Starting Tamoxifen

Can I join this thread ladies,
Can anyone advise me regarding the menopause and eczema. My sister in law says (who is older and has been through a normal menopause) that the menopause can cause the skin to dry out.
I have these spots, lumps which bleed occasionally on the top of my scalp.(can get quite scabby). Very awkward with combing my hair etc.
I also have more spots on my back haven’t had those since going through my teen years.
I was just wondering if anybody else had the same thing or could advise me… please.
Going to the doctors for blood tests for other medication so I may ask to see another nurse or actually see the Doctor for advice.
The spots on my back came a few months ago. I started the Tamoxifen in May 09.
I don’t get joint pain due to having tablets for R.Arthritis.
I have had a bad head this afternoon and ended up taking a co-codamol tablet and have had a cold for several weeks, seem to nearly get rid of one and another fresh one comes.
Hoping someone can answer my query…

Hi just had a call today from Onc to say I need to go to GP to start Tamoxifen - ho hum - I’m due to start rads soon and then Herceptin for a year so what’s another drug !

I already have hot flushes following chemo so I am kinda used to that - hoping that it goes ok. I assume (!?) that in terms of weight gain it is like the contraceptive pill on which I was neither up nor down (feels like a long time ago) I lost weight on chemo and don’t want to undo that so I will keep a close eye on the carb front

any other advice is welcome - Rx