Surgery to take away lymph nodes and clear margins

Hey Pauly flower,

Yeh, ain’t having that drain tube out a weird dragging feeling?! Please don’t worry about lymphoedema at this point, but has to always be a consideration for the future, ref bloods, cannulas, blood pressure cuffs, bites, grazes, cuts, sunburn. BTW - Always wear sleeves when your gardening. I had it all  drummed into me, following both masts with ANC’s. And just don’t ever let any less “wary” medic try to talk you into anything otherwise! Stand your ground, because you’ll probably come across them, as I have.You’ll no doubt have been given all this info, so I’m sorry if repeating. But can’t stress it enough, and you’ll get used to it being second nature, protective. But as I said, don’t worry.  

Have you not got a dressing/plaster over your drain entry/exit wound? If you have - don’t worry about leakage. If you haven’t, get one on.

Yeh, had a smattering of snow here too last two days. Been out and about in the beautiful Derbyshire hills on the doorstep today. Great to escape the house and get some invigorating crisp fresh air into the bod.

And Yeh, waiting on results is the pits!!! I’m loving your positivity and hope you can maintain it. But, at the same time, don’t be surprised if you have wobbles and some major sobs. Some of it will be possibly after effects of general anaesthetic, but most of it will be the wham blam, thank you NOT man - upset and major trauma of what you’re going through. So please do just let it out and flow. It’s important. You’re going through a massive mental and physical “smash” and “grieving”. And please make it known how you feel to Alan and all your other loved ones, family friends. Don’t try and put a brave face on. You need all the support you can get, so reach out and “take and receive” for a change. They love you, so they want to know what you’re feeling and want to be a support to you. Tears are for the “brave”. Stuff what anyone else thinks or says.


You’re doing bl**dy great woman. Keep exercising!! and don’t let slip. Take a couple of Para’s and an ant-acid (Bisodol/Rennie perhaps) before you go to sleep, even if your not paining, to prevent waking yourself up when unconsciously moving your arm in your sleep, till your more generally comfey.

Loadsa love to you Pauly, a huge warm hug and a bit of stick exercise wise

Dellywelly xxxxx

Hi Pauly

I’m just being caring and supportive, chummy. It comes naturally and it’s free!! But I have to graciously thank you for the compliment tho’.

As you’re leaking, what type of dressing have you got on your drain site (charming description!)? and is it still leaking today? If so, ask them if they could give you a waterproof plastic foam one, if you haven’t already.

Awwww. lovey, you sound well peed off. There’s nothing bad about talking about it. Cancer’s never gonna be a convenience. No never gonna be a breeze, and Yes, it’s an effin inconvenience. And, it will carry on being for a while. But . . it will start to get better. Might be  s s s l o w w l l y, so try and be patient with your body and self.

Who’s calling you Pauline with breast cancer??

You let out whatever you want and need to on here, lovey. This is your place - your space. Rant, moan, groan,have a sob  - wo’eva babe! 

I’m not much help on the chemo info wise/treatment wise, never having had it. Doesn’t stop me symapathising though. Did you have any previous contact with any of the chemo threads on the Forum Pauline??    

I don’t remember you having a name photo before. Have just had a look at you and waved! I like your necklace - is it a tree of life?

Lotsa love, Dellywelly xxxxxx  

Good Morning everyone

Good Morning Pauly

Well no, I didn’t see you before, but think you look pretty darn A okay woman in your posted photo. Love the hair style you have, or was it had? I don’t mean to sound insensitive, but from what you said about your friend coming over and going “topless”, headwise!!, that you’ve lost much of your hair? Awwwww, lovey. And Yeh, believe you me, don’t I just know how lucky I was not to need chemo or rads. Had a big spontaneous “No chemo required” party to celebrate after 1st mast and ANC!! But, I did lose both boobs and all nodes, so still traumatic, losing the second one espesh. Knock on effect to my personal body confidence, still being a single woman. But the massive advances in recon techniques since my time 2006/07, fortunately, help women a lot more these days, which is great. 

I did have some cording with 1st arm, but luckily had physio tutor neighbour, who gave me some extra stretching exercises to do, which I really worked at and sorted it. But I could have contacted my BCN to arrange to see breast physio. So do, won’t you if you start with. 

Crikey, I don’t envy you on the house packing up front. But great to hear of an impending sale of your house though. Are you directly “buying” yourself, or will you be renting for a while.

How many childrem do you have?

Yeh, that’s fine on pm’ing me. I’m intrigued to hear all about the BC Pauline biz!! :smileywink:

Hope you have a good day today.


Hope anyone/everyone else has a good day too

Loadsa love, Dellypoos xxxxxxxx  

Dear Pauline (without breast cancer :smileyhappy:)

am so pleased to read your good news, 

girly  x



This is fantastic news, I am so pleased for you! Keep taking it easy, you have been through a lot. Once you start radiotherapy (usually about 6 weeks post-op) time will fly by. You should think of something lovely to do!


Best wishes xx

Well done Pauline… without Breast Cancer - the results are fantastic and arn’t those words just amazing to hear and see in print! I wasn’t on the trial; I had 3xEC and 4xD(+H+P) - followed by mx and complete lymph removal 17 - pathology report was same as yours cancer free! I’ll never forgot those words… - I had rads in Dec and although a breeze compared to chemo still come with se’s - hope you find the same. Today, 8 weeks since finishing rads I’m back to see onc for post rads check up - and I’m still on herceptin injections.

Good luck, for the future xx

Hi Girls
Well done Jay68. How did you go on with your onc check-up?
Hi Pauly - I’m surprised you having to have rads at Christies. That’s going to be a long daily treck for you!! Yeh, it does sound like it may be cording. Hope you get help with on Thursday.
Lots of love to everyone
Doolally xxxxxx

Oh Pauly - it’s horrid! Don’t panic - I had cording too. My BCN gave me advice over the phone and I’m happy to pass that on. She basically said using some E45 gently stroke inside of your arm from wrist to elbow (no rubbing or backward/forward movement) one direction only - about 5 times, then holding arm outwards continue from elbow to armpit again one direction (with light strokes) then from armpit down the side of torso - in one direction downwards and from collarbone downwards - just gentle strokes and about 5 times for each area. It doesn’t feel like anything is working but after a few days you will notice a difference - another way is to cross your arms across your chest and gently lift your elbows upwards - don’t push too far but that opens up the drainage routes.

Good luck for tomorrow x

Hi Pauline - when did you have your surgery? x

Pauline - it’s very early days for you!

I had mx and 17 lymph nodes removed on 19th September last year. It took 8 weeks before I was able to lift my hands above my head without discomfort! I didn’t start the 15 rads until 30 November.

For rads you need to be able to clasp your hands together and then extend them above your head in a straight line.

Cording is painful but it does get better just takes lots of time. The exercise where you walk up the wall with your hands is one of the best - persevere with pain - but don’t overdo it. Another good exercise is to place your hands on the wall at chest height and lean forwards to the wall until you feel pressure.

I used to do the exercises 3 times at day - breakfast, lunch and dinner - it does take time though.

Good luck x

Oh dear Pauline you are in a right mess is there anyone that can help and give you advice you must be in tottal agony when is it going to get easier for you  God only knows, I know you are doing correct exersizes but try very hard not to overdo them because thats as bad as doing none at all.


I hope you enjoyed your meal with Alan and seeing your friend 


You must be so bored and fed up with everything thats going on, are you all packed for your move so where are you moving to? 


where are yolu having your Radio T  but if your arm dont get right surely you will have a problem with the Radio so you really do need extra help to get your arm right I so feel for you Pauline 

Try to keep your chin up Big Hugs xx

Mum xx

Pauline - just to reassure you - what you are feeling is perfectly “normal” - not pleasant at all and only those of us who have been through the same procedure can fully understand.

However, with gentle stroking of the “guitar strings” and the correct exercises - you will find relief - but for better relief it won’t be for at least 6/8 weeks following surgery.

Even now, 6 months from finishing chemo (I still suffer side effects from), 5 months following surgery and 2 months following radiotheraphy my chest wall is so tight, the ribs under MX site are painful and my underarm is completely numb and if I do too much or not enough exercise - the “orange under the arm” feel returns.  

However, I just feel thankful, bearing all this in mind, that I’m here.  Just wish others, as well as myself, wouldn’t expect me to be “back to normal”!  xx

Moan away Pauline - it’s good to get it out and know someone is listening. I had a situation today where I very nearly lost it… over my herceptin and the fact the onc wants me to have another echo heart scan before next injection on 1 March! Getting someone to understand was a bl***y nightmare! Thankfully got there in the end! xx

I am due to have more nodes removed this Thursday 

Sentinal nodes showed cancer and they wish to take out more but I’m not sure how many.

i have a hood range of movement in my arm following a lumpectomy and there is a clear margin in the breast.

i am worried as I have nerve pain already in my arm pit and arm running down to my wrist - constant burning and stabbing pain and am concerned that if they take out more it will be unbearable.

I am left handed and an artist and the BC is in my left Breast and axillar and I can’t even bear to think I may be limited by pain.

i have also got a form  of trigeminal nerve pain in my face on the right hand side which I have for 8years which is not treatable.

Dies anyone ekse have this nerve pain and what is it like to have more nodes removed ??? 

Thanks for any responses 



I’ve had bad nerve pain as I’ve had cording now for 4 weeks. I’ve been having physio which is great but painfull at sane time. Today I can actually raise my arm over my head but still have so.e pain. I’ve had bad burning pain from armpit to wrist.

I’m due to start radiotherapy at 5pm today but looks like the snow won’t let that happen… annoying as I was up till 4am unable to sleep and there wasn’t any s ow then! Very thick at 6.30am.

Hope your ok and have you sorted your arm pain?

Pauline x

Hi Delly

I’m not bad thanks still on killer physio for cording it’s getting better, my armpit is numb but sore at the same time ? physio has managed to breakdown some of the cords but as I’m on radiotherapy I’m carrying on with physio until I’ve finished.

I’ve done 3rd RT today came home with banging headache & I don’t totally feel myself. Boob quote pink this evening, but it bound to ease off later.

My hair looking good I’ve got a Sinead O’Connor look at the moment ? went to hospital on Friday night with no hat on I felt quite liberated.

Although it’s my birthday on 25th I’m debating could I actually go out without my wig on…

So how you all doing?

Pauline x

MLD is Manual Lymphatic Drainage ie a special type of massage that aims to move lymph fluid around your body and stimulate your lymphatic system to work properly. You can see videos of it on YouTube and learn to do it to yourself to some extent. Dry brushing to move lymph fluid also recommended. There are some useful lymphoedema sites with info about these types of techniques. My consultant says exercise is really important for preventing lymphoedema.
Sorry to those with cording - it is ****** painful. It should go away in time though.
If you are on radio you are on the home strait and the finish line is hoving into view!


I’ll be ringing the bell with my mother in law on 28th March… although I’ve still got herceptin until September.

Cording what can I say I never want this again, it’s been horrendous painful. You know you go through all this treatment to end up with cording… ???


The feeling of a cord pinging urggghhh ?

Your birthday is day after mine! My friend was showing a friend of hers my photo on Facebook with my Sinead O’Connor hair, my friend was telling her my story & when she saw my photo she said that’s Pauline my chemo friend it’s a small world.

My hair feels like baby lamb hair but my hair is naturally curly and all the back at the bottom is curly now ?

Not sure about my birthday hair yet it depends if it’s cold. My daughter’s birthday on 14th March & my son is 23rd March and neither were planned I was told I’d never have kids and then two come along in March.

I’m drinking loads water I’m thirsty all the time even waking up in the night guzzling water. I’m going to try go back to the gym next week.



Day 4 of radiotherapy I 've tired with banging headache & my boob had swollen. Hospital said swelling is tissue around boob.

The End of a naff day I arrive hime from hospital feeling like I need to sleep & my hubby tells me our buyers have pulled out of our sale. I’m devasted I’ve spent half the night in tears angry, we were moving back to be nearer my family which is what I wanted so much to finish my treatment and start afresh near my loved ones.

It’s not meant to be I’m gutted, I’d packed up most if the house before I had my operation as we were expecting to move within the next few weeks. So it’s back on market & I’m very miserable ??

Roll on 28th March to finish radiotherapy.

Hope your all well

Pauline x