Talk Together, 12.30 - 13.30 daily, Monday to Friday

Hi everyone

Was going to say morning, but just seen the time!!

For any of you that are chating on line this morning, there is a private area via our Live Chat for anyone to meet up and chat privately.  This is a non-moderated or facilitated area for you to use to chat about what ever you wish, but knowing that it cannot be seen by anyone who is not actually registered and using the service.  No one who is not actually in the ‘room’ with you can see what is said.  We are hoping that this will provide the privacy you have all been asking for over time.

As this is a new service it is yet to become busy and you may pop in to find you are the only one in the room.  In order for you to have someone to talk to, why not arrange to meet a forum friend there?

Any feedback or suggestions as always are very welcome and listened to.

Best wishes


Forum Coordinator