Stupid Pictures

ROFL Vertangie my OH would love to wear pink pants on his head, I totally agree i was thinking of having a pink ball but think just a formal dinner would be better, i rarely wear pink and actually am not a girlie girl by any means, I did buy the addidas BC running top way back to train in but only cause it went with running shorts my Mum had bought me, hate wearing it now tbh.
I was in JJB this evening and they have the breakthrough pink ribbon pins for sale and I have to admit my attitude has changed towards these things, my Mum buys pins all the time just because she collects them but I do think they have a role to play in raising awareness and also bringing in the money.

Oh bugger I am probably contradicting myself but sure it’s all about the money, which is a downside to ppl working in the voluntary sector, some only see it as a job and not as a vocation which we may see it as.


Well I know many people who hate Red Nose Day…me included. I hate the way disabled people are portrayed either as brave heroes or tragic unfortunates…a bit like the images of people with cancer really.

and another thing…No no no…I don’t want negative images of the physical ravages of cancer on the website…that completely misses the point.


there is a very interesting website (american) called think before you pink dot org which highlights how many companies use the pink logo and urges people to ask where their money is going to before donating. What is concerning is the companies who use the pink logo but continue manufacturing harmful products that in the end may actually attribute to breast cancer itself. Its worth a read.

so we have varying views… varying experiences…we can join in fundraising

but maybe what we can really do is take part in trials/studies? We can’t change what has happened to us, but maybe we can change what happens in the future?

breakthrough breast cancer is running a huge study… i am in a trial and 2 other studies, plus breakthrough…

i don’t know - just give it a thought?

take care

jen xx