Still NED 4 years on......

4 years ago today, 21st feb 2008, the day life changed. I was a 34 year old mum with sons of 21months and 4 years, and i was dx out of the blue with idc grade 3. I remember the day like it was yesterday. To friends and family today is just another day, but to me its my special day. I am so happy to still be here and NED, watching my boys grow up. Things do get easier and I hope to post next year with my 5 year NED.

CONGRATULATIONS! That’s wonderful news.

I am officially one year NED today, albeit two days shy of 18 months since dx (quirk of neoadjuvant chemo and my specific hospitals I think!) Anyway I practically skipped up the road from the hospital I was so pleased.

Here’s to many, many more NED years for you as you watch your gorgeous children grew and flourish.


Today is also a special day for me.

It’s often hard to know which day to go from - for me the big day will always be Feb 2 which was the day I found my lump. That was five years ago. But for my OH he will always remember that it was pancake day the day we went back to the breast clinic to get the full results and were told I needed mast/chemo/rads. Five years ago that was Feb 20, so we are one day out this year, but to him it will always be pancake day.

I will not be officially 5 years NED till 2 March, which was the day of my mastectomy.

My children were all still at school when I was dx - today I have two at uni and the youngest about to turn 17. I feel so blessed to be in this position of still being around to watch them grow up.

Well done crogratulations, love reading happy posts like this :slight_smile: xxx

Congratulations all round!
Not just wonderful for those getting the good news, but also terrific encouragement for those of us who have started the journey more recently.
Eat pancakes and be merry.

Dear All
Congrats to everyone on NED.
I hope I can report the same soon -I have my first mammo check next week.
Really pleased for you all.
Best wishes