Starting FEC this week

Hi all started new thread for new comers to FEC like Nadiya & Kathryn (who start today) although it is so valuable to hear how others are doing with 1st-3rd doses.
Am feeling a bit nervous and haven’t heard to cut down or cut out alcohol so not sure what I am to do.
I start FEC thursday morning.
I am going to see St Trinians tonight expecting it to be a while before going out again. I have been collecting dvd’s - my family & friends help there! to watch when can’t sleep.
I live in Reading and go to RBH for treatment I know some are near Battle, are there others near me?
I only have you all to compare/judge how i should feel but will no doubt meet one or two at the centre.
I will continue to read the 1st FEC thread as I want to know how all the girls are doing.
I’m 53 and had DCIS 3 years ago and now have further cancer in my lymph nodes with a small secondary on my spine, so I have rads, hormone treatment & an op ahead of me.

Thanks to all & thinking of you Nadiya & Kathryn and all others in the 1st FEC thread.
lol Jan

Hello Jan,
Had my first FEC today. It was a bit scary but everything went very smoothly even though she complained my veins were a bit small she didn’t have any problems. I was told to keep gloves on prior to the treatment to help bring the veins up and to suck a boiled sweet which can help prevent the funny taste that some people complain of.
I feel fine at the moment and we even managed our normal daily walk for some fresh air. Hope things carry on this way.
Best wishes

Hi Jan,
I have just found out today that i will be starting my FEC on Fri after waiting weeks for an infection to clear up. Feeling pretty nervous at the moment although many ladies on this site don’t seem to experience too many problems. Hope we can join them. It is good that we can share many of our experiences on this site. Good luck to you and also to the many others who are going through treatment and chemo.
Love Sandra x x

Hi Jan

I had first FEC on 31st Dec, so two weeks in now. I found it a rough old day. My appt was for 9.10am and the chemo wasn’t administered until 13.30. I wasn’t expecting a 4 hour wait and I found it very upsetting and stressful. The actual administration of the FEC wasn’t too bad. I had a very cold hand where it was going in which spread unpleasantly up my arm, they gave me a nice ice lolly to suck, which took my mind off it a little.

I was ok when we left, but felt sick later and took the steroids and anti sickness tablets and was fine again. Steroids and anti sickness made me so hungry for 4 days. I was also very badly constipated the day after the FEC. After day 4 I felt completely ok.

The hair down below started falling out 10 days after and we decided to shave my head hair into a Mohawk for a laugh. It started to fall out at day 14, but not in clumps, just strands here and there. Over the last couple of days my gums have started to feel a bit tender and I had a ulcer on my tongue, but it seems to be getting better.

That’s been it girls. I know I’ve had an easy time of it so far and long may it continue. I only hope everyone else has it so easy.

Love to you all going through this.


Hello all

And good luck to all those about to start. I had my first FEC yesterday. 1 down and 5 to go YAY!

I have summarised my day below but generally have been feeling ok. I sought advice about the alcohol issue on here and with my chemo nurse. So I did drink a glass or two the night before my chemo started and I had one after my first chemo sesh. My chemo nurse advised me that it should be 2 units max and you must not let yourself get too dehydrated. (Managed to drink a fair bit of water yesterday and will try and aim to drink 2 litres a day (3.5 pints approx).

I have just taken the anti sickness tablets and was advised not to take the dexamethasone after 4.00pm so that I have the best chance of sleeping at night.

I really appreciated having some people with me at the first sesh. It took my mind of it especially as I was there for so long. (Just make sure they are not the worrying or nervous types though as feel that might make you feel worse).

I know it will get progressively harder to cope with but yesterday at my chemo clinic there was a lovely cheery lady and her husband. She had gone into be flushed as is having her last FEC today. She is on FEC 75 which is stronger than mine she is also due to give birth to her baby in 3 weeks time!!! She still had a full head of hair but they think that is because of the hormones. She is such a cheerful person and if she does read this, good luck and well done!

This whole cancer, surgery, chemo, rads, possible infertility is soooooo much to try and take in but I am learning that you can only deal with one thing at a time. And with the support of friends, family and such a supportive network like this it makes it so much easier.

My first FEC day;

Arrive at 9.30 for bloods (all ok)
11.00 ECG
12.00 2nd ECG (as first nurse that did it ran off with the read out) All ok
12.30 Chat with chemo nurse about what to expect (kind of knew most thanks to this forum)
1.15 1 attempt made at putting cannula in - unsuccessful
1.30 Hand soaking in warm water to bring veins up
1.45 Cannula in - fab. No pain at all and managed to play (and lose) at Backgammon whilst drugs are going in
3.20 In restaurant with mum and OH for celebratory meal (appetite certainly less than before)
6.00 A little queasy and then a mild panic attack (started experiencing them first just after dx)
7.00 Ring up chemo ward as wondered if there might be anything I can take to calm me down. Advised to call 999 if life threatening
8.00 Doze on sofa. I wasn’t sure if the queasiness was from hunger or too full.
11.00 Went to sleep, woke up sporadically but generally feeling ok.

Today - feeling fine! :slight_smile:

love to all


hi Nadiya

Glad it all well relatively ok for you and that you appear in good spirits - well done and long may it continue !!

Margaret x

Great (or not really) to hear from you all

Nadiya - that is so helpful and I will certainly let you know how i am doing tom. am feeling nervous and will have a g&t tonight I think. I always drink water with alcohol anyway.
Am nervous about the nausea, not worried about my hair now…

Ang - that sounds great for you - I will be munching figs tom then!

Sandra - let us know how you get on

Karon - doh haven’t got boiled sweets - have stocked up on dig biscs - dont usually eat them but like them…will find something sweet to eat. I just dont want to put too much weight on - but might not have the choice…

will sign tom - thanks for being there / here…

Just an update:
So far everything is going ok. I felt nauseous last night but was ok after I took the antisickness tablets. I didn’t sleep very well, sort of dozed off and on, but today I felt ok and managed another 3 mile walk to help keep the fitness up, the nurse said this would help boost the bone marrow later.
I don’t know if sucking the boiled sweets during the treatment helped but I haven’t suffered from any nasty tastes yet -the nurse said if you can prevent them during the treatment it tends to help keep them at bay afterwards.
Yesterday I found that I didn’t go to the loo very often despite drinking my 2 L of fluids but today I am definitely making up for that -going every half hour, hopefully flushing all these nasty toxins out.
On the constipation front I was recommended linseed -I stir a spoonful into a smoothie (red berries as these are supposed to help vein repair and I am trying to prevent any problems with future cannulation). I don’t know if it works but am prepared to try anything.
Hope everything goes ok with everyone else

Hi Everyone,
I joined the other fec thread too so I wont repeat myself again here, I just started last wednesday, 1 of 6, FEC 75.
I ll join you through this, Im a bit nervous, this is my 2nd time of chemo, I had hodgkins 18 yrs ago aged 27, had mast and recon 6 weeks ago for grade 3 IDC not in lymph nodes, now chemo, no rads planned though, i escaped them! hurray.

Take care everyone, and take it easy,
love Julie xx

a bit of my diary - if you can bear reading it.
not feeling bad at all today - have been very spoiled as my son & daughter in law visited and brought a Wii for me! how wonderful is that! am plugging it all in now!

went to bed about 10.30, back achy
slept till 1.00 felt a bit weird – nausea, abdo uncomfortable, bowel rumbling but after half digestive biscuit & water all settled down again – slept for another 2 hrs, stirred drank some more water, slept repeatedly stirring till 7.
7.00 felt very flushed & slight headache – need to drink some water… no back ache
7.30 breakfast & anti sickness tablet
8.30 headache gone,
9.15 off for a bath & wash hair as it feels awful after the cold cap. doh need a soft toothbrush and some ginger ale/beer (ginger good for nausea apparently) & sugar for energy (says I!)
made a smoothie today full of berries to replenish my fragile veins

7.30 The day is here
Sleep? I did till 3 had a wee then slept again, Paul-hubbie was woken by my snoring at 4 ish he started work at 5 here, I went back to sleep till 7.
7.50 Well its time for shower & breakfast, leaving in 50mins.
8.55 arrived and waited
9.15 saw Pauline and decided to try cold cap
9.50 cold cap on, canular in for saline drip & syringe
10.20 had a wee & drugs were checked before injecting them into my veins – I have fragile veins!
10.30 shivery not just from the cold cap – from nervousness/anxiety. Can feel odd sensation a little further above the canular…all that liquid being pumped!
11.15 chemo drugs done, Pamidronate (bone strengtheners) starts by drip for an hour, also an hour for cold cap to stay on
11.40 a cup of tea – nice! Had blanket to keep me warm, then stopped shivering began to relax and watched Ally McBeal. Stopped the very slight queasy feeling
12.20 cold cap off – getting much warmer now!
12.45 booked next chemo 8 Feb
13.00 home and had soup & bread
14.00 relax now with dvd & hot drink – slight queasiness but take deep breaths & ok, eating helps too

Rested, relaxed, continued to eat v small things often and drinking. Went for a walk which helped my backache – I had it slightly last night – probably tension, then has continued probably from the shivering!
Had some light supper – half a potatoe with baked beans – all I fancied! Have biscuits & liquorice allsorts to nibble on.

looking forward to hearing how you all are doing sometime
love Jan

Hi just to let you know how my 1st FEC went today. Arrived at 8.30 and was told bloods ok (had that done yesterday)
Saw oncologist who asked if i was feeling ok and ran through a few things with me about side effects and was taken to room where treatment given. Had electric blanket in a pillow wrapped round hand and after 30 mins had cannula put in. Waited for OH to come from work and was then given anti sickness while waiting for FEC to arrive (didn’t wait too long).
Drug was given in 5 syringes aver about 20 mins along with saline. Only reaction was a sense of taste in my nose if that doesn’t sound too crazy. Waited for prescription of anti-sickness, steroids and mouthwash, went for dinner and was home for 1.15. It was not the terrifying experience i had been expecting. Around teatime felt a little queasy but this passed when i had something to eat. Nodded off for a short while after watching corrie but woke up not long after and hey …I’m still awake. Hope the same goes for tomorrow.
Love and best wishes to you all Sandra x x

Hi all, good to hear from you Sandra.
apologies girls for being so verbose - not usually my style - perhaps it was the steroids!

How are you Wendy, Nadiya, Ang, Julie? thinking of you all

Karon - still walking? I have been to keep things moving…I have to get medication this morning for constipation - very uncomfortable at the moment…

Am not eating a great deal tho, keeping the liquids going tho - soup. smoothie, tea, water…

will log in later
love to all

HI everyone, im day 11 post first fec 75, my hair is dry and lifeless and my scalp is a bit tingly, is this a sign???
can anyone who has lost their hair tell me more about it, i hate the waiting…

…must book that audition for ''the king and I ‘’!!!

hats and cotton caps ready, and have a wig appointment next chemo session… ho hum…

love julie xxxxx

  • Viv glad you’re feeling ok so far… xx

Hi ladies just an update. Sat had a good day, took sickness tablets when i got up and was ok for rest of day, went shopping in afternoon with my two daughters and out with hubby at night for a drink(thought i would do this while i was still able) came home and watched TV until 2.00 am. Had a good nights sleep and up at 9.00 am Sun morn. took sickness tablets but havent needed them again today. Had a funny taste this morning when having weetabix but by the time I had sunday dinner this had gone and i have enjoyed my food but not eating as much as normal. Bit sleepy round teatime and had an hours sleep but now feeling very much awake.

Dear Ang you mentioned sore gums, I was advised to clean teeth after every meal using a soft toothbrush followed by a mouthwash not containing alcohol (Dentyl is a good one) don’t know if it works but i am giving it a go.

I have been reading about you hair loss and find you all brave as this is one part of the chemo i am not looking too but there is no going back now. I am going to a wedding on day 14 and was hoping to still have my hair but got a wig ready just in case. With your experiences looks like i might need it. I have been quite prepared has i have had wig a while and got plenty hats and scarves at the ready. Just ordered some sleep caps today from an American site hope they wont be too long in arriving. I will keep you all posted on progress.
Take care and love to all Sandra x x

Thanks Viv the loss of appetite was quite drastic
I have a feeling it may come back today as am peckish for the first time since Thursday - day 5 now.

Constipation a pain & uncomfortable have to phone GP later, i was told to take Movicol but nothing happened y’day.
What did happen was my period - so now I am uncomfortable with bowel and abdo - can’t believe it!!!

Felt frightened in small waves y’day, cried too when sitting on loo waiting for nothing!!!

Will look up about sleep caps - and i am getting very hot & sweaty at night!

had some fish sat made by the best food shop in town :slight_smile:

Ang - I was told that if you going to have constipation you’ll get it what ever youeat or take! I have been trying to keep up the fibre/veg just hope it sorts out today – its got to

love to all

Dear all
Glad everyone seems to be coping ok. I feel as if I have got off quite lightly compared to the people on some of the other FEC threads. I had slight nausea on day 1, but nothing that wasn’t copable. I’ve managed to get out walking most days -between the rain. We’re not doing as much as we would usually do as I don’t want to push things too far, but a bit of fresh air and exercise definitely helps.
I’ve slept ok -just getting up for a wee as I am drinking so much. I didn’t realise how hard it would be to drink 2L a day. My husband is continually providing me with cups of tea, squash, juice, smoothie…
I didn’t find that the steroids affected me like I was warned -no manic house work or lack of sleep.
It is only day 6 but my head is starting to feel sore -as though it is a bit spotty. Still after today it is 5% of the treatment done! I just hope the next treatments go like this one.
Hope everyone is ok

Hi all

I thought I’d join you, have been reading the forums for a while now (diagnosed early sept), I’ve already been through 12 weeks of taxol and had myy first FEC on Jan 8th, Must say that it affected me quite badly, I did not start feeling normal (whatever normal is now) again on day 10-11. Must say that I have also been on herceptin (wkly) and tykerb (daily) since beg of October so I my body was not exactly on top form…

My hair went with the taxol, but now it seems my eyebrows seem to be vanishing too…I just don’t know what to do about them, I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to draw them (i’m crap at anything remotely artistic). Don’t think I want to get false ones…
I did not find losing my hair as traumatic as I thought I would, but after almost 3 months I’m beginning to be fed up with it. And I’m only just over half way through my treatment…(not counting surgery and rads).

Karon my head felt very sore when my hair started falling, it was very uncomfortable. I had it clippered after a bit, as I was fed up with having hair everwhere: on my pillow, in my food, the house was full! The scalp felt better too once it was gone.

Best wishes to all of you,


hi all,
my sleep caps from usa took about 14 days to arrive,
Ive had to get some help with my sleep as I am going ‘‘bonkers’’ and ratty and teary with this sleep deprivation,gp prescribed me zopiclone and boy i cant wait for 6-8 hrs solid… the chemo nurse i also saw, thought i may be sensitive to dexamethazone, so stroll on FEC number 2, at least now im more prepared. Its hard working when running on empty, and we are already compromised physically due to the chemo…

finers crossed i get some zzzzzzzzzzz tonight , love to you all and hope you are coping too.
Julie xxxxxx

Hi all
I am feeling a bit more normal - Chiara I agree - whatever normal is now we are pumped high with toxins.

I had a manic morning y’day cleaning kitchen shelves & bathrooms, then slumped in the afternoon.
i could still do with more sleep - as like you Karon am getting up for a wee - so annoying! I have been trying to have a walk every day too.

I work from home part time so trying to keep up with that today and walk, rest, a dvd, the day just goes…

Hope you had a good sleep Julie

One thing - anyone had the burps? - some of Monday, all day y’day & now again this morning am constantly burping - it can get tiring…
I have had a racing heart beat too for a few mornings and moments during the day

went for a wig fit y’day - interesting as I am a twin and we look alike. I will order them as I chose 3 when i think the hair is going. It does seem here that if hair is going to go then its around 10-15 days in and that the head gets sore - but i suppose we all react differently and I will have to wait. I am not really bothered but its the if and when…

love to all
good to hear from others if you can

Hi everyone,
Im day 14 after fec 75 number 1, my hair is departing this world, ive a cough and cold temp 37.7, fec 2 due next wed im dreading it, doing 3-4 hrs work,
just saying how it is, i had a wee cry yesterday as my hair was falling out, OH lovely and reassuring. Its just that now I look like a cancer patient… do you know what i mean? ive got loads of beanies and hats, and a wig fitting appointment today, so im prepared.
Had 2 assisted nights sleep and feel so much better,
Jan I had wind and burps for a while after fec 1 and indigestion for about 3 days, avoid cabbage, beans,sprouts lentils for the first week after treatment.

time to get ready , thanks honeys for listening I feel heaps better today

Julie xxxxxx,