TACT2 Trial

Hello. I am new to the forum and am wondering if anyone has stories to share about their experiences participating in the TACT2 trial. I will be taking Xeloda tablets in place of the normal CMF treatment.

I was diagnosed in May 07, had a mastectomy and reconstruction in June 07 and have just had one dose of epirubicin (from which I was horribly sick).

I started a Living with Cancer Course today at a Maggie’s Centre and found it very encouraging and uplifting, particularly as last week I feared I would hardly be able to make it out of the house before my next dose of chemo! I now feel so much better.

Thanks in advance.

im on the tact 2 trial and have finished epi and am a week into my xeloda tablets. I have so far been fine on both treatments but find the tablets so much easier for 2 reasons. Not quite so much waiting at the hospital and no more dreaded needles apart from blood test. I hope you feel better as your treatment continues. I felt sick on the first epi i think my body was a bit shocked but apart from feeling very tired at times have been ok since.
Take care

Hi there Sinclair,

I’m also on the TACT 2 trial… in fact have just posted another thread asking for any comments on Xeloda. I’ve had three cycles of Epi, and am due the final one on Thursday. Unfortunately they’ve not got the anti-sickness meds right for me yet and each time I have thrown up quite a lot during the first night - got progressively worse with each cycle. However, I think I’m unusual, so don’t let that get you down!! Most people seem to have any nausea controlled by the meds… tomorrow I’m being given yet another type to start before the chemo, in the hope that it helps!! I’m on the 3rd arm of the trial, i.e. 3 weeks between each dose…

Apart from initial sickness, I’ve tolerated the chemo quite well. I had bad mouth ulcers after the first dose of Epi, but as soon as I got the right mouth gel and mouthwash, it cleared up. It was partly my fault for not chasing it up sooner… if you get mouth ulcers, get on to your breast cancer nurse asap and get Difflam mouth wash and Adcortyl gel… beats suffering longer than necessary and they certainly did the trick for me!! I haven’t had a problem with them for the other two cycles. I guess I’ve felt a bit nauseous for a few days after the treatment, but not too bad and maybe a bit tired, but not like what I was expecting. I’ve managed to steer clear of any infections, so low immune system hasn’t been a problem for me.

The forums are a great way of picking up tips re what can help you get through this, from those that know and have been there.
Good luck and keep smiling!


Thanks v much for your comments. Although I wouldn’t wish the sickness on anyone, it is comforting to know that others have been through the same. Everyone I have met so far has been shocked that the anti sickness drugs did not work for me. Your story, ALiS, sounds very like mine so far, although we shall see how the Ondasnitron works for round 2.

I have just got a prescription this morning for my mouth. It is not for the things you suggest so I will keep those up my sleeve if these pastilles do not work.

Yesterday I decided to take advantage of the fact that I am no longer zonked and have taken a gamble by booking a night away for my me, my husband and my 2 year old wee boy. Hoping that if we take it easy it will be a real treat.

The Living with Cancer course was really good and encouraged me a lot. It was also interesting to talk to others who have different types of cancer as you begin to expect women all to have breast cancer, if anything.

Thanks again and hope you are both having a good day today.


Hi again Sinclair,

I had my last Epi on Thursday and for the first time I didn’t throw up all night… phew!! Just twice, at 10pm, then 9.30am, with a fair bit of sleep in between!! Certainly beat puking every hour or so… AND I didn’t spend all of Friday in bed, managed downstairs and slobbed, watch TV, dozed, etc… AND I even felt like eating something. HUGE improvement, so chin up, they’ll get it right for you too. I just think, why didn’t they sort it for the previous two sessions and I could have avoided all that feeling sh**ty!!

Oops, I forgot to say that they started me on Lorazepam the day before chemo and I threw up three times (once on the train en route to hospital, after a mad dash to the loo!!)… so stopped that one straight away and am on Levomepromazine (why are the names so hard?!), Granisetron and Dexamethasone…

I’ve not been on the Living with Cancer course… when I looked at the info, it looked as if a lot of it was aimed at the early days after diagnosis, which I’ve long passed. I am going on the “Look Good, Feel Better” course at the local Maggie’s Centre in Glasgow on Monday (not been there before)… in fact, I haven’t really met with others with cancer before, so not sure how I’ll deal with that. Then am booked on a Healthy Living Day in September… may as well make the most of what is on offer, eh?

Hope all’s going OK with you,
All the best,


Yuk yuk yuk. Your sickness sounds even worse than mine. You poor thing. Hopefully the tablets will suit you better.

I guess it is today that you are at the Look Good Feel Better day. I have heard great things about it and am booked to go in September. Let me know how it went. I take it you have lost your hair with Epi? Have you gone for a wig/scarf etc?

Maggies is a wonderful place, but it does take guts to step through the door. There was a mix of people at the Living with Cancer course and a real emphasis on the fact that everyone is different and comes to courses in their own time. You certainly have not missed the boat.

Weekend away was fantastic. Other than an afternoon nap, I felt almost normal! Great!

Take care


I have just been told that Chemotherapy is advised in my case. I have been offered the TACT2 trial. I have asked some of my friends who are pharmacists, and they all think I should go for it.

However I have read all your comments and I am really worried by the sickness info! Is it really as bad as it sounds ? What is “Maggies”?

Thanks for all the info


My mum is undergoing chemo just now and is on arm 4 of the Tact2 trial. The sickness wasn’t bad for her at all and you are given anti sickness tablets for the first few days - however if you still feel sick you must tell the hospital and they will help as I was with my mum during treatment and they always said if my mum was sick they weren’t doing their job properly… There are things you can take to take away the nausea feeling like ginger biscuits, peppermints and my mum experienced a dry mouth alot so chewed a lot of chewing gum and lots of ice lollies!! The trial itself we thought about and decided it was the best idea and we still believe that to be true. Because you are on the trial you are REALLY well looked after, monitored all the time and the nurses are always at the end of the phone…

Maggies - is a centre for anyone who has or had cancer and is also for family and friends etc. Its a place where you can share experiencs or just relax - whatever you want. There are ones attached to The Western in Edinburgh and Beatson in Glasgow - there is a website if you google maggies centre as I am sure there will be more and you find they are attached to main cancer centre hospitals.

Hope that helps. Take Care

There is also a Maggie’s attached to Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy, Fife. I’ve been taking part in a stress management course that my breast clinic asked patients to volunteer for and it has been extremely worthwhile. If all goes well they hope to be able to get the funding so they can offer it to all BC patients. The lady who takes it is training to be a clinical psychologist.

I am tact 2 trial 4 x epirubin then 4 x cmf. have had all epirubicin and 1 cmf, 2nd cycle tomorrow. I have not suffered with any sickness. I always take my anti-sickness pills. Just wanted to be positive.

I do however suffer with constipation caused by the anti-sickness pills but seem to have that under control with lactulose syrup taken before and during anti-sickness pills day.


I have only had the 1st Epi. so far and am due to have 4 cycles then 4 cycles of CMF…I have coped with the first one well although a bit constipated appreciate things will probably get worse before they get better. I hope to continue"normal life" as long as possible…
Marjep Good luck to you all and think positive

Hi there, I am new to this site and have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I had an op not long ago and the grade 3 cancer of 1.5cm was removed. I have optd for the TACT2 trial and am on ARM 2. I had my first epi today, was scary, I am beginning to fell heavy headed but okay other then that at the moment, dunno how my night will go, fingers crossed!! Has anyone any advice for me? anyone on ARM 2? i would be grateful as i am very nervous about whats to come. Thank you.X