Tamoxifen- Is it why im not sleeping?

Hello all,

Really glad to have found this thread.
I’ve been on tamox. for one week now and so
far only have hot flushes, wake up sweating at
3 AM. Must buy lighter duvet asap. However,
this first week is also my PMT week and I am super
irritable, never sleep well this late in my cycle

Trying to think positive about the side effects.
I am/was in perimenopause and not sleeping well
already because of those hormonal changes, am
hoping that adding in the tamox doesn’t make things
much worse than they were/would have been anyway.

Anna x

Hi ladies
Really interested to read your posts.
Been on tamoxifen begining Oct 2010 and had regular hot flushes, aching joints and cramps from the outset as a consequence have not managed a full nights sleep for months. Wondered if this is all normal or has anyone had there medication regime changed due to these side effects?

thanks, would be gratfull for any advise you offer x

I have very naughtily stopped my tamoxifen for a few days ( 3 so far) and the tiredness is lifting. No idea if its psychological but i feel more like me…bit gutted really as it is not something i will do long term due to the risks but was too curious. My lovely ONC said that because of my age i may even be on it 10 years as the americans do…not a happy prospect.

My knees are aching more lately and by late afternoon i a bit limp and useless! Am i really only 33?! Exercise does help.

I too had mega itching but only on Generic tamoxifen.

This all sounds so familiar. My joints are very achey, particularly my knees and hips, and although my husband keeps urging me to take painfillers, it is really only when I stand up having been sitting for a little while that it really bothers me, so I am resisting. I am having a difficult time sleeping too, despite the fact that the hot flushes have settled down and no longer seem to wake me. I have been taking Tamoxifen for 5 months now and the thought of another 4 1/2 years is depressing.



Reading your post made me remember - I took a few days off the tamox and broke the cycle. I think the anxiousness caused by the drugs meant that when I woke in the night, it was even more difficult to get back to sleep. OBVIOUSLY not recommending it with talking to onc blah, blah, but a few days break worked for me.

HI all,
I have been on Tamoxifen for 21 months, and I feel my side effects are getting worse over time, my symptoms are : poor memory, bloated, cannot sleep only couple hours a night, miserable irritable and just
lately stomach ache, have just had abdomen ultrasound and the sonograper said it looks ok. I am scared stiff that the cancer is somewhere else, does anyone else get stomach probs with tamoxifen ?
Feel like coming off of it but too scared to .
take care all.
Libby xxx

I am getting stomach pains but felt it was IBS that i had years ago.Very similar and IBS tablets work.

My side effects are similar- bloated, memory loss, clumsy, tired- like waves of exhaustion and no good sleep.

Bit of a bummer to say the least. Otherwise i feel great and having lost 2st i look better too. Had all my shoulder length curls cut off today into a crop and i love it. The curls have gone!!! hoorah

No real answer or solution

Libby, I don’t get stomach pains, but there is another thread specifically about Tamoxifen and tummy pains
J x

I found that sleep patterns not good on either tamoxifen or exemestane but hey, if it keeps me alive, I can live with a bit less sleep