if I have to have cancer, I’d rather have it here.

im sure there wont be.
I know this hospital is rated highly so im sure we are both well looked after.
Pity you havent been here long and fell poorly. X

When do you have your next chemo? Mine is 16th Dec. Hope I can hold it together. I was a bit of a mess while I was there last time. Thank goodness for G. He just got on with it, fast!

Mine is the 6th dreading it as usual
I hate it to i dont think anyone likes going there. I saw one woman in tears last time bless her. G is the quickest without a doubt.
I ask for a side room as i hate that room and i always have a moment before i get my needle im pathetic ha ha