Hello everyone I am new to this forum I was diagnosed just over a week ago (grade 1 invasive ductal carcinoma) - had an MRI on Thu and they want to do another ultrasound on Monday which was unexpected (worried that they found smt else in the MRI…), on Thursday at last I hope they give me all the info and my surgery options…
I have two questions, in one letter sent to my GP they mention that I may need to have subcutaneous mastectomy, did anybody have it and if so how long roughly were the recovery times?
I am being treated at the Parapet clinic in Windsor, has anybody been treated there?
Thank you in advance, it is great to be able to connect with others, still adjusting to the “new reality”, I am 40 and was feeling well, the consultant seemed almost sure the lumps were benign at first but it turned out that he was wrong smileysad:
Welcome to the forum, there’s loads of support here, so do come & chat whenever you need or want to.
Although the early days of diagnosis are stressful, thankfully, it’s now been picked up & will be dealt with.
I don’t know about a ‘subcutaneous mastectomy,’ but one of the other ladies may be along shortly to explain.
Going through all the initial investigations is a difficult time, but it does get better when you know what you’re dealing with & your treatment plan is in place.
I will endorse everything that Ann says about the stress of diagnostic testing, sorting out treatment plans and the interminable waiting.
I can however probably answer your first question. I believe a sub-cutaneous mastectomy is a type of skin-sparing one but the incision may be in a different place and you get to keep your nipple, etc. Apologies if I am wrong, I am relying on my self-taught PhD in breast cancer treatment which I researched when I was trying to decide on my treatment plan. ?
I have a skin sparing one. I didn’t keep my nipple but had a space saving tissue expander inserted to preserve the skin etc for later reconstruction. I could have had it done as a day case but my carer in the first 24 hours post-op didn’t fancy fetching me home and looking after me that evening! My recovery was very quick and I didn’t need any pain relief once I left hospital.
Day 3 - full arm and shoulder movement back - I made sure I did my exercises.
Day 6 - drain out in the morning followed by a 4 mile walk
Day 10 - back to work
Day 12 - I moved a washing machine - probably not to be recommended but needs must! ?
Days 16 to 18 - yomped 19 miles over hill and down dale in the Lake District carrying a rucksack.
I set out to have a positive attitude and not to let the little blighter get me down. Whether this had any impact on my recovery I don’t know but 9 weeks on, I feel great and above all, very fortunate. If I can help at all when you have a plan in place, please ask away.
Hi Laura, just acknowledging your post and welcoming you to this brave warriors club. I had a lumpectomy so can’t help with your questions , but from my experience you are in good hands. Have your questions ready for your meeting, and don’t be afraid to ask for explanations , after all, it is your body . This site has amazing info leaflets which are downloadable . I used the Understanding Path Results one to help me in the initial stages. All the best for the future. Do let us know how you get on. X