Tamoxifen withdrawl symptoms

Is it just me? But I feel awful. Headaches, night sweats worse than ever, waking up drenched in sweat, mind won’t switch off, not sleeping, tired all the time, memory worse than ever and the aches and the pains in my legs are as bad as when I was in the middle of my chemo! Has anyone else suffered from Tamoxifen withdrawl? I’ve only been off it for over two weeks after being on it for only 18months. I’ve come off it early to try IVF. We were trying to get pregnant when I was diagnosed. We did try one round of IVF after my initial surgery and before my chemo, but we were unsuccessful … Met my husband late in life so my poor eggs were past it at 40 years of age. Don’t suppose the stress helped! My oncologist was not ecstatic about me stopping before two years but was happy to agree at 18 months as long as I went straight back on it if we were successful. I wouldn’t be able to Breast feed anyhow as I’ve had reconstruction on both breasts. My treatment from beginning to end has been fabulous and everyone at every hospital has been supportive and encouraging and just wonderfully positive … But once I was on tamoxifen and signed off by my consultant I seem to have been forgotten about. My oncologist had no interest in the horrible side effects of taking tamoxifen (night sweats, dizziness, weight gain, bloating, constant indigestion, bladder weakness, aches and pains, over emotional outbursts) im seeing her in a few days and am presuming she will have no interest in my withdrawl symptoms either. There doesn’t seem to be much documentation or discussion about Tamoxifen withdrawl and wondered if anyone else out there had suffered the same? X

Hi Red100 and welcome to the BCC forums, I am sorry to read that you are feeling this way. Along with the support.and shared experiences you will find here, our helpliners are on hand with practical and emotional support for you on 0808 800 6000

Lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays so please feel free to call and talk things through

Tale care
Lucy BCC

omg!i stopped taking it after 4yrs for a break as side effects were still getting me down and never got any better like i read they would on the forums…any way after a week i was having awful nitemares tearful felt sick…so i restarted now back to my aches pains…maybe i should of cut down to half then stopped slowly as my body and mind really played up.couldnt stand the dizzyness on stopping  either.x