Sounds like slow release - better idea I think ! x
Thanks Ladies for your help.
I think I am having my 5th chemo next Monday, but don’t know for sure as I am in the process of clearing up an infection and changing hospitals for treatment at the same time.
So, I think I won’t take the steroid Sunday or Monday, and wait to see what happens about whether I have chemo or not. Don’t want to take anything unnecessarily.
Is it the steroids that cause the bloatedness, or the chemo?
I am due to start TAX on Monday 8/9. I have not been told to take any steroids in the days before. I asked chemo nurse on last FEC and she said they will give me 20mg of dexamethasone on day immediately before TAX. Also onc gave me some more steroids last time as I had nearly run out and it was exactly the same as for FEC. I do not get this. The printed info sheet I was given when told I would be on TAX also indicates that you start taking steroids a day or so before you have it. Does anyone know why I am getting different?
Hi Starfish - you must take steroids the day before Tax. I was warned that if I had forgotten them that they would not be able to give me the Tax, Please ring up your chemo nurse and find out.
Peacock - I put a lot of weight on with the chemo - nearly 2st ! I didn’t feel bloated though
Liz xx
Hi all - especially Starfish!
I had my first Tax with no steroids the day before. (I saw the onc and then the hopsital said that if I liked they could treat me that afternoon to save me coming in again the next week). So it can be done that way, I suppose.
The only real difference I noticed was that I erupted in SPOTS (real adolescent whoppers!) the first time and this hasn’t happened since.
I had 4xFEC,4xTax and was given steriods at the same time as the Tax chemo.was also given some to take at home for the next 3/4 days.After the first lot of Tax I really cut down on them and by the last lot I didnt take any at all.My friend who was going through it with me was advised to do the same by her sister(a chemo nurse)I’m not advising anyone else to do the same as luckily I sailed through chemo and found that I didnt need to take the extra steroids.But it can be done!
Good luck to all you ladies with your chemo!
Hi all
As there is a big risk of allergic reaction with taxanes, the steroids are highly reccommended. Here, you can’t have taxanes without taking steroids, but if you forget, they give them IV prior to the dose…
They also help to reduce incidence of vomitting, but of course dont come without a miriad of side affects, like insomnia, raised heart rate, flushing, swelling, fluid retention etc etc.
I’ve been very heartened today because I’ve just seen a girl I know who has leukaemia, and she is now not on steroids and has gone from that moon faced, bloated look back to her beautiful slim (15yearold!) self. And she has hair.
Td xxx
Thanks for your comments. Oh well I will just have to wait until Monday now to find out. Not sure if I will get TAX monday as not been feelin well all week. Started Sunday lunchtime feelin cold, as if I am coming down with cold. Been like that off and on all week and tired and spent most of week in bed. Been taking temperature regularly and not reached 38 but been high for me. So been taking paracetamol. Nearly didnt get last FEC as they said white blood count was low when bloods taken several days before but had recovered by day of chemo.
I have had Echocardiogram this week for heart as want to start Herceptin with taxotere as well. Is anyone else doing or having this taxotere and Herceptin together. Read it was possible and onc agrees. Seems a good idea to get started asap otherwise I think you have to wait until after rads.
Hi Starfish
I had one Herceptin in between my chemo course, and then the 2nd Herceptin was given at the same time as Taxotere.
I’m changing hospitals for future treatment as the one I was going to never bothered to do a heart scan before giving me Herceptin. and sent me home straight afterwards. Fortunately I didn’t have any untoward reaction, but I think they have been a bit erroneus here, hence one of the reasons for changing.
I might be having my 5th taxotere on Monday too, although I’ve been on AB fighting an infection so maybe not.
Anyway hope it helps, good luck for Monday and hope you feel better soon.
Hi Peacock
Sounds as well to change hospitals.
I am gettin the best treatment I must say. Just had first tax. so far so good but early yet!
Had echocardiogram last week and okay.
lst Herceptin will be day after tax next time. Cannot do at same time because wont know which one may cause reaction.
Then as you say after that they will be together.
I only got idea of havin it together after readin internet. No one else seems to be gettin it together. Seems a good idea to progress things further.
Good luck with your treatment.