Tamoxifen and bleeding

Thanks Lily, saw GP yesterday and was examined and had smear. Got a call this morning that I had been urgently referred for scan which I’m having tomorrow, also meant to be seen in Oncology tomorrow. To say I’m scared is an understatement now :frowning: Will let you know how I get on X.

cyber hugs until I see you to give you the real one.

I was 38 three days after my first chemo. My periods continued throughout treatment ( definitely not post menopausal as I had eggs harvested before I started chemo) although they told me that the chemo might put me through a menopause. They said the same when I started Tamoxifen but my periods continued. They only finally stopped in 2007 when I was fitted with a mirena coil. No periods from then until last Feb when I started bleeding again. Ended up seeing a gynaecologist and she found my womb lining 3 times the normal
thickness (due to Tamoxifen). At this point I had been on it for 4.5 years. Had a multi op to remove polyp from my uterus, cyst from my left ovary and clear out the womb lining. All the tests came back clear and she fitted a new coil. I then finished Tamoxifen at the end of Sept and found that my body became very hormonal again, moodiness and period pains and felt like body was trying to start periods again. I wish I was still on Tamoxifen…lol…don’t get many posts on here saying that! Not sure what the plan is for me now but was DX with a recurrence in my reconstructed breast in Dec ( lump that was biopsied I found much earlier In the year so it wasn’t my withdrawal from Tamoxifen that started it back off). Until I have had my MX and all the tissue is tested I remain in the dark about my treatment this time. Am sad as I was considering trying for a baby this summer after giving my body enough time to get over the Tamoxifen invasion).

Twinky x

I’m 46 and have been on tamoxifen for over a year. My periods stopped after my second chemo but returned again in August - light at first so I wasn’t worried.
However, in December I had a much heavier one, then 3 weeks later another one. I mentioned this on my routine follow up appointment and have been referred to see a gynaecologist- (not got the appointment through yet). 2 weeks after my last period finished I have started again and this time it is really heavy. I can’t keep up with the amount of blood coming out. Clearly something is not right- I am going to make an appointment at my GP to see if they can speed up the referral, but I’m really worried. I couldn’t take the kids swimming this morning for fear of turning the swimming pool red!

Hi - Reassuring to read all the posts! I decided to come off Tamoxifen last Sept. after 3 years. I’m 53 was peri-menopausal pre-treatment, then had just 2 periods 11 months apart after surgery, last one in 2010, so effectively menopausal now. Was surprised to be bleeding this morning and felt daft going to the doctor for what appears to be just a period (although I’ve had no pain). Have had a routine urgent referral for a scan and shall be happy if its just a one-off (please!).

Just wondering if it is normal for your periods to return after only 3 weeks of stopping Tamoxifen.
I was 44 when diagnosed and my periods stopped completely after my 1st round of Chemo.That was almost 2yrs ago now.Came off Tamoxifen last year for a months break and my periods didn’t come back.
I am due surgery next Wednesday and was told to stop taking the Tamoxifen 3wks ago, but I started my period this morning.Is this normal and has it happened to anyone else?
Francesca xxx

Hi all, LP here. i am 14 months post DX and have been on Tamx for 13 months, i have not had a period since just before starting it. On Weds this week out of the blue i was bleeding, it has got heavier over time. I phoned Dr for advice & she wasn’t sure whether i should be having periods or not.I then called bcn & she told me it is normal to have bleeding, but when i told her i have pain very low down & also in my coccyx.
The Dr seems to think they might want to check the lining of my womb, i know i have a fibroid but my smear end of last year was clear.
I am so worried it may be cancer again as it seemed to be contained in my spine.
ANY ADVICE PLEASE from more brave ladies.I see my Oncologist on Weds 28th March.Sending much love x x

Don’t panic Captain Mannering…

Tamoxifen causes thickening of the womb and also messes up smear test results. Whilst it can cause cancer in long term use, they generally restrict our use of it to a max of 5 years to reduce this threat. I had sudden bleeding early last year. Turned out I had started (after 4 years) to react to the tamoxifen & had a womb lining 3x normal thickness & a polyp on my cervix. I also had a cyst on my left ovary but had one of those previous before I started chemo of tamoxifen ( they found one when I had eggs collected). Anyway, had an op to remove polyp, cyst & reduce womb thickening. All test results came back clear so try not to worry about sudden bleeding! I saw a gynaecologist privately & she worked closely with my oncologist & surgeon so she knew what she was dealing with & I have full confidence with her so am reassured by her findings.

Hope this helps you if you’re worried

Twinky x

Hi, Twinky, I wish I had an oncologist who could be a bit reassuring! Just wondering if anyone has been told that bleeding after menopause is “normal” or “just one of those things?” I’ve been waiting for someone to tell me this, but nothing so far. I was dx at just over 40, chemo, surgery, radiotherapy, and have just passed my 3-year mark on Tamoxifen (now 44). Had all the hormone tests in August 2011 to test my fertility levels, and oncologist said I am post-menopausal (“ovaries have shut down”). So, hard decisions, move on with my life, no kids ever, etc. Hadn’t had a period since Dec. 2010, then, suddenly, bleeding in Feb. 2012, and now again yesterday. My recent smear test was fine. Had a ultrasound scan few weeks ago - shows nothing unusual. But everyone is treating this very seriously, and I would just like to know if this happens sometimes. Can I still have my period if I am menopausal? Or am I not menopausal and did the oncologist get it wrong? very very confused - and fed up. I thought I was done with all this, now it seems I’m back on the treadmill. Anyway, this is my first posting (hopefully not my last!) - I am struggling to find women my age to discuss this with (not 30 and still considering fertility treatment and how I might do this, and not 55-60 and have perhaps come to terms with menopause/gotten through it). Any other 40 somethings out there who have had similar experiences?

Hi Zabby,

I’m 42, also was diagnosed just past 40 and had masectomy, chemo and rads and am now on tamoxifen. My periods stopped for about a year and then came back with a couple of very very heavy bleeds. They are now all over the place: 2 week cycle and 9 week cycle, sometimes light, sometimes normal. When I had the first period I had some hormonal tests done that showed I wasn’t properly in menopause, but my oncologist was very dismissive of these: he said all it showed was what was happening at that point and when you’re on tamoxifen one minute you could be classified as menopausal and the next, not. I have to say I was pretty fed up as I actually felt a lot better when I wasn’t having periods and was fine with the whole menopausal thing (but then I’m weird as I’d been looking forward to it for years as I get menstrual migraines!!). I hope this helps.


Hi, Susan, thanks for that, really nice to hear from someone who has been through it, too - it’s just good to know I’m not the only one out there in this inbetween stage. I thought “post-menopausal” meant that I’m done, and no one told me the hormone level tests could be inconclusive, so I just assumed… It feels just like periods to me (what I can remember of them!), but of course on Tamoxifen, you worry about the side effects, and abnormal bleeding, like endometrial cancer. I have to say, I feel fine (just normal period crabby, mood swings, tired, etc) and don’t even have the cramps I used to get. Well, I have an appointment with a gyn tomorrow to get the confirmation on the results of the ultrasound scan from a few weeks ago, so I can ask her some questions. I will be seriously angry if I am not menopausal now, and the oncologist hadn’t indicated that it could change from time to time - grrr… I cancelled an appointment with the fertility clinic because of the devastating menopause news (I wasn’t referred to a clinic when I was dx - guess they thought I was too old already at 40).

Sorry to hear about your migraines (I’ve had them - nasty, 6 hour things, nausea, etc, but never to do with periods). Wasn’t it nice finally not having periods anymore??? Now to just deal with the sleeplessness and weight gain… I hope things get better for you. I can resign myself to having periods again every whenever, but I’d just like to know conclusively that I am okay. I have 2 more years on Tamoxifen, then who knows what will happen?

Hi Zabby,

All the information I had when i was first diagnosed was well this will turn you menopausal, so I hadn’t really bargained on not being! Before my periods came back I had occasional spotting and ended up having an ultrasound and D&C, which showed I had ovarian cysts but everything else was ok.

I really hope you get some answers today and you can put your mind at rest.
