Tact2 trial

Hi Lovelies
I was throwing up at again at 9pm last night, but that was the only time yesterday, and once it’s done i feel so jmuch better, I slept quite well last night only woke up at 5.30 for about half hr then slept till 8am. I have been helping OH decorate the daughters room, i have just been cutting the lenghts and pasting them, i usually do it all but he has done ok for his first attempt at papering, i told him he has been lying to me for the past 16 years,
My 17 tabs are 8 Dexamethasone steroids, 8 Domperidone anti sickness, 2 Ondansetron anti sickness, but i drop to 14 tomorrow, then 10 the next day, then 8 anti sick pills if i need them and i think i just might.
OH just getting ready to take Emma to her skating practice 2 hrs for panto rehearsal, I used to do this but we think it will be to cold for me to sit around, so i will stay home and cook dinner, roast lamb emma’s favourite i hope i can keep it down,
My oldest sister and 2 neices have all sold their vans this year, and im sure they will miss the touring, but they have invested in a static in Caernarfon.
Im glad you have fore warned me about the sideboards, i might have started to panic.
take it easy

Hi Girls

Sorry about the sickness Shirl, but you seem to have it under control and you may not have it each time (you must tell the nurse though), I was sick on the 2nd cycle but not the others. Decorating?? You must be mad! careful not to overdo it.

Junieliz & Liz - glad you’re keeping OK. I’ve had a great week-end and just feel ‘normal’ now they’ve reduced my dose. I finish Xeloda at the beginning of December and can’t wait. No more needles, just the boob in the microwave sensation to look forward to! I’m really jealous of your hair Liz. Mine still feels like spikes!

Take it easy ladies.

Mal x

Hi all, had second CMF yesterday, seems I have got infection in the line so on antibiotics for a week, also having blood transfusion on Wednesday so off again this week thought I was going to have three weeks break now, well I know they are looking after me. I haven’t done too bad so far so cannot grumble.

Shirl hope you are getting over the sickness, don’t do too much,

Mal thank you for your kind words, glad you have had a good week, I am in the same boat as you have plenty of spikes hopefully it won’t be long in coming back, but we sure do feel the cold on our heads, even the pillows in bed feel cold don’t you agree?

Take care all love junieliz

Hi all

Sorry about your infection junieliz and the need for a transfusion. Hope it’s not leaving you too rough. It’s amazing isn’t it, if you’d had to go for a transfusion a few months ago you’d be scared stiff, but after all the other s…t, it’s just another hiccup. Know what you mean about a cold head, I’m always freezing. Hopefully we’ll have a decent amount of hair by the time the frost arrives, although looking at how slowly it’s growing I’m wondering if I’ll have any to speak of by next summer. Like me - 2 to go!

Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well and taking it easy.

Mal x

I got new meds for the heartburn and now im feeling back to normal, well pre chemo anyway, just helped cut n paste 4 strips of paper today, we may get it papered by friday, new wig is really good the daughter didn’t even notice i had it on, nor did my sister, but my neice thought i’d had it cut a little shorter ready for the fall out, so i feel so more confident about wearing the wig,
Julinez so sorry about your infection also, and hope you are feeling a lot better after it.

well i think i might need more meds, i aint been the loo yet, despite eating lots of fruit and curry, but no stomach yet, just lots of wind,
Oh the joys of this illness
take it easy all, i intend to do nothing tomorrow, my sister is going back to Ikea more shopping

Hi Trojan,
Try some pineapple if you could and aspargus, dates also help the loo business…

take care


Hi Shirl

Nice to hear you’re feeling normal (whatever that is) again. The wig sounds good. I love mine and would have become a recluse without a wig that I felt confident in. Felt a bit strange the first few times I went out in it, as though everyone was staring at me, but no probs now. In fact I think I’ll wear it after on my bad hair days.

Re constipation - I always suffered the opposite. Couldn’t drink friut juice etc otherwise was glued to the loo for hours. Many people on here swear by movicol sachets which you can get from the chemist or the good old remedy of syrup of figs. Anything’s worth a try.

Hope you’re feeling OK junieliz. I’m just off for an appointment with Occupational Health. That’ll be fun.

Take care

Mal x

iv’e been, could have been the dark chocolate, the weetabix, the liquorice,the fruit smoothies, or just the lot, I feel so much better, sorry just had to share.

What a relief!!


Hi Shirley
Know just how you feel isn’t it great !!!
Hi Mal
Hope you havn’t got problems if you are seeing Occ Health?
Got my tabs yesterday (infor in other thread) Consultant was very laid back abou Xeloda as says it is used a lot at our hosp for metatatsic breast cancer… Any one know the difference I think I’m being a bit thick today?
Main probs hands and feet and diarrea week 3. Doesn’t sound any worse that epi though

Hi Junieliz how was the blood transfusion are you feeeling any better?

Take car all

Hi girls

Liz - up until now xeloda has been used very successfully for secondary breast cancers (liver, lungs etc.) but the Tact 2 trial is seeing how effective it is on primary breast cancer. I have great faith in it after doing a lot of ‘googling’ before agreeing to go on the trial. And the side effects - there’s no comparison between epi & xeloda. I feel normal (whatever that is these days) and human again.

Junieliz - hope the transfusion went OK. Let us know.

Shirl - OK? You’ve not been decorating again have you?

Take care

Mal x

My sis came here this morning at 9am, and we have finished the decorating, It looks lovely and Emma is made up, she is nagging OH now to lay her new wooden floor and build her new wardrobes, he told her he will start the floor on Sunday, he’s working on Sat,
I feel really well today, had a great appetite, but did wake up in the night with a weird feeling in my head, it was as if i was lying on a hedgehog.
hope you feel ok,

Hi Shirl

I’m sure most us will remember the ‘lying on a hedgehog’ feeling, then the sore scalp. It happens before your hair departure! You’re supposed to be taking it easy not decorating. Don’t overdo it or you will suffer. Still you’ve finished it now so take it easy.

No problems with your taste or your mouth (ulcers)? And glad you’re feeling well.

Mal x

Hi all, had transfusion it was a long day but was looked after very well. Antibiotics seem to be working on my line, I now have more movement and less discomfort. I have two weeks off now before I have to have chemo again, feel ok so far no problems hopefully will stay that way. I hope you are all well and not doing too much, rest seems to be the key so we must take heed.

Hi Shirl glad the bedroom is done sounds lovely, don’t overdo it though take care.

Hi Liz hope you are well and taking it easy.

Thank you for your kind words will keep you posted take care love junieliz

Hi all
glad we all seem to be doing well, I cant seem to take it in that im ill, i feel so good, Having a totally lazy day today, just searching internet for holidays for next year, i fancy a tree house in Brittany, my cousin from Norway went and she said it was fantastic,
Just been nagging my surgeons secretary again, i have a well woman plan and he has had the form since July, but he hasn’t sent it back yet and the insurance company are chasing him, I feel awful chasing him when i know he is so busy and treating so many other ladies that are only just coming to terms with this, but when my sick pay stops im sure he wont offer to pay my bills.
It’s a lovely day here in Wales today, a bit brisk but sunny.
take care lovely ladies

Hi Girls

Glad the transfusion went well and that you’re feeling OK Junieliz. You’ve got a couple of decent weeks hopefully before the next chemo.

Shirl - you seem to be managing really well after your epi. Glad to hear you’re having a lazy day. Will you save some sun for us? We’re coming down to our caravan in Wales on Sunday til Wednesday, closing it up for the winter. Looking forward to a bit of a change.

Liz - hope you’re still OK on the xeloda. Looking forward to finishing my 2nd cycle tomorrow and then a week off. May force a couple of glasses of vino down on Sunday night. Don’t touch it while on the tablets.

Take care ladies and have a lovely week-end.

Mal x

Hi Everyone
Glad your transfusion is over Junieliz and the decorating is done Shirley
Have agreat time at your caravan Mal.
Don’t know where you lot are finding sunshine. All we have had is rain and wind is frezzing up here. Glad not in Skye though one of the caravans moved 2 feet end last week. Fortunately noone in it at time .
Feel good most of time on Xeloda, move energy, but oh what runs (said I would get them wk 3) They only waited until day 2; indegestion, heartburn and fould taste. also cough in morning. Arn’t I doing well. New receptionist at doctors who is a pain the rest are lovely. Told me today soonest appt is Thurs pm - not urgent _ Told her not yet but she just glared at me. You know the type no brain and full or their own importance (sorry -thats nasty)

Anyhow its still better thn epi

Take care all
Love Liz

Hi Mal
sorry i didnt save some sun for you, I hope the snow wasn’t to bad though, I couldn’t believe it when we were driving to Glan Clwyd Hospital at 8.30 am on Tuesday morning, and the weather was just awful, rain, hail, sleet wind and snow, i hope you were all snug n cosy in your van.
My onc was not to happy that i was sick after my first epi, and she said she wants to send me home after my next treatment with some sleeping meds, im to come home take a tablet and go to bed, she said i should sleep for several hours, then get up for a couple of hrs, take more meds and go back to bed, Has someone on here been telling her i was doing to much,. She said with this treatment i shouldnt be sick, but im not to keen on taking sleeping tabs, but i said i will give it a go.
My head is sooooooooooooo sore, it feels like i have had my hair tied up in a high pony tail for too long, but when i was doing it this morning i noticed my top was covered in hair, i might need to get it cut by the weekend, my hairdresser is calling round tonight she has made me some pumpkin soup, so i will ask her when she thinks i should get her to cut it.
Next Epi on Friday at 10am, at least im not as nervous this time.
OH just came in from work with lovely cream cakes, he’s such a Darling


Hi girls

Well came home a day early - my head was so cold during the night and the forecast was for colder weather tonight, so here we are. Had a lovely day yesterday. Went over to Anglesey and did part of the coastal walk (couldn’t have done that on epi), sat on the beach in the sunshine. It was glorious. Then today snow! We had a really slow journey home, it was snowing really hard and the hills were covered. That’s it now - the site is closed til March. Hopefully I’ll have some ‘proper’ hair by then.

Liz, sorry you seem to have so many side effects. Do you have meds for the runs? My stomach has felt a bit ‘iffy’ at times but nothing really. Doctors’ receptionists are a breed of their own, aren’t they? (Apologies to anyone here doing that job.) Make sure you let your onc know about the runs.

Shirl - I know what you mean about not being keen on the sleeping tablets, I have been reluctant to take anything unless I really have to, but if they stop you being sick they’re worth it. You’ll have to take it a bit easier now. I shaved my hair when I got up one morning and it was all over the pillow, and when I ran my fingers thro’ my hair it came out in handfuls. I can honestly say that it hasn’t bothered me at all (except for feeling cold) but I know it upsets a lot of people. I just think it’s a small price to pay.

Keep smiling

Mal x

Hi Mal
glad you managed to get over to Anglesey, and managed to enjoy one day in the sun,
Second epi today went well, i went and had my hair cut really short on the way home, this will make it easier for when OH takes the clippers to it, down south starting to depart as well, OH reckons he should get a perk and has offered to take the clippers there, he does keep me laughing, I went to bed at 2pm and got up at 6.30 for my tea,chips n fried egg, it was scrummy, i dont feel sick at all i just feel fantastic, will take other pills at 11 and go to bed,
My work mates did pink day today, and they have raised over £1000, they all wore pink, and did cakes sales, and some of the fellas wore pink Tu-Tu’s and did a fun run around the camp, I was so sorry i couldn’t nip in for a coffee, but the air con in my office seems to feed germs around the office spreading disease everywhere.
But i think they are all so fantastic for all the support they have given me, and for the awareness they are raising.

Liz- hows it going on the xeolda, i will start my first lot about the 11th or 12th Dec, and finish first course on Xmas Day, im just hoping for a good day to enjoy xmas with family,
