Tamoxifen dosage

Hi Debbie, I think your right it’s best to be informed. I saw the nurse yesterday and she gave me some dressings and a gel which I’ve put on about 3 times now without much affect, she also said the side affects of rads peaks about 10 days after treatment. I’m a little concerned were supposed to be going to Leeds next Friday to visit our daughter, we’ve booked into a hotel so I’ll have my own space but I think the Xmas shopping may have to be re thought, shame as it was something I was really looking forward to. Still it’s not the end of the world if we have to cancel, better to be well for Xmas.
Only 2 rads to go.
Caz x

Hi Caz

Dry your skin with a hair dryer set on cool after you bathe. Use loads of cream when sore skin is still weeping then drown yourself in baby talc when it starts to heal as it helps to dry it out. People told me not to but this is what my grandmother did to heal her rad burns some 40 years ago ( they weren’t v good with rads timing and doseage then). If you use dressings, make sure they are not able to bunch up as this causes the skin to rub off. Go braless and layer your clothes. I think you will be fine to go to Leeds and shopping but don’t overdo it and don’t get too hot. Have a lovely time. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I wish I could say it won’t hurt and I hope it won’t but I was in quite a bit of pain. If you are smaller in the breast than me, you may be ok. I am about 38 C I think


I had DCIS and was recommended 20mg dosage, I think it seems to be standard.

Also, with regards to the Nolvadex D, I changed over two months ago and nearly all my side effects disappeared…

Linda x

Linda that is so good to hear. You have cheered me up tremendously. I have just taken my first Nolvadex this morning but have also left 10 days worth of cp pharmaceuticals Tamoxifen in case I have a reaction. Will keep you posted
