Tattoo removal

Good news!!!

Thanks ladies. Yes I am so pleased. Funnily enough it didn’t put a big smile on my face. I was so relieved I burst into tears and launched myself at the lady who told me for a big hug and couldn’t stop saying thank you. It wasn’t quite the reaction I thought I would have. Think it was bothering me more than I even realised. I have been getting to sleep better since too. Xx

Radiologist at southampton said it would be tiny it wasnt i have big ugly amateur pencil mark tatoo in very top of clevage and after five hrs of reconstructive surgery with great result i dont think its vain to want rid of this but where local laser tatoo removal wont do hospital patients

Anything available in very south of uk hospital treat you like youre petty and tatoo lazer removal company wont help me i have permanent amateur pencil mark in top of clevage so it looks stupid and obvious

Ask your consultant. I didn’t think it was possible but it is at Worthing hospital so maybe if you keep asking every medical professional you come into contact with and explain why and tell them how upset you are they might do it. I am waiting for my appointment to be signed off from radio. Good luck xxx

Heads up for anyone in West Sussex who wants laser tattoo removal.
Brian at rebel laser tattoo removal and body piercing (inside Needle and fred tattoo parlor) will remove radiotherapy tattoos for free!

This is my review I left for him…
Came in today to ask about a very sensitive tattoo removal. 3 little dots from radiotherapy for breast cancer. Brain could work out from looking at them how they were done and treated them straight away. Even better too he was so understanding of how these awful dots made me feel that he is treating them for free. So nice to find someone so understanding and compassionate. Thank you so so much Brian you probably don’t realise how much this means to me. I will be telling everyone I know how great you are!

Hiya. Basically the laser breaks down the ink which is reabsorbed. It does sting a tiny bit like when fat spits onto your hand when you are cooking. That means it’s working though.
When Brain looked at mine I had a problem in the fact that mine were very deep and had what they call in the business a blow out. They went too deep and the ink had spread out like a droplet of oil in a puddle. Because of this I will have to go back in 2 months time to have it done again. It all depends on how deep your ones are. Had my tats done at Brighton and they used blue ink. Different inks need different colour lasers to break down the ink e.g. black uses a white laser, red a green laser.
Best of you want it done to go along and explain to the person and show them the dots, or in my case big splodges. Then they can tell you more.
He said once lasered they will go red around them and slightly raise like a insect bite. That means your bodys immunes system has recognised it as a foreign body and it dissolves.
Hope that helps. Any more questions I will try and answer best I can. Either that or I may be able to message Brian and ask him.

You’re welcome HB2. Definitely the best think for me. I am so happy!

Evening all:) I finished my rads on 9/8 and have healed beautifully. I now have an appt at Modern Body Art in Birmingham on Fri 16/9 for advice re laser removal. I’ve spoken to a very nice person there today who sad to go in, have a chat and see what’s what. I’m cautiously optimistic that these horrid tattoos can be removed. I’ll let you know:)

I’m now the owner of 2 red circles over my blue/black tattoos after laser treatment yesterday! It’ll take up to 6 weeks to know if they disappear or whether I need a second zap - I’ll let you know:)


Nice to know it is working for you ladies! I need to have lypo remodeling of my recon done 12th October so it may set my laser treatment back a little. Need to double check with surgeon and laser removal person.