Swollen Ribs and Prominent Veins

Hi everyone

I would just like to know if anyone has experienced sore/swollen spot at the bottom of the ribs and also being able to feel and see the veins running down towards the very bottom of the rib cage. I finished chemo april 07 and rads july 07.
Have been to the docs today, he sent me for an x-ray. Awaiting results.

Tried to get an appointment with my local breast clinic but have to wait until a week on Monday.

Can anyone shed some light!

Thanks for listening


Hi Donna

Welcome to the forums, I’m sure there will soon be some other users along to share their experiences and offer you advice. While you are waiting for replies you may find it helpful to talk to one of trained members of staff from the help line. Here you are able to talk in confidence about your concerns to someone who has either experience of breast cancer, or is a breast care nurse, and has an excellent knowledge of breast cancer issues. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 the lines open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturdays 9am - 2pm.

I hope this is of some help to you.

Kind regards

BCC Facilitator

Hi Donna,
Yes,I have a sore spot on my ribs too.Left side under affected breast.It just feels like when you press a bruise.I’ve had it about three weeks now but it doesn’t feel any worse.I told the Oncologist about it but she didn’t give me any feedback.I asked if I needed another bone scan and she said ‘if nothing showed up on the last one then you’ll be ok’.I don’t understand that as surely the cancer can still spread to my bones at anytime.It has already spread to my liver.
I haven’t got the vein thing though.
Alli x

Hi Donna and Alli, I think we are forming a club here! I too have a tender spot on the bottom rib but it is on the opposite side to my mastectomy scar. I was really worried that i had developed mets and managed to persuade my GP to send me for an isotope bone scan. To my relief the bone scan came back completely clear. Now, of course, as with all of us, I am worried that the scan is not accurate enough and that now I need a CT or PET scan!! The sore spot has been there for several months but most of the time i can’t feel it at all, then some days its a small niggle - about a 1 out of 10 on the pain scale. I never feel it at night. All a bit baffling - I was diagnosed with osteoporosis in my spine last year and wonder if that has anything to do with it.

Sorry for the rambling girls, would love to hear other rib experiences.

hugs to all, Grace

Howdy - I think there is a club forming. I have developed a very tender area on my ribs just below the breast where I had my WLE plus rads. Find in sore if I sleep on my front and very tender to touch. I have noticed other postings re: rib pain and it has been diagnosed as chondotitis or something similar - in laymans terms it is imflammation of the cartilage in the rib cage and is a side effect of rads.
Don’t know if that may help or be an avenue worth exploring.

Good luck hope that is what it is - Swanie

Yes, I too have a swollen sore bit on my ribs and have been told it may be a side effect of radiotherapy. They did a bone scan last week to check but i dont have the results yet! Will let you know results. Take Care
Love Julie XXX

Hi Donna and Swanie,
I haven’t had surgery or radiotherapy so I don’t know what mine could be!
Alli x

HI I had it too on the same side as my WLE.
My oncologist told me to stop pressing it as the cartilage is very soft and sensitive here - and take painkillers. I can still feel it a little bit but is has definitely gotten better. I’m not going to keep worrying and am putting it down to rads.

Cally x

Hello everyone

Yes I too am joing the club. I have two prominent and very painful veins just under my rib case on the affected side. My GP said inflamation (he thinks!!!) and gave me antibiotics, however, I am waiting to see if I need to see my consultant. My next Herceptin infusion is this Thursday. This strange symptom seems to be quite common. Fingers crossed that its not important.

warm greetings to you all


Hi all
I’m joining this club. Sore/slightly uncomfortable area on right hand side of body waist/lower ribs which I’ve had on and off for ages. My oncologist isn’t too worried about it but I’m seeing him on Wed to review. It’s the opposite side to mastectomy side. I’m wondering if it’s some kind of imbalance or something due to being flat on one side and not on the other. I remember being told this can happen if you don’t wear your prothesis - I sometimes wear the softee which weighs nothing so possibly a reason?

Ruby x

Hi I’m joining your club too. Pain both sides rt rib worse(lumpectomy on that side + 7 lymphs only one affected) Worse when pressed , so as you say do’nt press it. I am convincing myself it’s the rads, see surgeon on 15th June so I will have a word with him . Had bone scan about a year ok and apart from arthritis ok.
Love to all Bobbiexx
Off on hols tommorrow( Exmoor) in caravan so s*d it all.

Another one to join the club - I finished chemo & rads February 08 and have intermittently had pain in the left side of my ribs (surgery side). It’s almost like a cramp attack. I also have the tender/painful area just under the left breast that, when it hurts, I can hardly bear to touch - it’s also just where my bra fits around!
Strangely enough I only ever get these pains in the evening and night (also can’t sleep on my front) and not all the time - sometimes they disappear for some considerable time and I forget all about them for a while. Will mention them at my next checkup (postponed from June 30 to August 3rd - no doctor available!)


Another with sore (and pain) in ribs a year on from rads. It does seem that it is a side effect of rads, but we can never be sure. It is difficult to know when we should ‘bother’ the consultant as they are so busy. Veins that are prominent, don’t know. Mine are prominent because I am pretty skinny, no layer of fat, and they can’t hide!
I suppose if you are worried you ask the docs. Alice