
Lucky you Iam on Arm one.


Hi Maggie
Mainly the same as Mal and lorraine.
Felt some one would have done a trial for me to get standard treatment so the least I could do would be to do something for others in the future
I scored amd on Arm 4

Thanks for all your thoughts. I feel too that if I can be of help to future women with bc I would like to be. I need to read up more about the Xeloda. I’ve got a week to make a choice. Many thanks, Maggie x.

Hi Lorraine

Glad you started this thread, I’ve had my first Epi today on Arm 4. Very scary but so far so good.
Keep us posted as to how you are, i’ll do likewise, it’s good to know someone going through this at the same time as me.
Big hugs

Hi all

Hope you’re all feeling good and are out and about. Momathome that’s one to cross off the calendar and I hope you’re tolerating the epi OK.

I went to pick up my Xeloda tablets from the hospital today and will start in the morning. Was sent home with a scary DVD all about the side effects etc. Still I know most people manage Xeloda really well so fingers crossed.

Enjoy your week-end girls


Hi Mal
We actually have sunshine here today - wow what a change. It started to brighten up yesterday so perhaps it is my turn now ???
Have a good weekend everyone. get my blood test on Tuesday and 3rd epi on Wednesday (hopefully)

Hello everyone, Re rads query : tiring but nowhere near as ill as on chemo. Going everyday is a bit of a pain. I have now had 7 rads. I am very stiff but think that is arimidex not rads. Skin in area is fine, no break down or soreness. Good luck with arm 4 ladies.


Hi girls,

Am really in awe of those of you that’v had more than one epi!! I feel soooo nauseous and it’s so unlike me. How long does this last girls??

Hi Momathome

The nauseous will subside, it me took the 4 days after the epi. Just eat little and often and drink lots of fluid. The only thing i could stomach was chicken and rice soup and that seemed to work as soon as i felt sick i would have some soup and an anti sickness tablet, it’s a miracle it really did work for me.

I will post the recipe if anyone is interested?

Take it easy and listen to your body


Thanks for the reply Felix.

I’ve woken up feeling slightly better, becoming tired very easily though so finding myself sitting down regularly, is this normal too?
Eating plain stuff seems to work for me, chicken an pasta, and not very much of it. I just can’twait for the epi to be over…I’m now pinning all my hopes on being ok while on xeloda!


i would avoid stodge as this seams to bag you up making you feel bloated your digestive system is shutting down and running slow so anything thats easily digested helps. Steriods affect your stomach to.


Hi all

Just to let you know that I’ve just started my first cycle of Xeloda and so far absolutely nothing! Long may it last!

Momathome - I found the best thing for the nausea was nibbling ginger biscuits (I found that tip on ‘top tips for chemo’). They really seemed to help although with mouth ulcers and lack of taste I didn’t enjoy my food and lost some weight. As for the tiredness it does get worse. I go to bed every afternoon for an hour otherwise I feel sick and ill. The side effects could be completely different for your other epis as mine were.

Hope you’ve all made the most of your week-end in the sun. Also hope that you girls having your next chemo this week have minimal side effects.

Take it easy.


Hi momathome
Don’t forget to tell chemo nurses that you felt sick they should be able to get you presribed something

Hi everyone
Has/did any of you suffer from sore thighs/tops legs and sore lower back days 9-11?
I checked back on my chemo diary and found it has happened after both treatments of epi
Hope you are all well


Liz, I did suffer from sore back and collar bone but nothing in my legs/thighs. Chemo has lots of different side effects though doesn’t it? You begin to wonder if they are related to chemo or something else… but all those aches & pains have gone now I’ve finished epi. Is it no 3 this week? Only one more then.

Hope you 're OK and momathome hope your nausea has gone now and you’re having plenty of rest.

Take care


Hi Mal
Yes number 3 hopefully tomorow.
Practice nurse couldn’t manage to get any blood ( after two differst attempts…) so hopefully hospital can manage tomorrow and I wont have to wait too long.
How are the tablets going?
Good luck


Hi Liz

Spoke too soon about the tablets! Was up in the night - sick four times. Took the anti-sickness pills and have been OK today although feel a little ‘delicate’. But at least they don’t ‘mess with your head’ like epi,

Sorry about your bloods today. Luckily I never had a problem although didn’t get them taken until at the hospital which extended the time spent there. Good luck for tomorrow - then only one more!

Take it easy


Hi Mal
Hospital managed to get bloods with finger prick on second go and they came back perfect so 3 down and one to go.
Sorry you took bad but at least you have tablets to cover it.
Doctor told me that most of her patients on Xeloda had none or nearly no side effects - hears hoping
Have a good weekend


Hi Liz

Glad there was no problem with No 3. It’s a great feeling isn’t it knowing you only have one more epi. Hope you’re keeping OK and will be able to enjoy the week-end.

I’ve been OK since but have been taking the anti-sickness pills just in case. No other problems & so far much better than epi. I just find it strange taking the tablets knowing that you’re putting this poison into your system twice a day. Still - needs must.

Have you put all the chemo dates on the calendar? I pick up my last tablets 21st Nov and once they’ve finished I’m going to have one hell of a party!

How’s everyone else?

Take it easy


Hi Girls

I have had my second epi Tuesday and not feeling too bad a lot of tiredness and a little nauseous but taking my mild antisickness when i need them.

My hair is now falling out in big clumps and i am feeling a bit sad. My friend is coming over today to shave it off as it is driving me mad every time i touch i get another handful. Now i have bald patches which looks awful.

Hope you are all doing okay and have a great weekend, maybe this weather will hold.

Felix x