TACT2 Arm 4

Hi Ladies
I too am on the accelerated arm 4, I have just recieved my second dose. 1st treatment went well, had loads of energy, no sickness other side effects but these were slight. Terrible ‘chemo head’ which lasted 4 days and nights! Terrible constipation which I am taking natural senna for but I think I need something stronger, any ideas? Skin, especcialy face looked very tanned, liked this but it didnt last too long! Hair is falling thick and fast now, after 2nd dose, so having paid a huge amount of money for 2 scarves, I have also ‘given in’ and am seeing a wig specialist on Tuesday. Unfortunatly the hair will not last that long in a dignified manner so i am getting the o/h to shave it tonight!
I believe from what I have read and heard, the symptoms you start with usually stay the same although the tiredness gets a little worse. i think if we recognise the things we cant do and enjoy the things we can, its the only way of getting through this.
Hope you all remain relativly well, please excuse spelling, brain not all it was[not hat is was much to begin with!!!]
Take care and enjoy the sun

Hi Lynn, I am on arm 4 and now on the xeloda. i have had one cycle and next one due on 16th June. I remember epi well and the terrible constipation !!! I used movicol 2-3 sachets per day and lots of water to drink even though some days tasted foul. Yes th symptoms do stay the same(for me anyway) but you get so weary and watch your red cells and anaemia as acceleration can cause this. The injection did keep whjite cell count up and had no infections all the time I had epi. I had no delays in epi at all.

Good luck, it goes more quickly than you think


Hi again Lynn, Hair is coming back now and has since I started xeloda. i have a head full of fuzz

Hi ya,

Sorry I have not been on for quite a while but have not felt like it much (I am not a great computer person) I hope you are all doing well with everything. I finished my chemo (tact2 arm4) last Tuesday yipppyyyyyyy side effects not to bad, as far as being weary I find it had to sleep the nurse said it may be the drugs. I don’t know about that but night time tv is rubbish lol. What helped me through is that on my ‘good week’ (no treatment) I went to see my Grandson and stayed a week each time. The family just carried on like normal and let me do as much or as little as I wanted. If I fell asleep in the afternoon they would just let me sleep but that only happened a couple of times. My son is coming to visit us for a week the beggining of July which the whole family are looking forward to. My Mum (84) has only seen pics of baby as has his Grandpa (my ex) so I will have a houseful the week after next. I can’t wait. I start my next lot 24th and someone told me it is easier than the chemo, if thats the case life should be back to some kind of normality soon…

I had the cooling cap and still have a ‘light covering’ of hair left but I did keep most of my eyebrows and lashes so when I put on the makeup I don’t look too bad. I did have to get some industrial strength concealer for the dark circles though!

Well I must be going now have some phone calls to make, will try to get on more often (promise to try) Take care

Denise xx