Tamoxifin Buddies wanted!!!

hi all

I got some pills from the doctor which really help with the hot flushes but they make me feel really chilled out… too much so for my liking… not sure what to do…ive only been taking them for 4 days and was wondering if anyone else has been taking antidepressents for the hot flushes and if the ‘spaced out’ feeling goes.

hello and welcome to any new comers to the thread.

hope everyones ok
Sally xxx

Hi all, i,ve been on tamoxifen for 3 1/2 years now,put on about a stone at begining but have now lost it again, have had terrible night sweats and hot flushes and been on veniflexin for a year which have helped with these, so much so that i carn,t go a day without it as they come back with vengance,got to stay on it for at least another year,will be off tamoxifen in 18mths which carn,t come fast enough,Doc,s dont tell ya all the side effects do they,
best wishes to all
Lorna xxxx

Hi Sally, like the sound of them pills (lol) - give it a bit longer, the spaced out feeling should settle down hopefully and what a joy to be rid of the hot flushes ! Bye 4 now xDebbiex

I have been on Tamoxifen since June 2009 and have aching joints - especially ankles and fingers, nausea (still) and tiredness. I have also had a rash appear (bubbly skin) around my mouth and nose area for about 5 weeks now.

I had my first 6 month check last week and the doctor said that it is Tamoxifen but likes that I blame my new job and my GP is giving me hydrocortisone cream 1.0% and a nightly pill.

I wondered if anyone could advise me further as I would like to get off the cream and tablet.

I also have psoriasis and It has got worse and the docs dont worry about it.

Thanks to all and dont worry too much about the Tamoxifen as we all seem to be different and have different symptoms - I no longer have flushes and my brain is a bit more turned on now so I think there is a break through moment for us after 3 months. I feel so much better now I know what I am left with and work to find solutions.


Hi all

Lorna, youre on the same pills as me, did you get the ‘spaced out’ feeling when you first started to take them, and if so how long did they last, must say they have more or less stopped the flushes though.

Hi Debbie, must say your looking fab there and lovely to hear from you again

take care all Sally xxxx

Hi Kittencat
Great to hear from you. Sincerely hope you are doing well. XXX Yes we are now 12 months on. Amazing how time flies.
I am sitting here now with a back ache from hell. Have been doing aqua fit and that seems to help a lot.
I know its not Tamoxifen and Your right it could be the results of Arimidex but I suspect its more likely to be because I have been walking to and from work in the recent snows (approx 6 miles a day) so not much really wrong with me eh!!! Still - after arimidex I am a bit fed up of having pain!
Now 10 days into tamoxifen and apart from this stupid back ache I feel fine.
It’s always very difficult with these meds to know what might happen cos everyone experiences them differently, but I guess the good news is that there is a choice and we do get to try other meds. Not much fun, but at least its there for us.
Well Monday calls - role on retirement, cos let me tell you, thats what I intend to do and I also aim to achieve my lifes abition to live till I am 100 and get shot by a jealous wife!!! lol XXXX to all.

hi sally - is it venlafexine (efexor and other names)?? if so it goes after a few days of noticing - I found - or it can make you a bit anxious to start with…mary x

Hi all of you. I am new to this site but not to Tamoxifen although I was taking Nolvadex D which I have just found out today is to be discontinued.It was whilst doing some internet searching that I found this site. I started my tamoxifen in January 2008 after lumpectomy and node clearance, chemo and radiotherapy. I had horrible side effects and after some research found out that Nolvadex has side effects which are a bit more manageable. I could feel a difference in about a week so was pleased to be prescribed an alternative. Even so there were still the painful joints - I thought when I was reading some of the posts that I had actually written them - the feet not working in the morning and walking down the stairs like a 90 year old etc etc.Oh, and those hot flushes - duvet on, duvet off and husband shivering in sub zero bedroom. I hadn’t realised that the light headedness and a feeling of “not being there” were also side effects. Anyway, I rang the chemist as I thought they had delivered the wrong medication and had a discussion with the pharmacist - I think it all boils down to costs as Nolvadex is dearer. He said I could try ringing round various other chemists to track down any supplies. I think I’ll give the Tamoxifen a go - ha ha - what’s the alternative. Pharmacist said if I couldn’t get away with the generic Tamoxifen he would let me have other brands to try to see if I could cope with them.

Sally i have been taking the same tablets for about a week. not had the spaced out feeling but am constipated! must say the hot flushes have nearly gone, just got a bit warm in bed this morning. Well worth a try!!!

Luv Pauline xxx

Interesting pauline - been taking 2 weeks and at first the violent opposite of constipation! Settled down now - but still far from constipated. Just shows - as so many say it affects us all so differently.
Hope everyone is managing - we have to don’t we?
Love C

Hi Everyone, I have been on tamoxifen for six months now and find that I have alot of aches and pains especially in the morning. I hoped this would lessen with time but it is getting worse. It is really getting me down. I have a day when i try to be active and walk, do things in the house etc but the next day I really suffer with pain in my joints which is disabling. Anyone who has been on tamoxifen for over a year had these problems and if so how do they manage them ?

Rachy xx

Also has anyone had problems with their skin ? I used to gfet really bad acne until I was in my thirties, it seems to have returned but in an embaressing place. My skin is very itchy. i am seeing my BCN next week and will discuss all this with her.

R xx

Hi all

Thanks everyone for our aadvice. im still taking the pills as the hot flushes are more or less non exsistant now just a very slight warm feeling… still not totally happy with the way they are making me feel but will give it another week or so… I must sound like a right moan , lol i moaned about hot flushes so was given pills to help with them and now im moaning again, is there no pleasing me LOL.

Hope everyones ok
Love Sally xxx

Hows all my tamoxifen buddies this week?
I need to find out if i now need to stop the anti deppresants befor i have an oopherectomy. bloody typical, just got hot sweats under control and might have to put up with them again, bet they come back with avengance and bite me on the bum!!!

Luv Pauline xxx

Hi Pauline - been reading the CP threads - sounds like you all had a ball - good on ya! Is the oopherectomy a “just in case” op or has something shown up ? I had a scare last week with another suspicious lump but had it checked out and its all ok - just deep scar tissue (phew) I know you’ve got an horrendous couple of weeks approaching with tests and results and I am thinking of you. I didnt realise the anti depressants control the hot sweats - might look into that if mine increase any more - just about bearable at the mo. Keep that positive head on girl, lots of love xDebbiex

Been on Tamoxifin for 5 months and the tears have started. Normal?

Hi,everybody Debbie your hair looks nice did you had haircut yet?i wonder if someone had hair colour yet?Chris nice to hear from you …Pauline you seems to enjoy that party …why will you have ovarys out?i am still doing ok with Tamoxifen,i am on now 3 months 1st feb will be NO4…all my best wishes to you ladies…Christina

Hi everybody

well ive settled down on the antidepressants now and have got used to the ‘funny’ feeling LOL…Its really helped with the hot flushes and actually have had lots of good nights sleep for a change and would recomend them to anyone who are having horrible flushes.

Glad you all had a good time at CP. I cant find the thread Pauline, can you help !

Wilson52 its very normal to feel tearful on Tamoxifen as it mucks up our horemones, I even cry at adverts on the tv sometimes.

I had my hair cut about a month ago and its growing great guns now and have actually got a style to it all be it short and still very grey…

Rachey7 … my skins been ok but i must say i had some horrible spots on my inner thigh right at the top on the knicker line just after i started taking Tamox but ive been ok since but they were really horrible ans quiet painful.

Oh and yes Pauline ive been bunged up since taking the antidepressants too so its back to eating prunes just like on the chemo LOL… nevermind.

Oh and im now 24 days without the cigs… no patches or anything yeHa

Hope everyone else is fine
Love Sally xx