Take advantage
Take advantage of evrything that you are offered and can take advantage of. I was lucky in that I live in an area that has very active cancer charities and I was offered all sorts of therapies. Of course I had to get the OK from my doctors but that wasn’t difficult. I particulary like reflexology, Indian head massge and amromatherapy massge. It was just wonderful.
I’m only sorry that you had to have cancer before they were available for you!!
Check out your local area, there may the same opportunities for you that were availlable to me.
Best wishes
to all
Hi Willy Well done for being the first to post in this forum. I’m so pleased to hear you advocating complementary therapies. I am a Reiki Master and on the old site offered distant healing. I had over sixty requests for it and still send it regularly. Unfortunately, with the absence of contact buttons I have been rather loath to put out the offer again as there needs to be a certain amount of confidentiality. I think I’ll have to mull it over for a while and weigh up the pros and cons of putting my email address on this forum for people to contact me if they wish.
I was offered aromatherapy whilst undergoing chemo, phoned my cancer nurse to see which oils should be used on me, only to be told I should avoid all massage for the time being, apart from manual lymphatic drainage, as mets could be travelling around the body in the lymph system just under the skin and massage could push it where it wasn’t wanted!
I believe some Indian Head Masseurs, Reflexologists and Aromatherapists are given special training for cancer patients in the light of this information which was published in a research paper during the 1990s.
I would really love to try other therapies and have many friends who practise them so I wonder if you’d be so kind as to ask your therapists when or if it would be safe for me to have Indian Head Massage etc. I’m five weeks past the end of radiotherapy and on Tamoxifen, having had mastectomy in April, 6xFEC and 15 RTs with 7/20 lymph nodes affected.
Very best wishes
comp therapies Hi willy. I agree that if you can take advantage of comp therapies while you are undergoing treatment or even afterwards, it can be beneficial for relieving the side effects of treatments and just making you feel more relaxed in general. Of course, people should ALWAYS check that their doctors are aware of what they are doing and have not given any reasons against having particular therapies.
At the hospital where I’m treated there are complementary therapies, e.g. massage, aromatherapy, reflexology, IHM available at the cancer drop-in centre run by Macmillan. You can have them provided that you are being treated by a consultant onc at the hospital. The only thing I’ve been told by my bc nurse is that they do not advise massage directly over the area where the cancer has been removed. I’m puzzled by the MLD that you mention because, although it is supposed to be quite a gentle treatment (as far as I’m aware) it’s main purpose is to shift the lymph, the exercises that we’re given to do to prevent lymphoedema also do that, so the lymph is travelling whether we have massage or not. Obviously though, if your medical team don’t think it’s advisable then you shouldn’t have it!
I’m currently undergoing the programme at the Haven in London where you can have twelve hours of complementary therapies free of charge. They contact your medical team and let them know what you’re having. I had shiatsu today, but they do reiki, IHM, reflex, massage,cranio-sacral therapy, homeopathy, nutritional advice, kinesiology etc. As it happens, I haven’t chosen massage as one of my sessions at the moment as they have so many interesting things to choose from. They have a website - just google “breast cancer haven”. I also went on a workshop there recently for relaxation and meditation. I would have thought your bc nurse and onc would be aware of them as they are a registered charity.
Evening Serenity Thank you for your reply. That’s a good point about the MLD - I really must ask my cancer nurse to clarify that but in the meantime will look up the Haven website. I’m really grateful for your help.
Love Judy xxx
Hi Judy Serenity Hi there
I’m not often first at anthing!! However, I was the first to post here!! That was nice as were all the therapires I had and I’m still having.
I’m a wee bit puzzled about the MLD thing as after my second mastectomy I was referred to twp physiotherapists who were specially trained in this and I can confirm that it is a very gentle procedure designed to ease the collection of fluid. I found it very effective and also found it very pleasant. I was ever so grateful that I was dealt with so well.
AND Judy you can do your stuff with me anytime you want. I’m up for anything that might help!! I’m only kidding, I know that you have concerns over the absence of contact buttons and stuff.
Take care both and thanks for the intersting posts.
Morning Willy Consider it done - your name have been added to the list. I don’t know how much you know about Reiki but when the old archives are accessible, under the Treatment and Reconstruction forum way way back there was a thread entitled ANYONE FOR REIKI which gave a rough explanation of it.
Re the MLD, the nurse was saying that that was the only massage she considered allowable, because of its feathery touch and was in fact strongly advocating it every day. I think it was the deeper massage she was more concerned about.
I think I’ve answered all your post but as I can’t see it whilst typing this (and if I press the back button to see it, all this message will be erased) I’ll just shut up and wish you a bonny day!
Love Judy xxx
Kathelinor re Reiki Hi Judy
I have been referred to my local Hospice day centre, where complimentary theraphies are available, inculding Reiki. I would be grateful if you could explain what Reiki is. Excuse my ignorance!!!
I did Yoga, inculding relaxation and breathing, up to very recently, but I can no longer make the classes, what with chemo and Radiotherapy.
I have considered acupunture and massage, but not whilst on treatment.
I suffer from extreme mood swings from complete euporia to utter depression. I am on sleeping tablets but would rather not take them, and I refuse to take anti-depressants.
I am keen to find theraphies to help me.
Hi Dorothy I’m hoping I’m going to strike lucky this third time and not lose everything I’ve just written. Thanks for your post and I’ll going to copy the information about Reiki that I have on the leaflet I distribute.
Bit long, so sit comfortably.
Reiki, pronounced “Ray-Key, is a Japanese word derived from REI – universal or spiritual wisdom and KI – the life force energy that flows through every living thing, also known as CHI in China and PRANA in India. Reiki can therefore be defined as UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE ENERGY.
Reiki originated in Ancient Tibet 2500 years ago and was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui,
following a quest for the source of the healing power of Jesus and Buddha. After discovering Sanscrit texts of ancient Buddhist teachings he received empowerment and found he was able to heal others without depleting himself. He taught and passed the gift of Reiki to others; this healing tradition, teaching and empowerment continues to be passed from Master to student and is the basis of Reiki to this day.
is reiki a faith system?
Reiki does not depend on belief but complements any existing faith a person may have.
Reiki works by the healing energy from the universal source being channelled through the practitioner’s hands into the recipient. The practitioner does not direct the energy, but the recipient draws it to where it is most needed to balance and boost the body’s natural healing system, re-energising cells which may have been functioning at a low vibratory level. It can, perhaps, be likened to the use of ‘jump leads’ from a charged battery to a flat one to start it working again. Research in the USA measured the flow of energy in the bodies of Reiki practitioners and found that Reiki energy enters through their heads and exits through the palms of their hands.
The recipient remains fully clothed, usually lying on a treatment couch, covered with a blanket while the practitioner lays his/her hands on specific energy centres of the body from head to toe, holding each position for a few minutes. A full treatment lasts for about an hour and the recipient may experience a gentle tingling or be aware of heat or cold in certain areas, or of energy surging through the body. It can be a catalyst for emotional release or personal problem-solving, but the effects are very individual for each person; people usually become very relaxed and are aware of feelings of calm and well-being.
It is truly holistic, very gentle but powerful and very safe; the whole body is treated so that the energy goes to the source of the imbalance and not just to the manifesting symptoms.
Reiki is helpful for many conditions, including both acute and chronic disorders, and for all ages including children. It is particularly beneficial in stress-related disorders, and is becoming increasingly accepted in hospitals and hospices as an adjunct to orthodox and alternative medical practices. Hospital staff are realising the advantages to their patients and to themselves, of becoming Reiki trained, for Reiki energises the healer as well as the recipient by raising his/her own vibrational level.
Reiki is a great tonic – if you are well it will help you stay that way!!
Reiki has been found to be beneficial, not just to animals, birds and fish, but also to plants.
Reiki can also be sent from a distance, transcending time and space. All I need is the name and town of the person asking for healing to be sent. The recipient may or may not be aware of anything happening - just trust the healing will be directed to where it’s most needed first, on a mental, emotional, spiritual or physical level.
Dorothy, should you or indeed anyone else wish me to send them healing regularly, please contact me via my email address on my profile. I do hope it will help in some way.
With love and healing
Judy xxx
Thank you, Judy You have certainly covered the topic well. in yoga I found the relaxation and breathing very benificial, so I think this would help. it seems a natural progession. I will see what they are offering at the centre and then probably contact you in the new year.
xxxx Dorothy
spiritual healing I’ve been having spiritual healing all the way through my treatment, now thankfully all over.
It is offered, for a donation at my spiritualist church (and at a community church in my area).
The healers are registered with the National Federation of Spiritual Healers and I have found a lot of relief from the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
The healers really are earth angels, selflessly giving up their free time to help others. It has been argued that it is the same as Reiki, the universal energy is channelled by the healers. No visit was the same, the healers ‘tune’ into what needs treating and seem able to spot exactly what needed to be done. Somtimes it was ‘hands on healing’ other times they balanced energies in my aura without me being aware of what they were doing (flat out on couch!!).
As with Reiki, no religious belief is necessary.
I just felt that it was something I could for myself, rather that just relying on the medics to get me sorted and I am hoping to get back to work in the New Year.
Off for an invigorating swim now…it’s going to be a great Christmas
Hi Libra Any hands-on healing is wonderully relaxing and helpful I find. Within my circle of healing friends, some do spiritual healing, having trained through the NFSH, but I have read of a few Reiki therapists who used to be spiritual healers through the NFSH and they say that the energy which they now channel under the name of Reiki feels different.
Even amongst the Reiki community there are diverse energies being channelled, such as Seichim which is said to be the healing energy used in ancient Egypt. This, apparently, is not such a gentle energy as Reiki.
However, regardless of all that, I am sure all healing comes from God, the Divine Source, or whatever one wishes to call the Supreme Being.
You’re absolutely right that no two sessions are the same. On Tuesday night I shared Reiki with two of my Reiki students and the atmosphere was heavy with peace, you could have cut it with a knife. Each of us dozed off on the couch and was quite spaced out afterwards. Last night though, giving someone else a session, the atmosphere seemed almost clinical and as soon as I told the lad I’d finished, he was straight up, off the couch and lighting up a fag!!
Hope you enjoyed your swim and a very blessed and peaceful Christmas.
With love and healing
Judy xxx