Tamoxifin Buddies wanted!!!

Day two in the Tamoxifin house!!

So I took my tablet last thing at night with a cup of tea!!! hope thats O.K. But I had a really good nights sleep and only woke up once BUT that was with a burning hot sweat,even my arms were hot. Is this the norn? Big brother said to much meat is bad for you so I’ve cut it out completley. I’ll try anything to stop the bu… returning

Interesting about the ladycare magnet. I tried magnet therapy for arthiritis a few years back but didnt really get much benefit. Might try taping that magnet to my abdomen and see if that helps with mood swings lol. Well a magnet is a magnet isnt it?

Been on Tam for a week now and the main change I have noticed is nasty mood swings the first few days (like PMT). Got a headache today but started antibiotic course 2 days ago for slight infection in my SNB scar so could be that.

Been on Tamoxifen for 3 months and have had headaches (now gone), weight gain, aching joints, fluid retention (on tabs) nausea (on valoids) night sweats, hot flush and fuzzy brain.

There was a turning point recently when I suddenly “woke up” like something lifted and now have more energy and my weight is coming down slowly - still a struggle.

I think that I just learned how to manage the symptoms that I had and my doc was great. I know now what to expect so work within that range.

It is nice to have buddies who understand exactly what your saying and dealing with.

Thank you buds x

Hi Buddies,
Veggie, very interested in this magnet.Where/how ect I’ve never seen anything on those magnetic bracelet stalls that you find at events.

Today is my Day10 on tamoxfin,and another night of crap sleep.Had bad news y/day so that hasn’t helped my mood ,even lower than I have been… Been wandering around the house saying “why me!” Sorry feeling very sorry for myself today:( I’ve had chemo, masectomy with reconstuction and just got my dates through for Radiotherapy and they fall when I should be going on a family trip to Oz!! So yup everyone is going except me…so yes I am feeling sorry for myself but normally I would pull myself out of and put a positive note here.But sorry not today, just feel that its never going to be finished!!
Is this the feelings for next 5 yrs???

Hi all,

Jenhar, just google Ladycare and you’ll get the website. There is a thread on here somewhere about it as well.

Sorry you’re feeling low, I felt like that recently and put it down to the tamoxifen, I was worried enough to ring my BCN and we chatted and I think the problem was everything was catching up with me (I’m over 2 years past diagnosis) yes the treatment does seem endless sometimes doesn’t it? Hopefully the SE’s will settle and lessen for you soon.

Can they delay your rads so you can go on the holiday?

A big hug for you and for all my fellow Tam buds!


Hi Jenhar,I dont see why they can’t delay the Rads for you. But I’m no expert. Keep writting it always helps to share and we all understand what you are feeling.

hi there everyone

its such a shame a lot of you are having difficulties on t amoxifen, i too have side effects, but think i will stick with it, cos what is the option? i think worse than any side effects.

i have stiff joints, infact cant bend thumb at all in the night, and it really hurts, come down the stairs like an old lady as well. mega hot flushes and sweats, low moods at times, but at least im living to tell the tale.

hope things imrove for you all, maybe there will soon be another breakthrough in treatment, with less side effects. that would be so good. take care x

Hi everyone,

I’ve not been on the site for ages but decided to check out information on Tamoxifen as I’ve been taking it for a couple of months now. I also have day and night flushes although chemo has brought on an early menopause so that doesn’t help!! However, reading through the comments about SE has made me give the biggest sigh of relief ever. I have had awful shoulder and arm pain, especially at night and in the mornings as well as hobbling to the loo in the night like a 90 year old lady. Stairs also need to be negotiated before attempting!! I didn’t realise that this joint pain was a side effect of T and I started worrying about bone cancer and having lots of other morbid thoughts. I feel a lot happier now that it is probably just something that needs to be lived with

Did anyone read the article in the paper last week about Tamoxifen possibly causing aggressive secondary cancers? This is also worrying me at the minute too.

the article was referring to a reserach trial on people who had taken Tamoxifen for over 5 years and relates to about 1000 in the UK. Google the whole article and read it all as I think it will put your mind at rest that it is not applicable to most people being treated.
Jenhar have you asked if it would be possible to delay your rads. You are already on Tamoxifen and they may say that is enough to protect you. You could have planning and start on your return or do the whole lot afterwards. If the machine broke or when there is a bank holiday they tell you to come back later. I had mine over xmas and new year so it was all broken up and they said they take all that into account.
Lily x

Can I put in an advance request to join the tamoxifen buddies?

I’ve just finished rads today (yay) and picked up my APS pack from the hospital pharmacy yesterday (prescription was written in July, but onc didn’t want me to start taking until after rads finish). I’m planning to start taking them in October - and am braced for the worst but hoping for the best.

hi Mary ! do join - and glad the rads are all done too xx

Hiya Mary,come on in babe.

Day three in the Tamoxifen House

I’ve woken up with a headache today,apart from that I’m OK
Hope I’m not counting my chickens!

Hi Ladies,

Can I join?? I started taking tax in july. However it doesn’t seem to be working as still having periods and very nasty ones too!!!. Had no menopausal symptoms at all and think I am going to need the extra jab to get it sorted out. Phoned for an appointment with my onc yesterday so hope to hear soon. Am worried as going back to work soon and not sure how I will cope with whatever they are going to give me extra!!!


Hi everyone

I am new, this is my first post, I have been on tamoxifen for 5 weeks and stopped for a week and started again because my family made me feel so bad, i have insomnia badly, side effects include headaches, joint pain, i have ostearthiritis as well. My doctor looked up the SE and said deppression is not on the list, or insomnia he priscribed sleeping pills( false kinda sleep) i will start radiation 22nd of sept( well planning anyway) how long between planning and start? anyone know? I am terrified if i feel depressed now what happens when radiation starts.I am pissed off at the moment as everbody who supported me through two lumpectomy and LN ops have left the party and like i been cured left on my own.I am not enjoying treatment at all. people say its just hitting me and thats why i am depressed, any advice, as when i complain all i get told is at least youre not in chemo.

Hi Vicky, I seem to be in same boat as you… started tamoxifen April 1st and have had no side effects whatsoever. Can’t win can we, we don’t want the side effects but then worry when we don’t get them does that mean it’s not working ! Arrgggghhhhh !
I hadn’t had a period for 4 years as had a mirena coil but was advised to have that removed and now have the yukky periods back, hormonal hell in my body at the mo lol.

My onc has advised against zoladex and associated side effects and says tamoxifen will do the job of blocking the oestrogen, she says I might just be one of the “lucky” women who don’t suffer badly with menopausal symptoms or they could all kick in later…who knows…oh the joys the joys…

Sandra x

Shenay, sorry your are feeling so low(Iknow the feeling!!)I’m putting it down tonot being able to get a goodnight sleeps without havin SE as well,that I can’t seem to see anything positive. I think also its because we are in the "limbo! stage waiting for Rads and don’t know what to expect.With all we have been through chemo/ops ect its another treatment, stage,and we don’t know what/how we are going to feel.Its like this is my 7th week since my op and no needles have been stuck in me , my 3rd week with no appointments…my calendar is quite empty!! my sense of what has been normality is in disarry!! Have you spoken to your BCN?
And yup! I had another night of staring at the ceiling so tonight is sleeping tab as I’m getting to be a real grouch!!! (really!!)
Regards to the dates of my Rads it was the 1st thing I asked and was told NO!! As I was still “high risk”!! but we have a plan,Hubby is going to try an take me out in April/May : ) so I have something to look forward too and it will just be us two,no family :0)!!


I know - you feel like you are missing something - not that I want SE’s but even my occy health said I should be getting SE!!! and she doesn’t even work in oncology.

My onc did say that there is a study at Chrisities where if you still having periods on tax they could offer rads on your ovaries!!! I think I might take a look at this. Would still need tax but at least periods would stop. I have had them throughout chemo and rads - thought I would at least get rid of them.


Does it matter what time u take tax, a lady i met at hydro said it has given her a bladder problems. I will be starting radiation sep 22 and some suggested putting a silk scarf inside my bra after radiation sessions each day, i still dont have cream any suggestions, i also heard i can claim fares back from the hospital, i am on ESA benefit, can anyone advise plse as i have to travel 10 miles by train everday.Thank you Jennar for your quick reply

I do get panicked by the posts talking about side effects ! I really,really hope I don’t get them.
I have made my anxieties very clear to my bcn and she has obviously spoken to onc and surgeon so I guess they wouldn’t recommend my trying it if it wasn’t neccessary (have been looking at the new thread on saying no to hormone therapy) - I guess I have to trust their advice - the benefit I will have is small though- I think I’m just having a wobble about my decision to go for it.