Starting Epi-CMF 9th October buddies needed

Hi girls

Just back from my 3rd Day8 dose of cmf. That means only one more double dose to go. Can’t wait. At the beginning it felt as though I’d never get to this point. My daughter came with me today for the first time and was pleasantly surprised by the calm atmosphere in the chemo day ward. It was good to have her with me for a change as we can always find something to chat about, unlike OH who is with me 24/7 and the chat just dries up!! Typical though, there was no waiting around today. Appointment time for bloods was 11 and got called at 11:10, then told to come back at 12:30 for treatment. Got back at 12:25 and went straight in. Unlike last week when no bloods needed as those were taken on the Friday before and I didn’t start my treatment until 1:30 with the same appointment time!!! Of course OH gets really impatient sitting around.

I’ve decided I must start some exercise soon as I’ve been pretty much a couch potato for the last 4 months. I like walking but the weather always puts me off if it’s too cold. I haven’t really put much weight on since starting the chemo but eating up the leftovers from Xmas have added about 6lbs. This isn’t too bad but I was already going to Weightwatchers before my diagnosis and hadn’t got down to my ideal weight. Will just have to bite the bullet soon and start resisting the crisps and cakes!

Best wishes to all of you, especially if you’ve got chemo this week.

Jackie xx

Jackie fantastic news, well done. I bet you can feel the finish line just round the next bend!!! I was so happy when i got to that point and thought yes I am going to finish the whole lot and have everything and not give up. Brilliant and hope you stay well most of all.
poppet, so glad that cmf is kinder, that blurry head, like being in a bubble on epi really got to me. How is your tum on cmf? I had a very limited diet or in the loo all the time so it would have been a disaster with only one loo. I had enough trouble as it was and dared anyone to use MY LOO on certain parts of each cycle.
Lots of luck this week everyone. I had my first meeting at work today, very odd being back at school after 10 months but they are being very kind so feeling confident about my return.
Lily x

Well done Jackie - you’re nearly there - bet you can’t believe it!! Will you have rads next?

Lily - well done you too - 10 months off work is quite significant - so glad they’re being kind to you. Have you got a date for return? Bet you thought the long country road treatment would never finish -!
I’m off to massage my scalp!!!

Hi Carol

No rads for me as I had a mastectomy. I’ve already got my first prescription of Tamoxifen to start after my final chemo and will be on them for 5years unless they decide to change me beforehand. I was already part way through the menopause before all this so perhaps they will check my status soon. Went out and finally managed to find a Wii fit in stock at HMV so no excuse now for getting back into shape, once I find some energy that is! Aiming for a fitness age of 35, only joking, will be more like 85 at the moment.

Jackie xx

You and me both!! 85 sounds good at the mo!!

Hi everyone,

Glad to hear all doing okish still. I keep meaning to start using my wi fit more regularly, bought as pressie for my birthday last Sept. I think I have a fitness age of 68 at the mo, and I certainly feel it :slight_smile: It’s my last chemo next week (yea) so hopefully the desire to get fitness levels back will follow. I had first rad planning meeting yesterday, which was exciting just because it was different! I had a CT scan of boob area and three tatooes. I can see two of them, but the other one is very tiny or non-existent. I go for second rad planning on 4th Feb, when they do a simulation ready for real thing. They gave me a gown to take home and bring in each time I have treatment - makes sense and must save lots on cleaning bills.

Must be strange to be going into work Lily - that still seems so far away for me :slight_smile:

Hope you all keep well - lots of hugs. S x

Well done you - as you say the change must be good!! Can’t wait till I say I’m going for rads planning - still got 6 cmf’s to go. Good luck lalala xx

Thanks Carol, I’m trying not to be too excited about the last one just in case it doesn’t go ahead because my bloods are not good … or they can’t get a cannula in! You’re more than half way through now - so nearer to the end … :slight_smile:

S xx

fingers crossed your blood will be high enough for your last one. I bet you can’t wait to get it finished at last. One of my tatoos disappeared and they virtually had their noses on my chest to find it. I had to direct them via moles!! Believe me work will appear before you know it once rads start. I am going back next week but having a very short first week to break myself in gently. Not sure how it will go but feel ok at the moment and they have promised a very light timetable for teaching. Time will tell
Good luck to everyone next week. I have my post rads check with the oncologist so off for full bloods again this week. Strange how quickly you get out of horrible needles again
Lily x

It all went ahead no probs … so that was my last one - yea!!! Feels a little strange to be honest, finding it hard to believe that bit is over! I have to have 3 more neupogen injections next week to help raise my wbc as it was fairly low again - doh! It took my chemo brain a while to find this discussion on the new site. I don’t like how you can’t see what people have written. Work next week Lily, it’s both exciting and scary. Looks like I should be ok to start straight after Easter if I want to, but onc says can delay for a few weeks if don’t feel good.

Hope everyone feeling OK? Big hugs, S x

hi all, only just found you. new site is very confusing tho im sure ill get the hang of it soon. Im doing very well on my tablet chemo still. Im a little more tired now but most of the other side effects are manageable and nothing like as all consuming as EPI. Im excercing everyday now though not weight shifted yet because im a greedy guts. Enjoying a spot of normality.
Hope you are all well.
xx carmel

Hi Girls

I don’t like this site much at all. You can’t tell how many posts have been made since you last looked and I hate the way you have to find your own way to the new posts. Moan over, at least most of us seem to have found our way back here.

Lalala glad to hear that you’ve now had your last cmf. I’ve only two more to go at the beginning of Feb. Feel a bit worried that the safety net is being pulled away a bit, but still have 5 years of Tamoxifen to go. Every ache and pain is a worry but I have been on the Wii fit the last few days so really know that that is why I’m aching.

Anyway good wishes to you all.

Jackie xx

Hi all
hope you are all well.

Well hoping my 2nd cmf is as good as the first cycle only thing i had was on the night of my chemo i had areally bad head and i was soooooooo dizzy even when i was lying down but when i got up next day it had gone a bit nausea which was a big releive as my sickness on epi went on for days all in all not to bad very tired role on April and the a all new worrys about rads

poppet x

Found you !!! How do I re-bookmark this thread!!! Glad to hear you’re all doing ok - I had bloods today for 3rd cmf - veins behaved themselves! Hopefully the next dose will be kind to me. We’ve come such a long way since my first post - can’t believe some of you are going back into the ‘real world’. Good luck to you & thanks for keeping me company!! Let me know if you decide to disappear somewhere else - it took me a while to find my way round this new site!

Are you all building snowmen???

Hi everyone,
sorry it just lost my big post and too lazy to write it all again as work tomorrow.
Lots of hugs as you get a step closer to finishing. Congrats Lalala onm finishing, are you off to rads now?
Lily x

Hi girls

Well so much for the way I’ve sailed through my chemo. It finally got to me last Thursday. Wednesday was my OH birthday and we went to the pictures to see Valkyrie. I was a bit bored but it was his birthday choice and I managed to miss small chunks while dozing. I put this down to the film. I went to bed with a temp of 36.5 and woke up Thursday morning with one of 38.0. I thought the thermometer had packed up on me, but no, I checked it again and it had gone up to 38.4. Phoned the hospital and went straight into chemo unit. By then my temp was 39.4 in one ear, a bit scary, esoecially as I didn’t feel poorly. They started me on IV antibiotics and took blood to check. I was neutropenic so ended up staying until yesterday teatime. I’ve come home with some more antibiotics to take and have to go back to normal clinic on Friday. Not sure that my last double will start on Monday or not. I hope it does in one way but also wouldn’t mind another week to get over what turned out to be a nasty head cold and tickly cough.

Anyway enough about me. Hope you are all fine. I thought there’d be loads to catch up on from the last six days but you all seem to have been very quiet. I hope it’s because you’ve been off enjoying yourselves and not stuck in hospital like me.

Take care

Jackie xx

so sorry to hear that you had such a scare, especially so near the end. Rotten luck! Hoping you feel much better soon and be patient, you would not want chemo side effects while ill with something else. get those neuts back up before the next one or you will be zonked out by it. Lots of luck and hoping this finds you much better every day
Lily x

Jackie that sounds so scary that your temp took such a hike - hope you’re feeling better - not nice being held captive, but it;s the best place. I think of all the se’s it’s the risk of infection that has freaked me out the most. Hope you’ll be able to go ahead with your last double dose - but only if you’re fit enough. The cmf side effects seem to be creeping up on me. I haven’t posted much as I’ve felt pretty bad between the double doses - lol not as bad as epi though!! Had 2b today so preparing to be on my laptop most of the night!! With all the extra snow we’ve had in hants it took forever to get to the hospital, but I was determined nothing would delay the treatment!! I was even brave with my rubbish veins…

Lily - great to see a post from you - how’s life? Met a lovely lady today at the unit who has finished chemo, rads & just starting herceptin - she really helped me see there’s light at the end of the tunnel - but as you know it’s been a long old road , 8 chemo down 4 to go.

Hope the rest of you are doing ok

Hi ladies,

I’m beginning to feel ‘normal’ again now and starting to believe I won’t be forced to have chemo again :-). Sorry to hear you’ve been in hospital Jackie. It’s really scary how your temp suddenly soars isn’t it, and rubbish how you have to stay in hospital when all you want to do is be in your own bed. Hope your treatment goes ahead. Have you had injections to boost your white blood cells? I have my third/last injection tomorrow and am hoping it won’t make me have painful bones again - it really hurts :frowning:

I had my session on the radiotherapy simulator on Wed and all is OK, so set to start the rad treatment on Monday. My appointments are at 9.30 every day, so will have to get up as if going to work. I hope the snow is gone by then as I’m going to drive myself there and really don’t fancy the hassle of slippy car parks. How’s it going with you at work Lily? Feeling OK Carol?

Best wishes and hugs to all, S x