sorry to have to write that last word - it makes me cringe ! Am pre menopausal and on tamox since September -periods have been a bit vague and light (they used to be very regular and normal-not heavy or light) and in between there is just discharge- nothing nasty, just clear/white, but a bit annoying as I’m getting through a few pant liners each day - is this happening to others ? No other SEs - maybe the odd hot moment but fine and dandy otherwise.
Yes! I similarly cringe, but I do get the same on tamoxifen-but no periods since chemotherapy. I have been wondering about it too, and like you my other SEs are not too bad.
My husband used to snigger at the signs to the Discharge Lounge in hospital when I went in for my surgery !! eeww… I didn’t have chemo, just rads so my periods have only been effected by tamoxifen.
And its not something that comes up easily in everyday conversation is it-so you never quite know what is normal anyway! I find with lots of things I mention at appointments to do with SEs or complications, I can feel a bit like I’m a bit of an odd one, but when I do say something to another woman in similar situation they say ‘Oh yeah, me too’!
Yep, me too! It’s ‘nice’ to know that I’m not alone haha! I have had periods since starting Tamoxifen though, and they have been awful, a lot heavier than they used to be. The joys we have to face!
Shenagh x
* cringe* same here re the panty liner situation… Periods carried on for 5-6 months and were increasingly heavy and gross, but now (almost 8 months since starting Tam) seem to have stopped completely.
hello Anna - was wondering how you are doing …how is your son ?
HI there,
I am good thanks! Been back at work since Feb and have moved house. My lad is almost back to “normal”, but still having physio every fortnight. He has just been signed off from the fracture clinic today and is now allowed to start doing PE again.
How are you !!!
I don’t come on here much any more…Are you on Facebook ?
Take care
Anna xx
I vaguely remember my Mum talking about a discharge when she was on Tamoxifen and she was in her 70s, so she definitely was not having periods. Just a side effect, I guess.
Ann x