
Thank you ladies for your posting I’m just about to start my chemo next wednesday tact 2 arm one like you lily drew the short straw lol suppose someone has to be the guinea pig oink oink. Anyway its encouraging to hear that your symptoms werent too bad as i dont have a lot of support here and will have to look after myself a lot but sleep and drinking plenty are best I hear so fingers crossed

HI Joanne
I finished chemo in March but not same regime as you,I don’t understand the tact trial every one talks about so I find it difficult to understand when you say you have drawn the short straw,surely if we are having chemo to beat this thing it is a good thing no matter which drug we have.
Sorry you don’t have any support at home, but make sure you listen to your body and ask plenty of questions here, there is always someone who can relate to what you are feeling.

Good luck on Weds.
Take Care



The tact 2 trial is basically 4 different ways of getting chemo 2 arms of it are accellerated whick means less time is spent getting drugs (5 months) the 2 others are bit longer one is new drugs (6 months) and mine is normal drugs and normal time (7 months) so you can see why we got short straw lol

You may be interested to know that we receive more epi from our first 4 shots than 6 doses of FEC, so we do get a variation on our treatment I guess. You also get methotrexate added in the CFM part, like icing on the cake! I do not have the knowledge to know what if any difference the slight variations make (actually I don’t think anyone knows this) , but wanted you to feel special. My standard treatment would have been FEC is yours the same?
Lily x