I was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2015 (age 33) and had a mastectomy (no reconstruction) I started on Tamoxifen in January 2016 (Such a long gap as I was pregnant when diagnosed) Anyway my first year on Tamoxifen was not too bad, struggled with ovarian cysts, irregular periods but since January this year I have been suffering with vertigo and nausea and permanently tired! Just wandering if anyone else has had these symptoms or developed any new side effects after being on Tamoxifen for a while. I know when nausea and vertigo is going to come on as it seems to be every four weeks so must be linked to some kind of cycle although no longer having periods. I am having regular visits to the doctors but they just say that they think it’s the Tamoxifen but because of my age they don’t know enough about the side effects. This is very frustrating as it doesn’t help. Don’t want to give up taking Tamoxifen but it is getting me down feeling rubbish all the time. Hoping if I find someone else out there that has any similar symptoms it will help!