Surgery in under 2 weeks!!!

I’m 22 and was diagnosed with having two fibroadenomas in my right breast four months ago. After a long talk with my partner we decided to have them removed. I went to the breast clinic monday just gone and will be having my surgery a week on thursday. I’m starting to get rather nervous and i’m not entirely sure what to expect before, during and after surgery.
Please help

Tori_Lou xx

Dear Tori

Welcome to the BCC Forum.

I have attached a link to our publication on fibroadenomas which I thought may be helpful. It does have a section about surgery

I hope this helps.

Take care

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi Tori,
I had a benign lump removed from right armpit about 7 years ago, it was day surgery went to hospital in morning and out that night, it was done under general An so you don’t know anything, it’s uncomfortable when you come home but they give you painkillers, I was off work for couple of weeks because of where it is.
I then went back couple of weeks later for them to check scar and give me results of the tests on the lump which was all clear :).
I was not much older than you are now, so was scared but honestly it went fine.
Take care if you have any question feel free to chatxxx

Tori_Lou, I’ve decided to have mine removed too but I haven’t got a date set yet because of a mix up at the hospital, I posted a few weeks ago and some of the women had information about the surgery, you should take a look at that, it’s in this section of the forum
Would you mind letting me know how it goes? I’m the same age as you and I’m terrified about the whole thing.
I hope your surgery goes well xxx

Thanks for your messages guys…well my surgery is this coming thursday and it’s safe to say the nerves are really starting to kick in…luckily my partner is coming with me so thats a relief…my pre-op went great so its all systems go…not to happy about having to be there at 7 in the morning though…i’m the kind of girl who really likes her bed especially in the winter :-)…Sailor-Girl I will be more than happy to let you know how it goes try not to worry hun and keep ya chin up…speak soon.

Tori xxx

Hi there

I had a fibro removed back in 2011 (im a lot older than you ) mine was to the left of my left breast i went down at 13.30 and was home for 17.30m a small neat scar no pain as such more discomfort was back at work 2 days later (as was near weekend )and by the time the check up came about 2 weeks later it had healed perfect .