Here I am. At my pre op appointment before surgery on Friday. Feeling strangely calm. Seems to have taken forever to get here. Another 2 week wait ahead for results. Then maybe I can start my life again
I know the waiting is the longest part.I too was very calm before my op. Good luck on Friday and hope all goes well for you.
Hi Al,
I know exactly how you feel about waiting to start your life again but be thankful that you have been scheduled for your op. so soon. I had my pre-op on 13th June and still haven’t been given a date for surgery:( My BCN told me that sadly waiting times are getting longer due the rising numbers of new diagnosis in our Trust area. Best wishes for your op. on Friday.
Molly x
Hi molly, Sorry to hear that you are having such a long wait. My consultant allowed me to have my holiday ( already booked before my cancer was discovered ) and went in three days after i came home. all on the nhs. I was so lucky as the holiday set me up for the op.
I hope you hear soon as I felt that the sooner it was over the sooner I could get on with life. Good luck. x
Thanks for your kind wishes Blance42. I received a call from my BCN yesterday morning to say my surgery has been scheduled for 29th July. I am relieved to finally have a date but I can’t help but feel a bit nervous too. Alice I hope everything went well with your surgery and best wishes for your final path. results.
Molly x
Am back home after my surgery yesterday. Very tired.bit sickly. And a bit sore. Long 2 weeks ahead. Hoping for positive results but prepared for the worst too.
Thanks for your nice comments
Al xx
Hi glad you are home and hope you feel a bit better today. Hope everything works out for you. K x
hi, I am a few days ahead of you. WLE and SNB op on tuesday, home on wednesday sore and groggy. Even more sore and groggy because when i got up to go the the loo 12 hours after the op i fainted in the bathroom and banged my head. So I have a lovely shiner.
From reading the posts some people seem to be hoovering the day after surgery and others going off on 50 mile journeys and spending an afternoon at a christening.
I am not as sore as I thought and the mobility of the arm is good but I a certainly in no state to resume daily activities. Perhaps its the size of the lump they took out and how long they had to have me under?? Mine was not big, a 1.5cm diamater ball plus of course the 1cm all round they take so thats 3.5.About the size of a ping pong ball. They took one sential nodes but none of the bigger nodes. how big is that compared to everybody else
Dear oldandlumpy sorry you not feeling so good. Hope the black eye looks better. Take care K x
Hi oldandlumpy sorry to hear you had such a hard time. I dont know where you guys had your ops but they seem to send you home very quickly. I did not get out until my drain had less than 50ml in it. Here I am 6 weeks down the line and still being careful about how much I do. If my husband does not do the hoovering it does not get done!
hi, i was told that if i needed a drain then i would not be sent home until it was out, but i did not need a drain. Probably becaue the SNB was clear and so they did not need to take nodes
ten days down the line and my mobility is realy good (oops just remembered i did not do my exercises this morning) but i was instructed to take it realy easy for two weeks and doing just that.
If you had to stay in with drains then I suspect your op was much bigger than mine